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Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:11 am
by thumper
really looking forward to seeing you all in may , i got the b&b across the roads booked :P

i am sleeping top to toe with rainmaker the lady said and any more hairy arsed bikers that come along ,lol :D

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:14 pm
by DavieMac11
I'll be there too. Prob give tattie a shout and join him on the ride through to Inverness. Ullapool's always a good run, brilliant road!
I'm sure i'll be able to drag myself to the pub too! :)

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:37 am
Top to toe wash feet this month then :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:48 pm
by yellafella
Inverness . . . . . . . . Why not ?

Tell ya why not ! Those Arseholes in the Scottish parliament have now made it law that you cannot smoke in any public building, pubs,etc,
I am going to have to cancel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
fiddler !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:22 pm
by kevg
been plenty of ads on the tv and radio the past few month about this, as a non smoker it doesn't bother me one way or another, but to wake up in the morning and still smell of smoke from the night before is pretty manky, a good few of my friends smoke and they do it responsibly, they don't light up when we are all eating and respect other people by thier actions.

with the budget putting more money on fags again and this ban which will be nationwide soon i guess the government is finally trying to eliminate a habit which for most people is more or less unnessessary, no one needs to smoke, its just a habit they picked up and can't give up, i know peoples freedom is being undermined by telling them what to do, but if they hadn't started in the first place and the national health service was more efficient and didn't have to be overloaded with cancer and lung complaint patients due to smoking then everything would be rosey.

for a cigarette company that is raking in millions from smokers this is going to be a big hit in their pocket, so i'd imagine they will be trying to do anything in their power to keep smokers smoking.

nothing makes me more mad than seeing kids hanging about outside schools smoking, they aren't old enough to know what they are doing, as an adult you are supposed to be responsible enough to take stock of your own actions, but kids need to be nurtured and taught right from wrong, and not follow fads and fashions, be free thinking enough to make thier own minds up.

i don't really know what i'm trying to say here, just a rant, you can't tell people not to do something, that just makes a minority want to do it all the more, this subject and the subject of peoples freedom to do what they want is a huge can of worms, what are they going to tell us we can't do next, drink alcohol, which falls into the same catagory as smoking, its unessessary, but plenty of people do it and enjoy it, just there are some that do it to excess, and fill hospital beds as a consequence, everyone is different, and have different tolerance levels, some smoke, some drink, some do both, but to tell them they can't is wrong.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:41 pm
by Fireman on a Storm
The thing is when there is a cut in the number of people smoking there will be a cut in the amount of tax the government get.
Then the ogvernment will blame the smokers and put everyone elses tax up.

better health for all but more tax and less money to enjoy it with :twisted:

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:47 pm
by yellafella
Same old stories, same old lies, same old taxes, same old excuses ! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Need a lottery win so i can buy my own little island and do what the f**k i like and go tell Tony Bliar to kiss my butt ! :D

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:00 pm
If we are talking about freedom here, well much of my NHS time is spent with druggies (SCUM) WHO STEAL, LIE, CHEAT, ROB AND GET FREE METH ADONE ETC.
Alcoholics are given money for booze from DHS would you believe.........cos its an addiction.

Smoking is small beer compared to the antisocial behavior of druggies.
one i know had infection from injecting that eroded his hip joint, still he robbed a small supermarket ON CRUTCHES.......getaway was a bit slow.
The police were watching him from their car, but couldn't get out of the car to chase him cos they were laughing so hard.

Another druggie does self harm..took his ear off and ate it, next he is going to take out his eyes..........under prison guard and cuffed but still a nutter and the cost to the tax payer is about £10,000 on each admission to hospital.................YOU THE TAX PAYER FUNDS THE DRUGGIES, but at least the smokers pay for themselves and die don't you think.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:05 am
by yossa
its a well knowm fact smokers put more in2 health system than they take out and non smokers aint sussed there taxes will go up to cover losses

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:56 am
by sirch345

A topic which will be argued about the rights and wrongs of what should be or not be allowed will no doubt continue for many many years to come :!:

Its obvious that people who smoke will more than likely wish to continue and I personally don't have any problem with that as long as it doesn't effect anyone else :!: BUT imo have any of you smokers ever thought about what a selfish attitude that is :?: IE (probably won't gain many friends here) how many of you (if you're honest) have children and you smoke indoors :!: we now know that passive smoking is as bad if not worse than actually smoking yourself :!:

I had a short stay in hospital sometime ago and I was shocked at how many people were in there with smoking related illnesses :!: some of them were crawling the walls in agony screeching with pain through the night :!: it was a real eye opener for me :!:

It would be interested to hear from any of you that work in hospital's what percentage of sick people are actually sick from a smoking related illness :!:


Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:32 am
by yellafella
BUT imo have any of you smokers ever thought about what a selfish attitude that is :?: IE (probably won't gain many friends here) how many of you (if you're honest) have children and you smoke indoors :!: we now know that passive smoking is as bad if not worse than actually smoking yourself :!:

I know you're not having a go, but i only smoke in the sun room at the back of the house, doors shut. I too only smoke at the bar when in a restaurant and am sympathetic to non smokers.
And i do intend to give it another shot at packing up ! I know someone who has managed to give up using a prescribed drug ( Zygol ? )

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:09 pm
by sirch345
Well at least your're honest about it (Stu and Kaz) and pretty responsible for your actions by the sound of it :!: I expected a better response to my post, especially when this thread has been view over 40 times since I posted it :!:

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:33 pm
by thumper
VTR1000KAZ wrote:I've know a good few people give up with the patches from the nurse too... apparently they give vivid dreams as a side effect 8O

hey i fancy some of those vivid dreams i think i will get some patches :?

vivid dreams mmmmmmmmmmmm 8O

(what are, vivid dreams again???)

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:36 pm
by tony.wilde1

there you are,now we can all dream of our tyres staying up!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:40 pm
by Pete.L
thumper wrote:
VTR1000KAZ wrote:I've know a good few people give up with the patches from the nurse too... apparently they give vivid dreams as a side effect 8O

hey i fancy some of those vivid dreams think i'll get some wet patches :?

vivid dreams mmmmmmmmmmmm 8O

(what are, vivid dreams again???)
Snigger :D will you need a ciggy afterwards
:P :P :P