Plod in the wrong...

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Re: Plod in the wrong...

Post by StormingHonda »

I think cyclist should have a road course for bikes, and have a road fee use fee, Road tax being based on emission is a recent thing, so theres no excuse you use the road you pay for it, also cyclist should have a liability insurance atleast, they were doing a thing on the radio about pedestrians killed and mamed by cyclist every year, the number was quite shocking.
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Re: Plod in the wrong...

Post by TonyW650 »

understand where every one is coming from but wasn't and isn't the bicycle ment to be a cheap mode of transport for the people, start imposing insurance and tax etc and you take that away, for example, some one close to the bread line cycles to work, you make him/her have to have tax and insurance and that make it unobtainable as a cheap mode of transport.

Pedestrians, maybe they should have insurance and tax aswell they seem to like taking up the road and getting in the way!

Dont get me wrong I know where you are coming from having driven some 100,000 miles plus in 3 years in and around london.
the bicycle is a cheap mode of transport, as far as the high way code goes it has the same rights and privileges as any other vehicle on the road, if memory serves from speaking to a Met officer years ago(traffic) it goes pedestrian, horse rider, cyclist, motorcyclist and car, so within theory they have more rights to be there than the cars and motorbikes.

I used to be a avid cyclist, mountain bike racing and road racing, I was always taught that you can use your lane as much as you want, so same as any other road user upto the white line in the centre. A bicycle is a road user and has the same rights as a car and motorbike.

my opinion is the officer shouldnt have under taken him, ok the cyclists road position stop any other option, both parties were in the wrong if you think about it, states in the highway code that no road user should hinder or impeed another road user, the cyclist hindered the police officer and the police officer performed a undertake which is again illegal

Recomedations by road safety state:
Position on road; the Department of Transport advises that we cycle about 1 metre from the kerb, or in the middle of the left hand lane. NEVER in the gutter.

A cyclist riding close to the kerb, virtually in the gutter, is almost by definition, lacking in confidence, experience or is dangerously unaware of safe riding and road skills. They're not being polite or allowing the motorist to squeeze past. They’re nervous and in danger of being a hazard to themselves and other road users, for they have left no space for themselves to avoid broken glass, potholes, and debris in their path. An alert and aware driver will give such cyclists even more space and courtesy!

Confident and experienced cyclists will cycle pretty much as they would drive a motor vehicle; they're looking to be predictable for other road users and safe. You will see them using the correct lanes even at roundabouts, looking out for what is behind them, signalling their intentions, and following the Highway Code.

Above all, confident and experienced cyclists will follow the Department of Transport's advice and position themselves carefully on the road. When you see a cyclist in front of you, apparently “hogging” their lane, look at the road; is there a blind bend, a pinch point such as a central island, a humpbacked bridge, a narrowing of the road installed to calm traffic, a high risk junction or traffic lights? We don't “take the lane” (ride down the middle of it) as a vindictive measure to hinder or impede motorists; we do it to prevent ourselves (and your no-claims bonus) from accidents caused by vehicles passing too close, squeezing through.

I rode around london as a bicycle courier, didnt last very long, but what storminghonda say about amount of pedestrians killed etc yeah I agree, but alot of them that I saw was because the bicycle is near silent and people look straight through them or think its only a bike I can get across in front of him or he'll stop etc
I hit a lady on a zebra crossing, it went to court, was riding for a courier company that issued us all with handle bar mounted cameras, it all got caught on camera, i'm coming up road almost on crossing and she just walked out, luckly I wasnt a car, but it got to court and my solicitor argued the point, basically she should have stopped and waited for me to stop, before proceeding, pedestrians are ment to give way to road users on a zebra crossing, how many actually know that.

you can tell I'm bored and sat at home lol
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Re: Plod in the wrong...

Post by VTRDark »

I agree with what your saying to a degree. But £20 a year tax would not be a lot to contribute towards dedicated cycle lanes and say a one off £15 to do a cycle proficiency test (CBT) type thing for the day. I don't even think schools teach children this in anymore, just like the green cross code. :twisted: Forget insurance they are up there with bankers and the biggest (for want a rude and insulting word) scammers on the planet. :twisted:

And as far as pedestrians go a lot of them deserve to get run over and need to be sent to the Tufty Club :lol: Image

Also 1 metre from the kerb is not that much and certainly not out in the middle or riding as a bunch two side by side riding at walking speed.
pedestrians are ment to give way to road users on a zebra crossing, how many actually know that.
Correct me if I am wrong here but I thought this was the other way around. As soon as a pedestrian places a foot on the Zebra crossing vehicles are supposed to slow and stop for them to cross the road. :confused

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Re: Plod in the wrong...

Post by BigVeeGrin »

I cycle to work now most days, storm it other days. Also cycled and biked around London over many years, and if there's one thing I know is that all road users can get on just fine if they don't think they own the wombles thing and no-one should be on their bit at that point in time - goes for bikers, lorries, cabbies, buses, cyclists, cars with women in, sales reps, white vans and even the gee gees. Love and peace all :Saber:
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Re: Plod in the wrong...

Post by TonyW650 »

the thing with the zebra crossing your kinda ment to give way to each other and use common sense, noit that theres much of that about now adays
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Re: Plod in the wrong...

Post by agentpineapple »

BigVeeGrin wrote:I cycle to work now most days, storm it other days. Also cycled and biked around London over many years, and if there's one thing I know is that all road users can get on just fine if they don't think they own the ferking thing and no-one should be on their bit at that point in time - goes for bikers, lorries, cabbies, buses, cyclists, cars with women in, sales reps, white vans and even the gee gees. Love and peace all :Saber:

i agree mate, why can't we all just get along.... :thumbup:
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Re: Plod in the wrong...

Post by tony.mon »

bigspanishmarty wrote:
BigVeeGrin wrote:I cycle to work now most days, storm it other days. Also cycled and biked around London over many years, and if there's one thing I know is that all road users can get on just fine if they don't think they own the ferking thing and no-one should be on their bit at that point in time - goes for bikers, lorries, cabbies, buses, cyclists, cars with women in, sales reps, white vans and even the gee gees. Love and peace all :Saber:

i agree mate, why can't we all just get along.... :thumbup:
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Re: Plod in the wrong...

Post by VTRDark »

agree mate, why can't we all just get along.... :thumbup:
I'm humming Ebony and Ivory as I write.
Yin and Yang :biggrin

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