what to do........

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what to do........

Post by TonyW650 »

Hey guys
I need some input, advice if you were.
You all know I've had my back op and its went OK.
And you all know I've had some problems with my storm swell.
What do I do with it, the storm that is, I'm kind of rapidly loosing interest in it and in bikes in general.
Borrowed a mates bike the other day and managed 20 miles before I was in tears of pain(another vtr) and its about the same with driving, OK I know the vertebrae may not of healed properly yet etc etc and all that but I'm getting really despondent, and the swelling has gone down now but it hasn't cured all the pain.

I put a deposit a Buell 1125r(been after another one since my ex wife made me sell my xb12s years ago) last week and know I find myself feeling like I want to give up biking.
Do I take it as just a blip, bit of depression or something more.
Don't know what to make of it.

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Re: what to do........

Post by VTRDark »

Bit soon after you Op to be going back on a bike IMO 8O especially something as harsh as a VTR with it's riding position. It's not even a month yet is it. I think you most likely getting a bit bored and down with it all. You need to take it easy mate let things heel properly and then when you are feeling a lot more mobile without being in pain all the time, get on something designed for comfort. For now take yourself out on walks for some light exercise just to get out of the house and a change of scenery and look after that back. You don't want to overdo things to soon and damage the work the surgeons have done. Chin up mate and try to remain positive.

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Re: what to do........

Post by TonyW650 »

Spouse it is me being habit hacked off....
Spouse so Carl, just miffed off.
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Re: what to do........

Post by agentpineapple »

i'm with carl on this one, I didn't ride for 16 mths after my accident, although I was desperate to get back on two wheels, I knew I had to heal first. maybe leave the riding until spring and in the mean time, concentrate on some physio, maybe some push bike riding, anything to build up the strength in your back.
what ever you choose to do, take your time over it.... :thumbup:
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Re: what to do........

Post by TonyW650 »

Physio has given me all clear and said start doing some swimming.
Problem is most of my hobbies are outdoors and require me to be active, its driving me up the wall, I've always been active and OK last 4 years not as much as I used to but last 2 months nothing, spouse it is just getting at me.
I'll start pulling the storm apart give me something to focus on.
Cheers guys
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Re: what to do........

Post by darkember »

Start with the bar riser conversion :thumbup:
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Re: what to do........

Post by lumpyv »

darkember wrote:Start with the bar riser conversion :thumbup:

that's good advice that is. let it heal up properly over the winter, do appropriate exercise and you will feel up for it come spring :thumbup:
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Re: what to do........

Post by Anotherbikerbabe »

Let me just say Tony, Spinal Fusion, I think is what you had, is no way, a small thing to cope with, esp on your own! So you are entitled feel grumpy,moody and irritable I can totally sympathise with you here as I had a pro lapsed disc skiing 10 yrs ago

I don't blame you for feeling the way you do, it's a tw%t and not fair and it makes you feel like a right miserable barsteward, but it will pass! YOU WILL feel better and if you are on any medication, that could play a big part in how you feel too. Some pain killers prescribed for back problems are often anti depressants which they don't tell you when dishing them out cos A) you want to be pain free and don't care and B) They know full well if they sit and list all the side effects ( including actual 'depression') you probably wouldn't want them! I think we have spoken at length about those drugs we have both had in the past for back problems..

Take it easy, give yourself time to recover and heal properly and in the interim, think of it as 'long time coming- time out' it does help your back by being active. Don't give up! Keep yourself going and try not to be so hard on yourself, you've had surgery, and I for one do not think back surgery of any kind is a 'small thing'... I know how difficult it is to get about with back problems..

It is,as you say, a blip, a small period of time in your life when you need support/friends and family around to jolly you along and keep you motivated,just take your time recovery is what you now need to concentrate on and you'll get there. It only takes as long as you yourself take, so have a rest, take it easy, you'll get there and I'm sure some of the guys who maybe live local to you will drop in visit on their bikes and remind of all the reasons you love biking in the first place. :thumbup:
Wishing you a speedy recovery and best wishes. my words may mean nothing to some, but I hope you find some reasoning in there somewhere and don't give up..
You've been through quite a bit in the last 12 months Tony so good things are on the horizon :thumbup:
Last edited by Anotherbikerbabe on Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: what to do........

Post by Steve6088 »

I also sympathize. I slipped a disc in June in the gym. Wasn't able to ride the bike for a month and still very uncomfortable and unable to return to lifting. I am doing a lot of swimming and finding that this helps a lot.
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Re: what to do........

Post by Redthunder »

I thoroughly recommend a Ktm Duke 690, Tim alternative vtr inspired me to get one for comfort reasons
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Re: what to do........

Post by Miztaziggy »

Take up pliates...seriously. It'll help no end with your back.

Sarah's mum had issues and couldn't drive her car without being in agony. She had a pilates instructor come a couple of times a week and kept up with the exercises. Now, shes totally fine, no issues at all.

Sort your back before you decide on bike.

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Re: what to do........

Post by Jamoi »

I have strange back problems, usually in winter and the stupid thing is, I can ride my Firestorm non stop all day everyday and my back would be fresh as a daisy, but if I bend over to take my shoes off after a days work there's a good chance something will click and I'll be in agony for a couple of weeks!! :(

Back pain is the worst :(
Jamie :wave:
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