Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

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Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by MacV2 »

Yes bit late, I blame shift work & old age but here we go.

Nominations for the 2023 forum awards in the following Categories.

1. Best Firestorm.

2.Best non Storm.

3.Best tinkerer of the year.

4.The least progress on a project.

5. Most helpful member.

6 The Best 'Wicky bin shot' of the year.

7.The best VTR meeting of the year.

8. The Operation Storm Highlight/Low point of the year.

9.The poor Partners award. The Partner who has to put up with the VRT nutter the most. Partners in Grime...

10. Operation Storms Drunken memory 2023.
Last edited by MacV2 on Sun Jan 21, 2024 8:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by MacV2 »

So remember folks this is for nominations only. I'll sticky this for 7 Days . Then collate the data & then put the polls up Pic's in your nominations will be helpful.

So here goes with my Nominations...

1. Best Firestorm. Has to be Nue Red

2.Best non Storm.
Als KTM. Tonys Ape. Fabio's LC

3.Best tinkerer of the year.
Al & the Drag RD400. Buzzer Various Wonders.

4.The least progress on a project.
Bazza Storm in a summer house. Glsr

5. Most helpful member. Frank. AlMcQ. Sirch. Tony Mons.Oh & me mainly for the Malc haul.

6 The Best 'Wicky bin shot' of the year.

7.The best VTR meeting of the year. I only did GrainStorm, DevonStorm & Wales

8. The Operation Storm Highlight/Low point of the year. Very Low...The news of Malc's passing on the morning we rode Down to DevonStorm. Highlight DevonStorm & Wales

9.The poor Partners award. The Partner who has to put up with the VRT nutter the most. Partners in Grime... Mrs Fabbio. Mrs Mons. Mrs McQ

10. Operation Storms Drunken memory 2023. The £60 quid 1st round @ DevonStorm inc the Rum shots for Malc
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Re: Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by MacV2 »

I remember the rum shots. That was funny.
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Re: Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by tony.mon »

My nominations:

1. Best Firestorm.

2.Best non Storm.
Add Alastair's KTM, would you? Having chased it round Spain I'm quietly impressed. Wouldn't buy one, though!

3.Best tinkerer of the year.

4.The least progress on a project.
Bazza's Storm. He's even delegating Storm meetup attendance to his brother now.

5. Most helpful member.
I nominate Sirch. Chris is unfailingly upbeat and supportive.

6 The Best 'Wicky bin shot' of the year.

7.The best VTR meeting of the year.

8. The Operation Storm Highlight/Low point of the year.
Highlight for me was Duffy trying to style out his hedge/bike laydown in Devon and trying to pretend he wasn't that bothered😘

9.The poor Partners award. The Partner who has to put up with the VRT nutter the most. Partners in Grime...

10. Operation Storms Drunken memory 2023.
At Devon, when I managed to persuade the barman that port was measured in large wine glass quantities, and getting best part of half a pint for less than eight quid.
It's not falling off, it's an upgrade opportunity.
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Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by Duffy1964 »

1. Best Firestorm.Fabio’s Dori

2.Best non Storm.My Ducati Multistrada until it fell off it bloody stand loading it up to go home in Devon

3.Best tinkerer of the year.Al as he played with the RD400 & KTM

4.The least progress on a project.GLSR

5. Most helpful member. Got to be Macster especially with his efforts for poor Popkat. Also Tony Mon for taking mine and Tracy’s rucksack to the Isle of Man TT for us.

6 The Best 'Wicky bin shot' of the year. I can’t remember one

7.The best VTR meeting of the year. Grainstorm Devon was the only ones I attended but Devon as it was for longer.

8. The Operation Storm Highlight/Low point of the year.
Highlight was seen Macsters face after shelling out £60 on a round of drinks. ( but maximum respect as it was to toast/ Honour Malc. )
Low point was Malc Sampson passing just before we got to Devon. #34

9.The poor Partners award. The Partner who has to put up with the VRT nutter the most. Partners in Grime...Although no longer a storm owner it’s got to be Nicole Mon Tony’s long suffering wife when Tony goes of tangent with his stories.

10. Operation Storms Drunken memory 2023. Tony Mons ramblings after getting large glasses of port.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yellow 1997 Storm R.I.P. Orange 2000 Streetfighter (Rufus), Red & Silver 1968 Triumph Trophy 650, Blue 2003 Storm Project, Red 2007 Montesa Cota Trials 250 & 1959 BSA D7 175cc Bantam Trials Project
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Re: Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by AMCQ46 »

1. Best Firestorm.
]I nominate
Fabiostar’s Mori replica
KevL blue rinse special

2.Best non Storm.

This is a wide open category but I will nominate
My RD400
James Husky SM701…. Purely for the way it can run rings round bikes double its size.
Fabiostar’s RD250LC
Duffy’s neat TDR

3.Best tinkerer of the year.

Buzzer by a country mile

4.The least progress on a project.

bazzer for the storm in a shed
Flatline for the infamous Ducafe

5. Most helpful member.

sirch… he holds this forum together for all of us to benefit
MacV2 for spare parts and the way he stepped up to help Malc (Popkat)

6 The Best 'Wicky bin shot' of the year.

Iill have to go and look

7.The best VTR meeting of the year.

I think I did them all again this year, as well as adding my own Spanish one. so here in no order are my reminders

Yorkshire… it always feels good as it’s the first time we all get to meet up after the winter hibernation…. So lots of drunken banter and also some good riding. Downer on this one was Victor crashing his bike on the way to the event. Fortunately he was ok and turned up in the car the next day.
I think Yorkshire has the best accommodation

Devon…. Catching up with the southern softies for the 1st time in the year and being by the sea is always good, but knowing that Popkat was fading fast, and that we wouldn’t see him again after this weekend, made it a bit thought provoking . We had hoped that at least one of us could visit him that weekend, so he knew we were thinking about him, but when Mac got the phone call that he had passed away at noon on the day we were arriving…. That hit us all hard.
I had to invent some routes for us to ride, as we had always relied on Malc for this…. These were big shoes to fill… I got a good 80% of it right, but there was a few shitty single track roads …. Sorry about that lads.
I think Tony.mon suggested that we scrap any plans to ride and just use the weekend to drink toasts to Malcs memory, from the hazy recollections I have I think we did both.

Ireland…. We had moved location out to enniskillen, and I knew the roads out there were good from previous times I had been there, so this was going to be fun😊.
Until the rain started and didn’t stop till Sunday.
Still got some good riding in, and had the added joy of dropping in on the way past and taking the piss out of Fabio who had messed up his leg crashing his Pegaso…. And for me the fun of getting to ride alongside that mild mannered wild man James on his 700 supermoto.

Some of us then added a cheeky trip up to Forfar, to play in the Cairngorms for a few days….those were good roads, and we even had dry weather in the middle of it bookended by more torrential rain. Big thanks to Grumpyfrog for hospitality and showing us his favourite places

Scottish trip…. Smaller crowd for this one, but perfect riding roads and good banter were the order of the day….dont think there was a downer.

Wales …. This is the biggest turnout, so always fun. weather was perfect and Tony, flatline and I went a day early to make the most of it…well it would be rude not to..
I had to get home on the Saturday night so missed the last night of fun, but I can bet it was good.

Spain and Martys house….. to start with there was going to be 4 of us but in the end there was 2 (and even Marty didn’t show up ) but it was still probably the highlight of my riding year. The roads, the lack of traffic, the scenery, the craic… oh and the wall to wall sun ☀️

I just worked out as I made these notes that I now plan all the routes and lead a group at every one of these weekends!!!! Does that qualify me for being helpful 😂

8. The Operation Storm Highlight/Low point of the year.

Touched on some above, but I nominate
1) just the joy of meeting up, drinking and riding with the community on here
2) toasting Malc
3) the delayed high of not getting an NIP after wales

1) loosing Malc 3hrs before we got there
2) the speed camera saga in wales, where I was sure I had gone through 3 new average speed cameras at at least double the limit….. that put a right downer on the rest of the ride and my holiday the week after.

9.The poor Partners award. The Partner who has to put up with the VRT nutter the most. Partners in Grime...

Mrs Mon and probably Mrs AMcQ46

10. Operation Storms Drunken memory 2023.

i think it would be Devon drinking port….but can’t remember
Or perhaps the 50cans of beer that we demolished in the stay at Marty’s cottage in Spain.
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Re: Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by lloydie »

im ashamed to admit it but ive lost track of the forum of late and wouldnt have a clue :oops:
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Re: Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by sirch345 »

My nominations are to go with Mac's already listed nominee's:

1. Best Firestorm.
Rob, Fabio's Dori, I know it has a white front wheel now, but this is a better pic :D
Al, AMCQ46's

2.Best non Storm.
Kev, Kev L's Triumph
Tony, Buzzer's Moto Guzzi
Mark, Purgeraptor's TL1000S

3.Best tinkerer of the year.

4.The least progress on a project.

5. Most helpful member.
Some already listed by Mac I know :D
MacV2, Tony Mon, AMCQ46, Buzzer, most likely more :eh:

6 The Best 'Wicky bin shot' of the year.

7.The best VTR meeting of the year.

8. The Operation Storm Highlight/Low point of the year.

9.The poor Partners award. The Partner who has to put up with the VRT nutter the most. Partners in Grime...

10. Operation Storms Drunken memory 2023.
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Re: Forum awards 2023 NOMINATIONS

Post by fabiostar »

il go with what everybody else says :lol: :lol: loads to choose from but i have to add Buzzer for a prize of some kinda for his engineering on his bikes :thumbup: :thumbup:
the older i get,the faster i was :lol:
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