
General Biker Banter
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Post by agentpineapple »

I know this will piss off some of the cyclists amongst us, but this guy sums up cyclist for me.............. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: cyclists

Post by freeridenick »

Sums up people who I don't want to be associated with - I ride (cycle) about 6000 miles a year.

That vid does nothing for cycling safety in my opinion. The message is weak and just turns folks off. In fact, I'm not even sure there's an increase in danger. If there is it's not just cyclists who are effected it's all road users.
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Re: cyclists

Post by lumpyv »

what sort of point is he trying to make with his stupid voice?? even a country bumpkin like me knows that the traffic in London is very heavy and cyclists hold it up at roundabouts and car and van drivers get pi55ed off.

I would,nt cycle round the elephant and castle for a gold watch its too dangerous.

you get motorists and cyclists both behaving badly, so sooner or later it will end in tears.

the poster seems a bit of a pompous twit quoting a poem at the end.

I think cyclists should be fined if they break the law, motorists and bikers do . they go through red lights, ride on the pavement and overtake on the inside as a matter of course.

they also quite often display this unsavoury self righteous aggressive attitude as if to say " im cycling to work and saving the planet" so don't criticise me if I ignore the highway code.

I even cycle to work myself if its not raining, or too hot or too cold.
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Re: cyclists

Post by VTRDark »

He's just a bitch grass. I'd quite happily ride around the elephant and castle roundabouts if I still rode a mountain bike, even with the vehicle parked up. When I was around 14 my mate and I cycled down the A3 to the M25 just because we could. At the end of the day what's the worst that can end up brown bread, no biggie. :lol:

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