Loss of enthusiasm

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Loss of enthusiasm

Post by PaulG »

Earlier this year I had a pretty nasty accident on my old FZ6, not life-threatening, but a multiple rib fracture and my left hand is still sore and will never heal properly. Looking back there was absolutely nothing that I could have done to prevent the accident, the car driver just drove straight into my path (last minute right turn).

Anyway that was back in March and 2 months later I was back riding again and this time it was my lovely new VTR. The accident hadn’t fazed me and neither did the extra power of the storm, I loved it. I got straight back on the bike, maybe a bit wearier, but undaunted and very excited.

Six weeks ago I had a very minor accident when a car decided to do a U turn without checking mirrors, fortunately I was travelling quite slowly and wearing good armour. I slightly bruised my right shoulder and the VTR got a slight dent on the fairing and a broken indicator – not too bad really, not too bad at all.

The thing is this – This second accident (minor as it was) has really knocked me, I still ride the bike daily as I need it for work, but otherwise it now just sits in the garage. When I do ride it, I get really jumpy, especially riding on the outside in traffic and I expect every car to suddenly pull out on me. I am not a religious person, quite the opposite, but even I am now beginning to think that next time I might not be so lucky and there is a message here and the message is, stop biking, two accidents in 5 months.

My life is changing, we have our first child due in December and I know that my partner worries about me on the bike, maybe this has inadvertently put things into perspective for me as the truth is that I do not enjoy the bike like I used to, I still like it, especially on a clear quiet day, but I no longer go for rides just for the sake of it, just using it as a tool to get from A to B. I also think a great deal about the baby and about how those two accidents could have been much worse, I want to bring my child up being fit and able.

Maybe I just need a break for a while, concentrate on the family and return to biking in my later years. I’m not sure, has anyone on here been through something similar?

Hope everyone on here is well, sorry for the sombre post.
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Loss of enthusiasm

Post by chi kung »

I also have a young child and was knocked off twice in 6 months. The first one I was filtering and a car just u turned in front of me. The second one a car pulled out in front of me on a roundabout.

Anyway no bad injuries but I did question why I should keep on riding. The answer for me was simple. After I got my confidence back I realised I still love riding bikes.

I now ride in a more defensive way in traffic. However I still ride like a loony when the conditions permit.

I am glad I stuck to it and at the end the day you could die just crossing the road or something.

The moral is don't let some car driving wombles ruin something that you enjoyed so much before the accidents.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by benny hedges »

having written 7 bikes off in the past - 8 if you include the one i ride now lol, i can see where you are coming from...
though i still love riding, i'm nowhere near as confident as i was and though my last ding was relatively minor, like you, that was the one that changed it all.
if you were riding like a Richard & taking chances and came off, it's easy to get back on and off you go... but when it's no fault of your own you can't help wondering what's round the next bend.
with me it's flaws in the road lol, really set me back.

it's good that you are thinking of others though - good responsible attitude.
i just think if you don't feel confident when you press the starter you should just put it away and ride another day.
get the cleaning stuff out instead.
this is why so many very experienced riders won't ride on the roads now and just do the odd few track days a year...
worth thinking about :thumbup:
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by PaulG »

Thanks both of you. Good point about the experienced riders and track days, I know loads who used to ride, but rarely do now.
Don't get my wrong, i still enjoy it, but something has changed and I do get nervous now, especially commuting.
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by benny hedges »

not at all feller - scar on me chin where a piece of my helmet went through, one on left wrist when my hand snapped off, another where they took some screws out, some where my knuckles popped out and bits of gravel rash...
it's usually broken bones for me lol, ribs a few times, both legs, vertebrae, fractured skull, jaw, wrists countless times lol, dislocated pelvis & shoulder, you know, minor stuff :roll:
most of them were off road injuries.

still keep getting back on lol...

maybe you're ready for a harley lol :biggrin

you're right about the commuting though - i used to work at john moores at lpool and used to ride through chaotic traffic until i got knocked off 3 times in one week 8O
the last time i'd bought a nose fairing and was carrying it over my shoulder when a taxi fishtailed me at a roundabout in knotty ash (near the jam butty mines) and had the courtesy to drive off without stopping. that was the dislocated shoulder lol - fkin sore riding home i tell you.

its like a few have said the same on here, sometimes you go out and it just doesnt feel right... get pulled out on before you get to the end of the road, slip on a bit of diesel at the first left hander, plod everywhere... times like that it's not worth it.

i dont use my bikes for work anymore but used to in all weathers, mostly without incident, but it only takes one bad one and youre out the game innit.
i know it sounds daft, but i was thinking, why the crouton do i have so much bad luck... then i thought how many mirrors have i smashed, how many times do i walk under ladders, brushed salt off the table lol, cut my toenails on a friday.... :roll:
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by AMCQ46 »

Sounds like you have lost confidence and lost the fun. As all of us are in different circumstances, I know that we can only make suggestions, you have to do what feels right for you, but here is my 2p's worth:

If you can work out what you did wrong, you can gain control again, if you cant work that out, you dont feel in control, hence the starting point is knowledge;
a) get your confidence back..........go on a training course with IAM or ex cops, tell them what bothers you and they will be able to help with how to minimise risks & get confident again
b) dont commute on a sports bike, get a smaller bike with high bars so you have more control and forward vision, this will help reduce your risks, increase visibility, improve confidence
c) dont comute on a bike........keep it only for fun.
d) or a mix of all 3.

In the most extreme case you can give up biking, do the family thing and come back to it later........if its in your blood you will be back, just make sure you build up your skills again

Not sure if any of that helps, but good luck with the addition to the family.
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by benny hedges »

Timbo wrote:
As for stories of broken bones etc, not sure how that helps you but going on Benny's list above, he must be like metal mickey when he goes through airport metal detectors.
no extras so far touch wood. just pointing out that some learned the hard way - look at clive for example, jeez he was lucky to survive what happened to him.
as i said most of mine were off road, so if you're thinking of that as an option to stay biking, please don't kid yourself that dirt riding is safer.... it isnt.

agree with the group rides (as long as they don't turn into races!) and go get some assessment and advanced training.
AIM courses are like £140 incl a years membership and are worth their weight in gold imo - ask anyone here who's done bikesmart.
definately on my to-do list but not on the storm lol!

also agree with your comment (timbo) on expecting every car / pedestrian / cyclist to make an unexpected move.
i have an annoying habit of letting people out at junctions etc, stopping for pedestrians and stuff cos i'd rather do that than them make the decision and go for it at the last second, when it's too late to avoid a hit.
'didn't see you' is a great excuse, but why didnt they see you.... did you see them?
did you make yourself visible to them?
defensive riding is the key to coming home safe.

not blaming you like, as this has happened to me too, put my hand through a car mirror when he u turned on me, been pulled out on shitloads of times... but less often lately.
is that cos of the white bike & lid?
i wonder how many drivers pull out on police bikers? not many i'd guess!
made me think anyway! :think:
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by PaulG »

Thanks to all of you, some really good ideas on here and it's nice to know that others sometimes have similar thoughts. The missus wants me to get a scooter as I need something for the commute to wk, albeit in the wet they're bloody lethal, but cheap to run.
I guess I need to look at how much I am riding (other than to and from work) as the reality is that I am not using the VTR much. In addition I can't see this changing with a baby, not for a while anyway.
Agree re the riding courses, my confidence has been knocked and I have never professed to be the best rider on two wheels, better on 4 to be honest as I have done loads of advanced driving courses, which helps awareness on 2 wheels, but not the riding.
Knowing me I will change my mind, but am starting to think about selling the VTR, if I do, I am sure I'll be back pretty soon, I'm too impatient in a car :crazy:
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Loss of enthusiasm

Post by chi kung »

Don't get a scooter. Both of my accidents above were on a scooter that I used for commuting. Scooters get even less respect then bikes because drivers assume they are all slow.

I now commute on the vtr as I find it gets more respect than the scooter. I think drivers assume that scooters are ridden by kids and they don't care when they pull out in front of you.

That's my opinion anyway and that's based on owning a scooter for work and a boleros fun.
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by marravtr »

stop being a big girls blouse and go rag the butt off it up some b roads! :twisted: you sound like that puff tom cruise in top gun "maverick wont engage, he might not make it back" :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

go fill her up, get out on your own, rag it and wait for the grin to come back! :wink:
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by PaulG »

marravtr wrote:stop being a big girls blouse and go rag the butt off it up some b roads! :twisted: you sound like that puff tom cruise in top gun "maverick wont engage, he might not make it back" :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

go fill her up, get out on your own, rag it and wait for the grin to come back! :wink:
:) Off up a B, to whip butt, rag it and top end a puff whilst watching Top Gun and wearing my best girl's blouse
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by Styler4077 »

Good reply, looks like your on the mend. :D
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by marravtr »

there you go, my work here is done! :biggrin
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by pariah »

for what it's worth. My dad has always brought me up to think that when going out on the bike to always bear in mind that every other person out there is a total tw@ and will get me every chance they can.

Touching wood, so far so good . Good Old Pops hey . :thumbup:
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Re: Loss of enthusiasm

Post by TUG »

My mate put it simply
It's like Fcuking space invaders out there! There all out to get you!
And do you know what he's right, it is that bad, and at the end of the day you must read them, if i see a car i instantly slow right down and low and behold they do a U turn or turn off because they dont look. They're too busy fcuking around with their phones or radios to notice anything. Do you go shopping at say asda for arguements sake? Watch them, they don't look over their shoulders like we do, they dont take in everything around them, to busy day dreaming etc. I personally hate people as a whole, because i can't trust them and i can't even relate to them ever since i was little and as i've grown it's become much worse. No offence to anyone and i'll glady help anyone in need as i'm that way inclined.
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