cost of the 2012 Olympics

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cost of the 2012 Olympics

Post by warby221 »

Welcome to rip off Briton again
Yet another example of the few screwing over the many

Well looks like the poor old Joe public is being stuck with the near full bill for 2012 Olympics
9.3bn over double the original estimate
With less than 165m coming from the privet sector who will stand to make the most out of the event ... 792641.ece

All to give a few very rich people a good profit

The last games in America cost the people there nothing as it was all paid for in sponsorship
The only outlay was to the infrastructure such as roads and transport

it seems to me that just about everything in this country is setup to extract as much money from people as possible and that starts with the government (and not just the one we have now) right the way down the food chain

God I hate what the few arseholes are doing to this country the so called top tear of society
They have absolutely no loyalty to the country or people and just take

Rant over
its big----- its red ------its throbbing and it’s a thousand CC
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Re: cost of the 2012 Olympics

Post by benny hedges »

and what is annoying in contrast - take manchester council for example....
they were told to make savings of 140 million so are finishing over 1000 staff.
140 million is an absolute pittance compared to what gets squandered each year, handed out to europe, given away in aid to countries richer than us, plus all the hair brained schemes we all pay for.

the olympics should never have been held here.
i hope it shows the world what a 3rd world poverty stricken up-it's-own-butt country this is.
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Re: cost of the 2012 Olympics

Post by Twinpotter »

Agreed Gents. Whatever the final costs, the costs to the brand are huge - they've ruined its prestige. The Olympics have lost any semblance of the spirit in which the games were first conceived and have become nothing more than a perfect example of commodification of the people and financial gain. Not only are these games a national disgrace but typical of the times, a financial scandal. The ticket business is beyond belief. And let's not forget of course the perfectly apt logo - costly, broken and fragmented.

The punchline is that the taxpayer has no choice in contributing to the business franchise (and likely liability for a £40m loan to pay for West Ham's move) in which only the select few make massive profits. A perfect example of the profligacy of the 2012 bunch (and surely a candidate for a Gold Medal for Waste) has to go to the paying of £20,000 to a firm that tells them where to put desks in their offices! It isn't difficult to find out what taxpayers are paying for but it is difficult to see what they'll do about it. And woe to those who print unofficial merchandise to help pay for the tax.

The best seats during the olympics will be those doing miles per hour on (hopefully) empty roads.. :thumbup:
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Re: cost of the 2012 Olympics

Post by marlbororman »

our company, stagecoach, is sending 30 drivers from each depot in the country , to ferry everyone about (atheletes and media), and drivers on 150 quid a day so gawd knows wot stagecoach getting out of it.
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