Job Update.

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Job Update.

Post by bigtwinthing »

Well after applying to about 12 jobs I've had 2 interviews thats all, Both said my Salary expectation was too high for them, Why then interview me once i have written this on the Application under "Salary Required".

Ive interviewed about 29 People in the last 15 months, all after telling them the Salary before hand.
Maybe its different if you are going for Managers positions !!!.

Anyway, i have been sent to see the Company Doctor. His outcome ? They are asking me to do too much and i have had 1 workshop taken off me until i sort the others out. So Great news Also i can have an Ops Supervisor/Manager at each Workshop from now on. Thats a massive improvement to what i expected.

So plans in place for 2 new Managers/Supervisor and 3 fitters. happy days at the moment.
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Re: Job Update.

Post by sirch345 »

That sounds a lot better for you Paul :thumbup: Good news mate,

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Re: Job Update.

Post by chric »

Salary I just put owt above 4.08 what I'm on at minute :eek2 .
Got manflu had a week off already couldn't care less about going back.
Yes its a apprentice but think its just a government way of getting cheap labour in councils.
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Re: Job Update.

Post by VTRDark »

I'm really pleased to hear that the company you are with are now doing something to help. They obviously don't want to loose you and your job hunting elsewhere has given them a kick up the backside to do something about it. It's just a shame that companies have to be given a kick up the backside to look after their employees and treat them right. They ride a very fine line and keep things legal (most of the time) so they can't get into trouble, but often what is required by law is not always enough and this where morals come into play and how well companies treat their employees. Your old school and have decent morals and work ethic and the company don't deserve you but what choice is there. Give it a few years and there will be no work anyway as robots take more and more jobs.

I don't think in this day and age that you can expect to walk straight into a new job and expect the same as what your on now. Most places want one to start lower, prove themselves and work their way up. Skills and experience don't always get taken into account as we are all replaceable and company profits is what matters to them. It's a lump it or leave it kind of world as there are too many folk looking for employment these days and there is always someone willing to take less. Why do you think there are so many immigrants working here. Wages are being pushed lower and the minimum wage is OK for those that live 10 to a room and things like 0 hours contracts don't help.

It's a diffrent world now and things are changing. It wont be long before folk stop looking down at those on benefits because we will all be needing them. Humans will no longer be required in the workplace. First it was the factories... car manufactures etc, then the cashiers replaced by ATM's, then automated tills in supermarkets and what's left of other high st stores, then the internet killing high st stores, supermarkets are on the way out too as automated warehouses pick and pack online shopping. Soon there will be no need for delivery drivers as automated vehicles are around the corner. We can say goodbye to train drivers too. They are not far off being fully automated now hence train/tram drivers falling asleep. Military is being taken over by drones. The same will happen for enforcement officers on the streets as robocop takes over. They are already being replaced by cameras. For now a lot of these devices require a human behind the wheel so to speak but it wont be long before bots do that too. ... rt-1543835

And I tell you what we are not doing anything to stop it as we freely give our data away in the big data collection. Imagine how useful this will be for artificial intelligence. Soon robots will be able to use that data like having a human brain to make decisions based on all the data we have given them. It wont be long before we walk into a bar and get served a drink by a robot / android. This could be in the form of a vending machine or by one of those robot concierges they have in Japan a bit like CP3O.

Another interesting article here on the way things are going and the mentality and greed of these companies. ... -b.s..html
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Re: Job Update.

Post by alanfjones1411 »

Glad I'm retired. To be honest I don't know how I found time to go to work.Looks like a lot of stress has been taken away from you Paul.
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Re: Job Update.

Post by fabiostar »

Happy days. you have to think thats a bit of a result for you :thumbup:
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Re: Job Update.

Post by lumpyv »

chric wrote:Salary I just put owt above 4.08 what I'm on at minute :eek2 .
Got manflu had a week off already couldn't care less about going back.
Yes its a apprentice but think its just a government way of getting cheap labour in councils.
since my 18 year old lad has had an apprenticeship I am starting to believe this as well.

him and a mentor (23 year old) provide PE lessons for primary school kids, saving the govt paying a teacher to do a PE lesson.

they also do after school clubs and summer camps at half term, sports for people with learning and physical disabilities (children and adults) and they are starting to rely on him a bit for transporting some of the other apprentices about as he is one of the few who has a car. ( he likes this however as he gets mileage)

im really proud of what he does as he loves sport and genuinely likes doing stuff with kids and people with a few difficulties that mean they would not be able to enjoy sport :thumbup:

wage...... £3.10 per hour :( I don't like the thought of him being mugged off.

Paul. nice one , hope it works out. no one should be so ridiculously stressed at work . employers are stupid, you will only end up parting company one way or another if they do not address it :thumbup:
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Re: Job Update.

Post by MacV2 »

''wage...... £3.10 per hour :( I don't like the thought of him being mugged off.''

Isn't that below the min wage ? What exscuse have they got for paying him that ??? :x
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Re: Job Update.

Post by VTRDark »

£3.40 is the minimum wage for an apprenticeship. Modern day slave labour it is and wont even buy one a pack of ciggies. The only hope is that it's a means to an end but often this is not always the case, especially when firms can simply employ another apprentice for less. Or how about employing someone who is willing to work for less but cash in hand which happens in a lot of smaller firms, building trade etc. They may even be better off without the Tax and NI and can claim benefits on the side, or just work less than 16h because wages are so bad and then legally claim income support to cover council tax etc and one is better off. ... conditions

It all basically boils down to peoples wages not matching what true living expenses are. Why do you think there are so many part timers at places like Supermarkets working just under 16h. Their better off than the full timers because wages are so poor. It also has the other benefit (no pun intended) of keeping the DHSS off your back because you classed as being in employment and gets the unemployment figures down, the same way as 0 hours contracts get the numbers down. What we see on the news and figures dished out is not a true representation of the state of society.

IMO the minimum wage for apprentices under 18 should be £7.20 the national minimum wage as it stands now for over 25s and the National minimum wage should be at least £10 per hour or if in London then at least £12 and I'm being generous to the companies there. In reality there should a be a living wage of even more. Either that or the price of living has to go down. To put things in perspective...just think if Lumpys lad happened to get a parking ticket while out of the goodness of his heart is doing extra curriculum work for his firm, yeh there is fuel expenses but that gets burnt off, and then what about insurance using a vehicle for work purposes or wear and tear on parts. That one ticket is then his weeks wages gone. The firm sure as hell are not going to pay it hence why they don't have a company vehicle to begin with. What is the point in working accept to keep some form of sanity from not getting bored.

And all this goes on while the companies fill their share holders pockets full of profits. It's the same old story. The rich get richer and poor get poorer. There is no equality in this world, so there will always be a bad society full of crime. A game of cat and mouse and a matter of survival of the fittest. The corporate world is to blame and so are we for being sucked into things like giving our personal data away and buying or stealing the goods which the corporate world encourage. ... ripts-new/
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Re: Job Update.

Post by BrianC »

Enjoying your job is very very important.

I used to work for a big US owned computer company as a pronect director, earning gazillions but year on year it got worse and worse with more demands and regular redundancy programmes and the dreaded off shoring. I had the utmost respect forvthe people i worked with, but not for.

Eventually it got to me and i suffered serious depression etc, had to be off for months and eventually i jacked it in, and now i drove a van for Tesco and i love it !!!!!
During my rehab i bought and completely refurbished my first storm as a kind of theraphy, and it helped me more than words can describe.

So my advice to anyone is try your best to be in a job that makes you happy.

Hope that makes sense !!!!

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Re: Job Update.

Post by lumpyv »

MacV2 wrote:''wage...... £3.10 per hour :( I don't like the thought of him being mugged off.''

Isn't that below the min wage ? What exscuse have they got for paying him that ??? :x
Well he reckons that's apprentice rate !! Mind you I've never seen his payslip perhaps he is on the 3. 40 ?? It's worse for him as he is not like just turned 16, he's 18 being old in his school year and started a college course then gave up after 4 months :? Stepson got a better rate 11 years ago as an apprentice electrician,. Now working for himself snd coining it ...
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Re: Job Update.

Post by tony.mon »

I'm looking forward to the day that one of my worker robots complains to my hr robot that they aren't happy, and the hr robot deals with it in the usual way without my having to spend valuable profit counting time in listening to whinges.

My manager robot is subsequently programmed to award the worker with a better job title and more responsibility at the same pay, and to tell them to get on with it.
But to tell them that if they do well, as soon as the economic climate improves, they will be first in the queue.


(No, I don't own a business, I chose to be just a worker a few years back)
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