Blody Rickshaws!

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Blody Rickshaws!

Post by robin1000 »

Anyone ride or drive in Central London?

Is it just me, or are those bloody things a menace to everyone? I drive a cab as well as being a stormer and I have nothing but grief with them.
Most of them are ridden by illegals, contributing nothing to this country. They ride like complete twats even with people on board, and they are NOT insured!
So if yer in town and think about getting in one, think again, and they ain't cheap.
It should be legal to run the vermin off the road and stop making our capital look like a third world country!!! :D
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Post by LotusSevenMan »

You mean like these? 8O
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Post by BarryH »

While out on the scoot doing the Knowledge I try not to collide with them, but I'm damn sure half of them haven't a clue as to what they are doing. Also those bloody cycle things that take passengers are a liability....
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Post by storminateacup »

How come the PCO is allowing it is this another of Red Kens scatterbrained ideas. When you think of the training, the checks and the maintenance routine for licensed cabbies the mind boggles. I am glad to be out of it handed my badge back after 25 years of pain and suffering. Got a proper job now, regular hours decent money pension and no driving in London and no PCO. Community transport Rules OK.
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Post by BarryH »

I Think because its not motorised transport it doesn't come under the PCO's remit. May be wrong but none of them have a licence number displayed or even a licence like the private hire mini cabs either.

Very seasonal as well from what I can tell, you don't see many in the winter months, so they seem to be for the tourist trade. Thanks for your comments on being a black cabbie.......bolsters my confidence no end!?!

I'm doing it as I've had enough of running about after customers who can't make their bloody mind up and I don't want to carry on working 18/20 hour days just to make ends meet.
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Post by robin1000 »

Keep going Barry, the streets are paved with gold don't forget! :wink:

Red Ken has basically given all the companies that run these things a blanket licence, running away again. Should be called YELLOW Ken, I detest the man. I've had him in the cab and he's arrogant and souless.

THese things should be banned. They are dangerous as they offer no protection to the traveller. They aren't cheap. I've been told by a punter that he was charged £10 to go from Charing X to Tottenham Court Road, a £6 fare in the cab! They have no agreed fare system so you are at their mercy. And to cap it all most of them are bloody Eastern Europeans on the make!!!!! And they make London look like Bangladesh. Ban 'em or hunt 'em, either way they have to go :evil:
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