Ink is a con and prices can vary greatly so always find out the price of inks before purchasing anything. Preferably you want inks cartridges that don't stop printing when they get to the low ink level chip either. Another con as these levels vary, you want to be able to continue printing right down to the dregs. Another reason I keep my old printer. I'm not a fan of all in one printer/scanners. OK for office work but if your doing design work then separate is always better and you can pretty much guarantee they will last longer than the cheap all in ones that are flooding the market. I hate seeing consumers being ripped off by commercialism. They pretty much make a lot of consumer products to fail the day after the guarantee runs out or there abouts. The landfills in places like India are full of this sh1t.
And as for Adobe they have lost the plot and going downhill fast since creative cloud and becoming subscription based. It is also bloated software so unless one has a powerful machine and lots of ram along with a good graphics card it will be sluggish.
A good alternative to Adobe would be the Affinity software. Professional printers can use Gimp.
For all you Photographers I can highly recommend Franzis software's. HDR Projects Pro is fantastic. Best HDR software out there. I tested ON1 Photo 10 the other day and that is good too and has potential. I think it will give PS a run for it's money for Photographers. It's better than the Macphun software's.
I'm sad that Nik software is no longer going to be updated. Typical Google. Buy a software run it into the ground and no doubt they will bring out their own online software in the near future. This is how the evil Google deal with their competitors, buy them out first.