The end of my Storm - and nearly me!

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The end of my Storm - and nearly me!

Post by Ianh »

Well it was only a while ago that I posted on this forum about how my Storm was approaching 50k miles, well just a few hundred miles from this goal what should happen? an oncoming car in Putney pulled a right hand turn without looking and trashed my bike and me. Just imagine, the High st closed for over an hour as paramedics jabbed and proded me the chaos it caused and my bike? well it was in bits! even the keys were bent! 8O

I have just been released from Charring cross hospital after six weeks on my back and four operations, I have my left leg in an ilizarov frame bolts and wires holding it together and my right arm after two operations is still a mess! well with my hand only about four inches away from my elbow when the crash happened I suppose it was to be expexted.

I cant help but feel rage as on the day of the crash I had just had the final piece of my biking plan put together when I had the new suspenssion set-up professionaly. It rode like a bloody dream for the few hours that I had her... :cry:

I've been weened off the morphine and am having happy moments on the multiple tablets I'm taking now.

Well, I hope after the physio that I can ride again, I feel a fireblade may help ease the pain :wink: just dont tell the wife :wink:

Happy and safe riding guys.
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Post by BarryH »

Charing cross huh! My biggest customer. Not very pleasant there but the staff seem to know what they're doing.

Always hate it when I hear of a rider down. Especially when its not their fault. Your the fourth person in a week thats had bad news like this. Hope the injuries heal soonest and as painfree as possible.
You seem to have the right attitude and its best to look forward rather than back.....good on you.
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Post by Seeker 77 »

I tell you what, riding in London scares the hell out of me. Its bad enough on the open road with all the dodgy drivers around. Visited my mate the other day who lives 5 mins from Tower Bridge. When i got home after a 40min trip in rush hour traffic my eyes were wide open and i had the same feeling as if i'd just done 50 laps of Donnington Park!

Really sorry to hear about your accident mate, i hope that you mend real soon. Don't forget to sue the idiot for everything :twisted: :twisted: .

Good luck!
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Post by Pete.L »

8O Ouch! 8O
Sorry to hear about the off Ian. Take that Dozy tw@ to the cleaners for causing you so much damage. Hope you mend well,
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Post by sirch345 »

Hi Ian mate,
Really sorry to hear of your off. I'm glad you are still here to tell the tale and wish you a quick as can be recovery :!:

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Post by iggy1966 »

Bloody hell Ian

Hope you get better soon and sue the trousers of the Ba*@ard
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Post by Trojan »

that sounds seriously fcuked up dude. I hope you heal back to something like your old self again.

They should have nailed that cage driving tw@ to a cross...
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Post by kevg »

Hope you get back to full fitness soon mate, you've had six weeks away from the bike already, i think thats long enough.

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Post by VTRgirl »

I hope he's really rich with lots of insurance.

Get good quick, Ian.
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Post by pmcq »

Get well soon Iano!!!

We will gather all the guys off this forum some evening and do a 'house call' to that car drivers place..... ahem .... :wink:
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Don't forget to clean those pins, free off the skin around the base of each pin. best to use sterile water or at least boil it and use at room temperature. cold water delays healing by up to 7 hours.
If any sign of pus get back to the clinic soon as you can.
Infection at the surface easily treated but if it tracks down the pin into bone it can be serious and lead to amputation in the worst case.
be prepared for up to 2 years treatment if problems like delayed healing occur.
Ps this is my specialized field of orthopaedic trauma nursing.

Illizarov frame developed by Gavril Illizarov in Russia..worth an internet search.
it may be clever, but its not big.
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Post by Ianh »

Hi Rainmaker
Yeah, im keeping those pinsites very clean :lol: the surgeons were vey impressed before I left because the nurses on my ward (7 south h-bay)were to busy or just not sterile minded when it came to cleaning the pins, so almost straight after surgery (had a Hoffman fixator for two weeks first) I took ownership of the cleaning process, I am using irrigating fluid and something stronger (Chlorhexidine acetate) as well to keep the nastys at bay. I am back at Charring Cross tomorrow to have the upper part of my frame removed - this is the most painfull part as I have two big screws going through my thigh and into the bone helping to stabalise the frame. Any movement tends to mean that the muscle and skin re-open and the pain can be terrible.

This will leave two rings two bone screw fixers and five pins left! nearly there!

I bet in your profession you see loads of bikers! my surgeon Dr M.Pierce says that moterbikes are his greatest referal! and I saw five bikers during my stay, well moped riders realy :?

Anyway thanx for everyones kind words and Yes! I do plan to sue the living sh1t out of the garage who let some halfwit drive a car back to the owner and leave his brain at work.

If you want to see pics of my frame let me know, I plan to get some x-ray images tomorrow as well.

Kind regards and safe riding everyone
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Post by VTRgirl »

Show us everything, Ian! We in the gorey medical profession can never get enough! :wink:
If you ate yourself would you become twice as big or simply disappear?
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We too used to get lots of 'young' riders with fractures that needed skeletal traction with a metal spike through the leg.

when it was time for the traction to be removed it seemed natural for these young lads to want to keep this metal spike (denham pin) and take it home as a reminder of how brave the little luvvies have been.

Then we got a run of stabbings with........yes; you guessed it the bloody pins.

it may be clever, but its not big.
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Post by VTRgirl »

RAINMAKER wrote:Then we got a run of stabbings with........yes; you guessed it the bloody pins.
Maybe the "stabees" were responsible for the bike accident in the first place, in which case, take that & a hardeharharrrrr to them :? :? :?

We always sterilise the pins, plates, rods & screws & send the lads home with their trophies, in fact, the local Kawasaki shop has quite a collection. Don't think we've had any related stabbings yet...
If you ate yourself would you become twice as big or simply disappear?
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