Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

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Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by Phil-VTwin »

Ok, here is my latest project which maybe of some use to pre '01 owners that have fitted a 19L tank (with the fuel level sensor) or for those with a 16L tank but want to add a float sensor.

Circuit diagram.....

ASM code for the PIC 16F676.......

Code: Select all

; My Motorcycle fuel guage.
; The Honda has a 0-100 Ohm wirewound float sensor in post 2001 models, many pre '01 model owners have
; fitted the larger 19 litre tanks and dont have a fuel guage in the instrument cluster.
; I'm going to fit a VFR sensor to my 16 litre tank and have designed this simple circuit and code to display 
; the fuel level on 8 leds, 1 led for each 2 litres of fuel.
; The circuit works as follows...
; Ign voltage is regulated by a LM7805 regulator, the output 5 volts is used for the PIC supply and also feed 
; into a LM317T to limit the voltage and current being sent into the petrol tank, high voltage and current 
; produces sparks and you definately dont want that!!
; The current is limited to 10mA and the voltage through the sensor changes from approx. 1.25V when empty to 2.5V
; when full this voltage is feed into an Analog to Digital convertor within the PIC and converted to a digital number.
; In the mainloop 10 readings are taken with a .5 second pause between each and then averaged up to compensate 
; for fuel level movement during riding.
; The number of samples taken and delays are easily changed within the code if unstable readings due to movement
; are displayed.
; How to set-up for first use.
; Unfortunately you will have to completely drain the tank and have enough fuel available to fill it up.
; With an empty tank and the bike perfectly level, power on the unit with the button held down for at least a second, 
; release the button for 1 sec and depress again for 1 sec. this sets the very empty setting, you can add fuel beforehand
; but not enough to raise the float.
; When the button is released the first led will flash slowly, measure out the fuel and add to the tank.
; When the level has stabilised and the float has moved, depress the button for 1 sec, the led will flash rapidly
; to indicate that the setting for that level has been set.
; Release the button and then the second led will flash slowly, add fuel and repeat the procedure until finished. the last
; led will not need to be set as anything above led no:7 will indicate a full tank.

	ERRORLEVEL -302 ;remove message about using proper bank

    processor 16F676
	#include <>
;***** Declaration of variable *****    
     cblock     0x20

;***** Declaration of symbol equates *****
LEARNBTN        equ 1           ; PORTA, pin RA1, has the "Learn" mode pushbutton

;***** Beginning of program memory structure *****         
     org 		0x00
     bsf       	STATUS,RP0     ; select Register Page 1 
     movlw     	0x03
     movwf     	TRISA          ; Make PortA all ouput except RA0/1
     clrf      	TRISC          ; Make PortC all output
     movlw     	0x50           ; A2D Clock Fosc/16
     movwf     	ADCON1
     movlw     	0x01           ; All Port A pins digital, except RA0
     movwf     	ANSEL
     bcf       	STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 0  
	 movlw 		0x07		   ; Comparators off
	 movwf		CMCON 
     movlw     	B'00000001'
     movwf     	ADCON0         ; configure A2D for Channel 0 (RA0), Left justified, and turn on the A2D module
	 clrf 		ADRESH
	movlw		0x7F			; Display off
	movwf		PORTC
	bsf			PORTA,4
	bsf			PORTA,5

	 movlw 		0x08
	 movwf		NUMLEDS
	 movlw		0x08
	 movwf		LED

; Test to see if we should go into "Learn" mode.
; The PORTA RA1 pin has a pushbutton.  Holding the button down at power on will cause the pin to go low
; and enter the learning routines.
    btfsc       PORTA,LEARNBTN  ; Check if the push button is being held down
    goto        LoadEE          ; If not, then proceed
    movlw       high .1000      ; If so, then setup to debounce for 1 sec (1000 ms)
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .1000
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    btfsc       PORTA,LEARNBTN  ; And check if the button is still being held down
    goto        LoadEE          ; If not, then proceed
; Here we cycle through the LEDS 1 by one to learn the ADC threshold per 2 litres of fuel 
; to the fuel tank. BUT the empty setting needs to be set first, no leds will be on for this
    btfss       PORTA,LEARNBTN  ; Wait for the button to be released
    goto        $-1             ; Loop until button released
    movlw       high Hextoled
    movwf       PCLATH
    movfw       LED            ; Get the LED number to be displayed
    call        Hextoled       ; Convert it
    movwf     	Disp
	movwf		temp2
	comf 		Disp,1
	movfw   	Disp
    movwf       PORTC           ; Turn off the PORTC pins

	 movfw	  	temp2   		; Ports only have 6 bits, get bits 7&8
     andlw 		B'11000000'		; and use for PORTA.
     movwf 		temp
     rrf 		temp,1
     rrf 		temp,1
     comf 		temp,1
     movfw 		temp
     movwf		PORTA
    movlw       high .500       ; Pause for 500 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .500
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    btfss       PORTA,LEARNBTN  ; Check if button pressed
    goto        Learn           ; If so, proceed to learn it
    movlw       0x7F            ; Otherwise, turn off all leds
    movwf       PORTC
	bsf			PORTA,4
	bsf			PORTA,5
    movlw       high .500       ; Pause for 500 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .500
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    goto        BlinkSlow       ; Continue to flash the display
; Learn the actual ADC Reading for the gauge
    movlw       high .100       ; Debounce the pushbutton. Pause for 100 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .100
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    btfsc       PORTA,LEARNBTN  ; Check if button is still depressed
    goto        BlinkSlow       ; If not, then resume flashing
    BSF 		ADCON0,GO         
    BTFSC 		ADCON0,GO_DONE      
    GOTO 		$-1
	movwf		temp2
    call        WriteEE         ; Store the ADC value into EEPROM
; Indicate that "Learning" has completed, by flashing the LEDs on/off quickly (once every 400 ms).
; We'll do this until the user releases the pushbutton.
    movlw       high Hextoled
    movwf       PCLATH
    movfw       LED            ; Get the LED number to be displayed
    call        Hextoled       ; Convert it
    movwf     	Disp
	movwf		temp2
	comf 		Disp,1
	movfw   	Disp
    movwf       PORTC           ; Turn off the PORTC pins

	 movfw	  	temp2   		; Ports only have 6 bits, get bits 7&8
     andlw 		B'11000000'		; and use for PORTA.
     movwf 		temp
     rrf 		temp,1
     rrf 		temp,1
     comf 		temp,1
     movfw 		temp
     movwf		PORTA
    movlw       high .200       ; Pause for 200 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    btfsc       PORTA,LEARNBTN  ; Check if button pressed
    goto        LearnNext       ; If not, proceed to set up for learning the next threshold
    movlw       0x7F            ; Otherwise, turn off all leds
    movwf       PORTC
	bsf			PORTA,4
	bsf			PORTA,5
    movlw       high .200       ; Pause for 200 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    goto        BlinkFast       ; Then continue flashing the display quickly
; Now that we've "Learned" a setting, and the user has released the pushbutton, set up for learning
; the next led.
    movlw       high .100       ; Debounce the pushbutton. Pause for 100 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .100
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    btfss       PORTA,LEARNBTN  ; Check if button is still released
    goto        BlinkFast       ; If not, then resume flashing

    decf        LED,F          	; Decrement the led number to be learned
    decfsz      NUMLEDS,F       ; Decrement the learning loop counter, and exit if zero
    goto        BlinkSlow       ; Got it,start blinking the new led we need to learn
	goto 		LoadEE			; Whewww, we're done
; Here we retrieve all previously "Learned" data from EEPROM.
	call 		LEDCheck
    movlw		0x08
	movwf       LED            ; Re-hydrate all the RAM variables used to hold the thresholds
    call        ReadEE         ; Working from LED 8 thru 1
    movwf       THRESH8
    decf        LED,F  
    call        ReadEE         
    movwf       THRESH7
    decf        LED,F  
    call        ReadEE  
    movwf       THRESH6
    decf        LED,F          
    call        ReadEE          
    movwf       THRESH5         
    decf        LED,F
    call        ReadEE
    movwf       THRESH4
    decf        LED,F
    call        ReadEE
    movwf       THRESH3
    decf        LED,F
    call        ReadEE
    movwf       THRESH2
    decf        LED,F
    call        ReadEE
    movwf       THRESH1
; Due to the delays in the mainloop it can take a few seconds for the display to show anything, therefore 
; we take a quick reading to start with.
    BSF 		ADCON0,GO         
    BTFSC 		ADCON0,GO_DONE      
    GOTO 		$-1
	goto 		Gauge

    CLRF 		ADC_Res1
    CLRF 		ADC_Res0
    CLRF 		ADCCount
; Here we take 10 ADC readings with a 500ms delay between each sample, each sample is added to the previous
; one.
    MOVF 		ADCCount,W
    SUBLW 		.9        		; Have we taken 10 samples?   
    GOTO 		ADCAverage		; Yes then now get the average
    BSF 		ADCON0,GO         
    BTFSC 		ADCON0,GO_DONE      
    GOTO 		$-1
    MOVF 		ADRESH,W        
    ADDWF 		ADC_Res0,F
    INCFSZ 		ADC_Res1,F     

    INCF 		ADCCount,F
    movlw       high .500     
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .500
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    GOTO 		ADCLoop
; All 10 samples have been taken, grab the total and divide the result by 10.
	movfw		ADC_Res0
	movwf		AA2
	movfw		ADC_Res1
	movwf		AA1
	clrf		AA0

	clrf		BB0
	movlw		.10
	movwf		BB1
	Call		DIV24x16

    movfw		AA2
; Here we take the average reading and compare it to the threshold values learned from the set-up routines.
; The average value is loaded into the W reg and the threshold value is subtracted, the Carry bit will be set
; if the threshold value is greater than the average reading.
    movwf 		temp2
	movlw		0x08
	movwf		LED
    movfw       temp2
    subwf       THRESH8,W       ; If W > THRESH, then C will be clear
    btfsc       STATUS,C        ; If C is clear, then move on
    goto        EDisplay

    decf        LED,F          ; Next led
    movfw       temp2
    subwf       THRESH7,W       ; If W > THRESH, then C will be clear
    btfsc       STATUS,C        ; If C is clear, then move on
    goto        FDisplay

    decf        LED,F          ; 
    movfw       temp2
    subwf       THRESH6,W       ; If W > THRESH, then C will be clear
    btfsc       STATUS,C        ; If C is clear, then move on
    goto        Display

    decf        LED,F          ; 
    movfw       temp2
    subwf       THRESH5,W       ; If W > THRESH, then C will be clear
    btfsc       STATUS,C        ; If C is clear, then move on
    goto        Display

    decf        LED,F          ; 
    movfw       temp2
    subwf       THRESH4,W       ; If W > THRESH, then C will be clear
    btfsc       STATUS,C        ; If C is clear, then move on
    goto        Display

    decf        LED,F          ; 
    movfw       temp2
    subwf       THRESH3,W       ; If W > THRESH, then C will be clear
    btfsc       STATUS,C        ; If C is clear, then move on
    goto        Display

    decf        LED,F          ; 
    movfw       temp2
    subwf       THRESH2,W       ; If W > THRESH, then C will be clear
    btfsc       STATUS,C        ; If C is clear, then move on
    goto        Display

    decf        LED,F          ; 
    movfw       temp2
    subwf       THRESH1,W       ; If W > THRESH, then C will be clear
    btfsc       STATUS,C        ; If C is clear, then move on
    goto        Display

    decf        LED,F          ; then we must have a full tank!!!
    goto        Display

; Take the led number where the carry bit was set and lookup the result to switch the port bits on or off
    movlw       high Hextoled
    movwf       PCLATH
    movfw       LED            ; Get the number of LED's into the W register
    call        Hextoled       ; Convert it
    movwf     	Disp
	movwf		temp2
	comf 		Disp,1
	movfw   	Disp
    movwf       PORTC           ; Turn off the PORTC pins to ground

	 movfw	  	temp2   		; Ports only have 6 bits, get bits 7&8
     andlw 		B'11000000'		; and use for PORTA.
     movwf 		temp
     rrf 		temp,1
     rrf 		temp,1
     comf 		temp,1
     movfw 		temp
     movwf		PORTA
    goto      	MainLoop

EDisplay						; Flashes all leds as tank is very empty!!
	movlw		.5
	movwf		temp
    movlw       0x00            ; turn on all leds
    movwf       PORTC
	bcf			PORTA,4
    bcf			PORTA,5
    movlw       high .200       ; Pause for 200 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    movlw       0x7F            ; turn off all leds
    movwf       PORTC
	bsf			PORTA,4
	bsf			PORTA,5
    movlw       high .200       ; Pause for 200 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	decfsz		temp,f
	goto		Empty
    goto      	MainLoop
FDisplay						; Flashes first led as warning
	movlw		.5
	movwf		temp
    movlw       0x7F            ; turn on first led
    movwf       PORTC
	bsf			PORTA,4
    bcf			PORTA,5
    movlw       high .500       ; Pause for 200 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .500
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
    movlw       0x7F            ; turn off all leds
    movwf       PORTC
	bsf			PORTA,4
	bsf			PORTA,5
    movlw       high .500       ; Pause for 200 ms
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .500
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	decfsz		temp,f
	goto		LowF
    goto      	MainLoop
; Subroutine: Pausems
;   Used to burn some CPU cycles doing nothing meaningful.
;   This routine assumes a system clock frequency of 4 MHz.
; Inputs:
;   PAUSEL - Low order byte of the number of milliseconds
;   PAUSEH - High order byte of the number of milliseconds
; Temporary:
;   LOOPCOUNT - Loop counter
; Output:
;   None
    movf        PAUSEL,F        ; Decrease PAUSEH and PAUSEL the necessary
    btfsc       STATUS,Z        ; number of times and call subprogram Delay1ms
    goto        Dechi
    call        Delay1ms
    decf        PAUSEL,F
    goto        Loop1
    movf        PAUSEH,F
    btfsc       STATUS,Z
    goto        Done
    call        Delay1ms
    decf        PAUSEH,F
    decf        PAUSEL,F
    goto        Loop1
Delay1ms                        ; Delay1ms produces a one millisecond delay
    movlw       .100            ; 100*10us=1ms
    movwf       Loopcount       ; LOOPCOUNT<-100
    decfsz      Loopcount,F     ; Time period necessary to execute loop Loop2
    goto        Loop2           ; equals 10us
    return                      ; Return to caller

;Divide a 24 bit number by a 16 bit number, resulting in a 16 bit number
;   Dividend - AA0:AA1:AA2 (0 - most significant!)
;   Divisor  - BB0:BB1
;   Counter  - LOOPCOUNT
;   Remainder- REMB0:REMB1
;   Quotient - AA0:AA1:AA2
	clrf		REMB0
	clrf		REMB1
	movlw		.24
	movwf		Loopcount
	rlf 		AA2,W           ;shift dividend left to move next bit to remainder
	rlf 		AA1,F
	rlf 		AA0,F

	rlf 		REMB1,F         ;shift carry (next dividend bit) into remainder
	rlf 		REMB0,F

	rlf 		AA2,F           ;finish shifting the dividend and save  carry in AA2.0,
																;since remainder can be 17 bit long in some cases
																;(e.g. 0x800000/0xFFFF). This bit will also serve
																;as the next result bit.
	movf		BB1,W           ;substract divisor from 16-bit remainder
	subwf		REMB1,F
	movf		BB0,W
	btfss		STATUS,C
	incfsz		BB0,W
	subwf		REMB0,F
;here we also need to take into account the 17th bit of remainder, which
;is in AA2.0. If we don't have a borrow after subtracting from lower
;16 bits of remainder, then there is no borrow regardless of 17th bit 
;value. But, if we have the borrow, then that will depend on 17th bit 
;value. If it is 1, then no final borrow will occur. If it is 0, borrow
;will occur. These values match the borrow flag polarity.
	skpnc                       ;if no borrow after 16 bit subtraction
	bsf 		AA2,0           ;then there is no borrow in result. Overwrite
																;AA2.0 with 1 to indicate no borrow.
																;if borrow did occur, AA2.0 already
																;holds the final borrow value (0-borrow,
																;1-no borrow)

	btfsc		AA2,0           ;if no borrow after 17-bit subtraction
	goto		UOK46LL         ;skip remainder restoration.

	addwf		REMB0,F         ;restore higher byte of remainder.
																;(w contains the value subtracted from it previously)
	movf		BB1,W           ;restore lower byte of remainder
	addwf		REMB1,F
	decfsz		Loopcount,F     ;decrement counter
	goto		LOOPU2416       ;and repeat the loop if not zero.


; Subroutine: WriteEE
;   Write a byte of data to EEPROM storage
; Inputs:
;   LED - should be set to the LED number, which will be used as the EEPROM address
;   W register - should contain the data to be stored
; Temporary:
;   None
; Output:
;   None
    banksel     EEDATA          ; Select the bank of EEDATA
    movwf       EEDATA          ; Data value to write
    banksel     LED
    movf        LED,W          ; Use the LED number as the EEPROM address
    banksel     EEADR           ; Select bank of EEADR
    movwf       EEADR           ; Data memory address to write
    banksel     EECON1          ; Select bank of EECON1
    bsf         EECON1,WREN     ; Enable writes
    banksel     EECON2          ; Select bank of EECON2
    movlw       0x55
    movwf       EECON2          ; Write 55h
    movlw       0xAA
    movwf       EECON2          ; Write AAh
    banksel     EECON1
    bsf         EECON1,WR       ; Set WR bit to begin write
    btfsc       EECON1,WR       ; Wait for write to finish
    goto        $-1             ;    looping until it is
    bcf         EECON1,WREN     ; Disable writes
    banksel     0               ; Select bank 0 now that we're all done
    return                      ; Return to caller
; Subroutine: ReadEE
;   Read a byte of data to EEPROM storage
; Inputs:
;   LED - should be set to the LED number, which will be used as the EEPROM address
; Temporary:
;   None
; Output:
;   W register - contains the EEPROM data byte that has been read
    banksel     0
    movf        LED,W           ; Get LED number into the W register
    banksel     EEADR           ; Select bank of EEADR
    movwf       EEADR           ; Data memory address to read
    banksel     EECON1          ; Select bank of EECON1
    bsf         EECON1,RD       ; EE Read
    banksel     EEDATA          ; Select bank of EEDATA
    movf        EEDATA,W        ; Get EEDATA into W register
    banksel     0               ; Select bank 0 now that we're all done
    return                      ; return to caller

; Just cycle through the leds in bar mode up and down to confirm all are working.    
	bcf	PORTA,5
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bcf	PORTA,4
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bcf	PORTC,5
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bcf	PORTC,4
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bcf	PORTC,3
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bcf	PORTC,2
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bcf	PORTC,1
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bcf	PORTC,0
    movlw       high .250       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .250
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bsf	PORTC,0
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bsf	PORTC,1
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bsf	PORTC,2
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bsf	PORTC,3
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bsf	PORTC,4
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bsf	PORTC,5
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bsf	PORTA,4
    movlw       high .200       
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .200
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
	bsf	PORTA,5
    movlw       high .750      
    movwf       PAUSEH
    movlw       low .750
    movwf       PAUSEL
    call        Pausems
; Table used for the display routine to switch bits on or off
; table in bar mode
	addwf 		PCL,F
	retlw 		0xFF	;B'11111111'		;Full
	retlw 		0xFE 	;B'11111110'
	retlw 		0xFC	;B'11111100'
	retlw 		0xF8	;B'11111000'
	retlw 		0xF0	;B'11110000' 
	retlw 		0xE0	;B'11100000'
	retlw 		0xC0	;B'11000000'
	retlw 		0x80	;B'10000000'
	retlw 		0x00	;B'00000000'		;Empty  
Any questions please ask.
Ride Safe
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Re: Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by tony.mon »


My latest mod idea is a modified sign saying:
Warning! This vehicle may stop frequently!
(for fuel)"
It's not falling off, it's an upgrade opportunity.
Posts: 29
Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:44 pm

Re: Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by masakabassist »


I'm interested in sticking a fuel gauge on my bike. After reading your post I was just wondering did you have to program the EEPROM yourself? I have a basic / intermediate knowledge of electronics but very basic when it comes to writing programs so my question is... Is it easy to do? lol

Thanks, James
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Re: Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by vtrbarmy »

Neat idea and I like it

At present, I just work on the basis of reset trip meter when I fill up, when it reads 90 miles find petrol station :thumbup:
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benny hedges
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Re: Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by benny hedges »

re the sensor vs float....
my 19L had a wound rheostat and float, but the float had come off, therefore it was fkt.
also, i looked at the rheostat and it seemed the wiring was goosed, sure enough when i put my fluke evo across it, i got no resistance.

i fitted the old one off the 16L tank and it works sound - apart from it leaked at the o ring and nearly set my bollox on fire 8O
85 miles of aggressive riding and the light came on, but that was with 2 1/2 gals in the tank, and losing maybe 2L with the leak...
why does a bmc & dynojet make it better on fuel lol!

are you using the rheostat to light up the leds? looks like it...
wonder if you could get a analogue gauge to go where the temp clock is?
not arsed about the temp as the fan takes care of that...
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Re: Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by Phil-VTwin »

masakabassist wrote:Hey,

I'm interested in sticking a fuel gauge on my bike. After reading your post I was just wondering did you have to program the EEPROM yourself? I have a basic / intermediate knowledge of electronics but very basic when it comes to writing programs so my question is... Is it easy to do? lol

Thanks, James
Hi James, Yes, wrote the code and programmed the PIC myself, the software (MPLAB) is free from microchip but you do need the hardware to program the chip, i use the PICkit2 programmer but there are lots of others you can use but make sure the device is supported and doesn't overwrite the OSCCAL value at location 03FF otherwise the oscillator will become uncalibrated.

As always i am more than happy to program the chip for you if you want to give a go, just send it to me and i will do the rest.
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Re: Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by Phil-VTwin »

benny hedges wrote:re the sensor vs float....
my 19L had a wound rheostat and float, but the float had come off, therefore it was fkt.
also, i looked at the rheostat and it seemed the wiring was goosed, sure enough when i put my fluke evo across it, i got no resistance.

i fitted the old one off the 16L tank and it works sound - apart from it leaked at the o ring and nearly set my bollox on fire 8O
85 miles of aggressive riding and the light came on, but that was with 2 1/2 gals in the tank, and losing maybe 2L with the leak...
why does a bmc & dynojet make it better on fuel lol!

are you using the rheostat to light up the leds? looks like it...
wonder if you could get a analogue gauge to go where the temp clock is?
not arsed about the temp as the fan takes care of that...
I had the same with the one i got and thought it was duff but soaking it in carb cleaner cleared the old petrol varnish off it, it now reads from 4 to 110 ohms just fine :)

The sender doesn't light the leds directly, the reference voltage of the LM317 changes from 1.25 to 2.30v via the rheostat sender, the microcontroller reads the voltage via its ADC, converts the reading, averages its and then uses a lookup table to decide which leds to light.
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Re: Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by masakabassist »

Phil-VTwin wrote:
masakabassist wrote:Hey,

I'm interested in sticking a fuel gauge on my bike. After reading your post I was just wondering did you have to program the EEPROM yourself? I have a basic / intermediate knowledge of electronics but very basic when it comes to writing programs so my question is... Is it easy to do? lol

Thanks, James
Hi James, Yes, wrote the code and programmed the PIC myself, the software (MPLAB) is free from microchip but you do need the hardware to program the chip, i use the PICkit2 programmer but there are lots of others you can use but make sure the device is supported and doesn't overwrite the OSCCAL value at location 03FF otherwise the oscillator will become uncalibrated.

As always i am more than happy to program the chip for you if you want to give a go, just send it to me and i will do the rest.
Thanks for that, when I get some cash and some time together I think I'll give it a shot! Thanks again for the info!

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Re: Latest DIY project - fuel gauge

Post by oldbikeman »

Any one still playing with this one ,I have a PIC16F628A set up on bread board to drive a 16 x 2 LCD display for fuel and a digital sensor for oil or water temp.Will post the code and board when sorted if wanted.Any one know of any multifunction displays besides this.
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