OK I Been AWOL Twice.

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OK I Been AWOL Twice.

Post by RedStormV »


OK I've been AWOL twice now.Where's RSV?.

I Don't need to give an explanation nor do I crave sympathy.

TBH I may look like a big 'hard' tattooed biker (anyone that's met me)

Underneath I'm a big softy really - even get tears in me eyes at sad bits in films and can become emotional with certain music - True! 8O (big puff!) Not true - I hope!

I was encouraged to post this by Timbo. (Thanks? Tim)

Short answer (from PM's):
"Long story mate but suffice to say I hope to be back on the forum more often.
Just had some personal sorta bike related sh1t to deal with.

Basically have been looking at losing my licence on medical grounds for f*ck sake!!!!
Thankfully now I hope this isn't the case."

End of relevant PM's.

Not being able to drive the car would be an annoyance, but unsurmountable. :roll:

Not being able to ride my bikes doesn't bear thinking about!!!! :x

Hence the main reason for being silent after that last time.

Warning ... Do not read on if you're easiliy depressed!

Long version:

Starts in June last year...

Wife diagnosed with breast cancer (no history in family!), mastectomy, reconstruction, Chemo and all the sh1t that goes with it - still ongoing!

We're trying to be positive and have been throughout - it doesn't help us or anyone to be anything else.

On the run in September when Ian lost bottom of his leg - Didn't really know him but not something anyone wants to see.

Losing me mate Tiny in December - Big guy - feckin big loss - Mandy and I miss him like crazy.

Tw@t taking me out in December ruining me pristine Dommy - still not resolved. Once it is I'll be writing to the Insurance ombudsman - cos the company I'm with are worse than BT at communicating! Useless To55ers & blatant liars is how I'd describe them.

December into January - One of wifes dogs with spinal injuries £5000 bill which insurance only cover £3000 of! Dog still has wheels - but she's a real sweetie - vets couldn't believe she could be so happy, waggy & licky throughout it all. They operated Christmas Eve! - wonder what that added to the bill - LOL

Then in January / February get told I may have to surrender me licence for medical reasons! - Diagnosed with 'Severe' OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea). All I'd done was go to the docs to seek help for bad snoring so wor lass could get a good nights sleep without having to bugger off to the couch! (Obvious reasons). Referred to specialist etc etc
Apparently because my 'score' was above 12 means I could fall asleep at the wheel anytime - NOT! - Certainly not riding the Storm! I suppose they have to draw a line in the sand somewhere and I was above it!

When they monitored my blood ox levels whilst asleep - apparently I was only getting approx 2 'proper' hours sleep a night.

No wonder then, that for as long as I can remember I've been tired when I wake up and throughout the day, no matter whether I had 5 or 10 hours sleep the night before.

Thankfully (or not) I now have to use a CPAP machine when I sleep - nasal mask and positive air pressure. Don't snore at all while it remains on. She thinks it's great!!!! I'm feeling better for it but only gradually.

Still have to inform DVLA (have to tell insurance too) - I now have form to fill out and send off - Could still have to surrender my licence - but apparently because I'm 'responding under treatment' that's 'unlikely'.
We'll wait and see shall we?

This is a life or at least lifestyle changing thing - I'm not dieting but being more careful what I eat (lose weight) - I also need to kick fags (that's not stop booting gays up the backside!).

Quitting fags increases blood oxygen levels - losing weight may decrease the 'obstruction' - If not then operation time on throat and / or nasal passages.

Also recently a very close friend has lost his licence for a 2nd time for drinking - I know there's no excuse - he does too. He has few friends left because of it (mainly due to 'borrowed' money). He has to accept that he's ill and more importantly do something about it before he becomes another statistic.
The few friends he has left including myself an Mandy despair for him and help him when we can but there's going to have to be an impasse. Trouble is it's long term depression that's caused it - failed marriage to a woman he worshipped, losing 2 close friends Heath IOM in 2002 & My Brother in 2003, losing his both his parents in and amongst then losing another friend Tiny in December last year - Enough to drive anyone to drink I suppose - losing his last friends might just push him over the edge!

No wonder then I've not shown much interest in bikes or forum - apart from using the hire one to get to work and back (bike that is).

Now when I finally browse through the forum I find that Alan's been in a bad one and nobody let me know! - Thankfully he's out of hossy but as he said when I spoke to him the other night, he was in intensive care for 11 days 'critical' & 'unstable' - there were times when the doctors didn't think he'd make it!

Here's to a speedy recovery for a top bloke!!

So that's nearly 12 months of shite!!! Certainly 10.

I've had better periods and unfortunately, but thankfully not recently, darker times too.

TBH I think I must've taken a wrong turn somewhere and headed down the wrong tunnel!

There is light at he end of this tunnel.......

I just hope the bloody leccy holds! :) :lol: :lol:


Family & Self 1st and foremost - everytime
Friends a close 2nd
Bikes 3rd
Other materialistic things last.


And I told Tim I was going to try keep it brief!

Wouldn't be me if I did would it? LOL

Why use 3 words when a paragraph will do.

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Post by LotusSevenMan »

Takes a lot to post stuff like that IMHO and so a big "Thumbs Up" from me fella.

There are a lot of bad things that go on in life but you and your lass have a positive attitude so that can only rub off on the rest of us.
Certainly makes one think that when your own life seems poor how much we really have to be greatful for.

Keep with it RSV and all the best to your lass with the ongoing!!!

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Post by patty »

here here,
dont know you personally fella,but i hope things can! and will get better for you and all concerned.
like you said there is a light at the end of the tunnel,and no matter how dim it seems at the mo.hopefully it will be shineing bright for you soon mate.

all the best

p.s give that dog of yours a big hug from me.they can really lift you up when your down.all the sh*t they put up with and they still always love you to death.......i miss my 2 so much.
yellow all the way...
who needs 4 cylinders when 2 are this good!!

storm no more...rsv power now.
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Post by Jbrebel »

Its good to see you back on the forum Graeme :D

Sorry about all the problems youve had over the last 12 months! :(

Hopefully 2008 will be a better year for you and your family.

All the best pal, hopefully see you out and about at somepoint,

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Post by Wildfire »

Sorry to hear of your trials & tribulations & I hope things pan out better over the coming months for both of you
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Post by sirch345 »

Blimey Graeme you've certainly have enough on your plate to deal with, it's hardly any wonder you've not been posting for a while :!:

Good on you for this post of yours, even if Tim did give you a little push into doing it, as LSM says it couldn't have been easy :!:

I can only wish you all the very best for the future, for you and your wife with her illness (I only wish I could do more).

Hang in there Graeme, I sincerely hope things get better for you soon :!:

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Post by chuxsta »

well nothing can be said to make any thing any easier... apart from life dont half suck some times......

on the sleep disorder thing...... my old man had to see a specialist cause he snored like a drag tractor that was been revved in a bell tower.... could hear him over the TV the other side of the house..

the only cure they told him was an operation....
not sure what the readings were but there was wombles all about the sleep thing....

if any thing i should have my liscencs taking off me cause the sounds of bikes sends me to sleep.... as a baby i was always around motorbikes,,, they sub consiously relax me.in the same way a lot other people find washing machines or hoover sounds soothing. .. so much so when at the WSB last few years running. me and my father fall asleep track side...
i always fall alseep watching bike racing, and if i cant sleep at night i put on a bike race.
and if im a bit sleepy on a bike and not paying attention my eyes start to go....

any way dude. the sh1t times can only get better, and they make us appreciate the good times...
chin up and keep us posted..
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Post by Beamish »

Mate, I dont know you really but do feel for yer, sounds like a stinking turn of events. Hope the devil gets off your back for while and allows some good times to roll. Take care and wish your mate luck with the boozing, Most people would be labelled an alcoholic if you go by the docs figures but I reckon I would have gone into a bad downward spiral if my liver didnt wipe me out for 2 days after a good session.
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Post by warby221 »

well it looks like you must have been a right bugger in a previous life
You must have paid for it by now so here’s hoping that thing improve v/fast for you and yours
Things like this do tend to put things in to perspective for you and give you a good sense of what’s actually important I know this from experience so hopefully things will come good soon
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Post by stevevtr1 »

Christ,Graeme i dont think i know anyone who has had as bad a run of luck.
Hope every thing comes good soon.
Best wishes for you & your wife & your mate.

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Post by storminateacup »

There's bad luck and there's bad luck but you've had BAD LUCK :twisted: lets hope it's over for you now and you and yours can get on with life.
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Post by fritz »

and if it wasnt for bad luck, you would have had none at all mate!! 8O

well im going to wish you loads of good luck for the future and hope it all comes up roses from all the shite you have had :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

lets all raise a glass to graeme :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Kitch »

Life really knows how to stick it in and break it off huh?

Been through times like that meself, and would just say that I know first hand that mostly stuff gets sorted.

If you're up to it, there's a lot of studies and trials going on for sleep apnea and sleep labs etc. Could make a fair whack of money spending the odd night in a university getting poked by 19 year old cute med students.
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Post by tony.wilde1 »

bloody hell

just read all that graeme!!

all i can say is this....youve certaintly had your share of sh1t news ...and it "must"get better......

since sept..ive lost a dear dog...and me dad...and also all the mrs ilness too...however,no matter how bad things are they surely cant get any worse...so onward and upward ay mate? cheers! :)

ah..having said that ive just lost me job last friday :cry:
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Post by Pete.L »

8O 8O 8O
I think all the good words of encouragement have already been Said Graeme And I'd just like to add I'm with them. We're here if you need us Bud. Tell the Mrs to keep fighting and wish her a speedy recovery from all of us.

My new ride is a bit of a Howler and I love to make her Squeal
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