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Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:28 pm
by VTRDark
an oversize valve cap on the end of it, normally dice shaped or some glow-in-the-dark
I remember them. Get some furry dice to hang in the Ford Capri as well. :lol:
Or as I did, x2 straps (essentially big jubilee's) with rubber blocks: £7
Not quite a jublee clip as there is no worm drive but a vast improvement.


Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:46 pm
by Kev L
This is mine mounted on the left spar under the seat -



Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:12 am
by gl_s_r
Pete.L wrote:
8541Hawk wrote:I would still like to see a failed Al stem or at least a link to one.

The way I see it, first you need to figure out the tensile of the Al alloy used and the the weight of the small tube sticking out.

Then with that info you could figure out how fast the wheel would have to spin in order to cause deflection of the tube.
I would guess the RPM needed to cause the tube to bend would be higher than this bike is capable of producing.
Sorry Hawk,
I should have got back to this thread sooner. I had no idea it would be so controversial :oops:
Firstly, there was a craze over here a little while ago to add a 90 degree valve stem to the existing rubber stem. Then you would get some pillock put an oversize valve cap on the end of it, normally dice shaped or some glow-in-the-dark variety and that was what a warning was published about .I've not heard any thing about replacing the whole stem with a metal one of any material. In fact, metal, whether it be steel, aluminium or phosphor bronze is normally the safety valve of choice.
I hope this clears things up and all those irritable formula which have been flying around you head will subside and you can let your calculator cool down.
Once again,
Humble apologies

Pete.l :wink:
That explains a lot and why I felt safe with mine.. here is a pic of the one's I have in aluminium and 90 degrees.. bolted from the inside.


Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:30 am
by Jamoi
Damn I want your brakes Mark!

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:04 am
by Watty
Kev L wrote:This is mine mounted on the left spar under the seat -


Cheers Kev :thumbup: that's where mine is going, when I eventually get back in the cave to do something :roll:

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:49 pm
by tony.mon
Twas good weather for frogs yesterday.

So I riddit.

Nothing fell off, not even me.
I'll have to try harder.

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:56 pm
by Ckennedy
Well me and Lloyd have been rather busy today. Fitted x2 exhaust cams, done all the clearences, re packed my carbon cans, got them level and given it a little coat of wax. Not bad for 7 hrs work :lol: I shall be leaving Lloyds after this cuppa and see what these cams really do :thumbup:

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:05 pm
by agentpineapple
What did lloydie repack of yours..... :eek2 :eek2 :eek2

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:09 pm
by Ckennedy
Only my cans. That's for sure :lol:

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:34 pm
by tony.mon
Ckennedy wrote: and see what these cams really do :thumbup:
Nothing much, usually.

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:54 pm
by bigtwinthing
Adjusted and lubed the chain, re checked the forks and all fastenings as its gonna be "Dry" on Saturday :D :D :D :D first day out on the bike with the "rogered" forks on, can't chuff in wait!!!

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:53 pm
by shanet88
Put my new exhaust brackets on today. Had the Dremel on the link pipes and had a little fiddle trying to get the cans lined up. There near enough there a little tweaking tomorrow and give them a tighten and see if we have any leaks. Fingers crossed we don't.



Think bike! Think biker!

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:45 am
by 8541Hawk
Pete.L wrote: Sorry Hawk,
I should have got back to this thread sooner. I had no idea it would be so controversial :oops:
Firstly, there was a craze over here a little while ago to add a 90 degree valve stem to the existing rubber stem. Then you would get some pillock put an oversize valve cap on the end of it, normally dice shaped or some glow-in-the-dark variety and that was what a warning was published about .I've not heard any thing about replacing the whole stem with a metal one of any material. In fact, metal, whether it be steel, aluminium or phosphor bronze is normally the safety valve of choice.
I hope this clears things up and all those irritable formula which have been flying around you head will subside and you can let your calculator cool down.
Once again,
Humble apologies

Pete.l :wink:
No worries and no need to apologize for anything, it makes perfect sense now :thumbup:

Sorry to offend with my quick calculations.... it's just how my mind works........ :oops:

Adding things to a rubber stem is usually a bad idea as the stems are normally a overlooked maintenance item and don't get replaced as often as they should.
Besides that they are just rubber where the mount to the rim, so it is real easy to get flex there.

The only thing I ever had on the rubber stems, or any straight stem, is a metal cap with a rubber seal in it.
This was because you can also get the valve stem to compress just enough to start bleeding pressure at "brisk" speeds. :shh:

Carry on.

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:45 am
by Pete.L
8541Hawk wrote:Sorry to offend with my quick calculations.... it's just how my mind works........
Don't ever stop. I enjoy it :thumbup:
and it's good to question. Most the time I think a lot of arguments could be avoided with the better use of communication skills.
gl_s_r wrote:That explains a lot and why I felt safe with mine.. here is a pic of the one's I have in aluminium and 90 degrees.. bolted from the inside.
Probably one of the safest valve set ups on here :thumbup: That puppy's not going to cause any problems for a very long time :clap:

Note to self:
must be more clear and get my thoughts down properly,not just expect everyone to be able to read my mind :Fish1:

Re: what have you done to your "bike" today

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:20 pm
by lloydie
MOT'd it and it passed easy :-)