For sale, seat with additional padding £85. As previously posted I had to sell my Firestorm because I was having a lot of problems with arthritis (40yrs in the building trade has taken it's toll on me) was gutted to have to sell, had storms for 12years, this was my 2nd, awesome bikes and only got £1100 for it in the end (a lot of bike for very little money) I did various things to prolong my riding enjoyment, one of those was getting this seat done, after trying different height increases, found that an extra 40mm of padding gave the best compromise, without altering the height too much but enough to make a very noticeable difference as the increased distance between pegs and seat made it less of a cramped riding position, took away the pain I'd get in my knees and got rid of the leg cramps I often used to get. It cost me £45 for a used donor seat and a further £140 for it to be re-upholstered, as you can see it is like new and very professionally finished, I took a picture of it on my bike before I sold it, I live in the Skelmersdale area Lancashire