Think Bike / Think Car

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Think Bike / Think Car

Post by seb421 »


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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by bigtwinthing »

WE know the risks and they are out weighed by the excitement for me.Iam sure we have all had scary moments.( i have to be so carful on roads i don't know) Motorists not looking are a major blight, on phones in traffic, turning out when a car is turning left and they don't look past the car is a favourite. We need to be vigilant, fast when we know the roads and take the speed when we can safely use it. Its obvious he was speeding, but the driver admitted not seeing him or the car behind. Drivers seeing that will blame purely the speed of the bike. Sad another biker has died.
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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by Virt »

I've watched this and seen it shared all over my facebook wall..

I'm glad the campaign is getting out there, most of the sharers (?) are not bikers.

What's pissing me off is everyone saying "motorbikes should slow down. It's all his fault.".

The car saw neither the bike or the car behind it, that's from not paying attention. Even if the biker was doing the speed limit and the car pulled out later, we still may not have a happy ending. Why is it so difficult to take those 2 seconds to look carefully, and then once you see something start tracking it. See how much closer it gets over a second or two, that's all it takes..

That's what i do at such junctions, it's not like it adds an hour onto going anywhere. It's 2-5 seconds at each junction, it makes the best part of no difference on your journey. You can even do it while your indicating and changing position to join the central 'lane' thing.

Some of the drivers in this country, if you ask me, don't understand that passing the driving test means that you meet the minimum level of requirement to use the roads. It does not mean you are a good driver. There's no incentive for people to take extra courses to help them and so they don't progress much after their test..

I reckon their should be a think bike! related part of the test/lessons. Teach them how to track us properly early on, as apparently we are hard to track for the uninitiated, provide bike-safe like courses etc..

Train them as well as us, you can train us to observe and swerve/brake.. but you can also train them to look properly and effectively

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Think Bike / Think Car

Post by lloydie »

I do think drivers should be evaluated on there driving ability every 5 years at a higher standard to the driving test and lesions needed if the skills ain't good enough .
This would help stop bad habits .
At my work we are tested every year and you can see the difference it's had on longer standing employees of all ages and even the lady's !!.
The newer starters are terrible drivers when they start and if they make it to year two there abilities behind the wheel are much greater .

Now if this was applied to everyone on the road it would be a much safer place .

I think the vid is sad but also good as it's not just singling out car drivers as it's " think bike think car"
Every accident is avoidable if only all road users take the time to assess your actions in the drivers case in the video ,not taking enough time to look and the biker for speeding ,
On the subject of speeding and like btt said "time and place" .
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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by VTRDark »

Teach them how to track us properly early on, as apparently we are hard to track for the uninitiated, provide bike-safe like courses etc..
You'll have to teach them English first. :roll:

That made me jump that Seb. The Motorcyclist should have slowed for junctions. If one rides on roads like that then it's only a matter of time. He didn't even have time to brake or make a manoeuvre. I don't understand why the biker didn't see that coming. I could see the cars road position in the video and thought slow down way before he shouted woh. It's like he made no reaction to avoid a possible collision at all and rode straight into it.

That video is a gentle reminder of how quickly things can go wrong.

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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by MacV2 »

Re the re test idea.

Between 1997 & 2002 I had the dubious pleasure of being a driving instructor...long unsociable hours for shite money BTW...

There was a government led ''idea'' at the time to introduce compulsory re-tests every 5 or 10 years, cant remember which.

As I remember it folks like ROSPA, AA, RAC & the Driving Instruction industry in general were all in favour & behind the idea.

The DSA, who do the tests (a government agency BTW) were against it on the grounds of costs. As it would mean more centres & more staff, or much longer waiting lists for tests all round. So the idea floundered...

I do think that all licence holders should be re-tested on a regular basis...but of course your not just talking cars here...

How many of us would pass a test if we were told to take one tomorrow ?

The other gripe I have, whilst I'm moaning :lol: , motorway driving is not part of the test. It's illegal to drive on the M-way as a learner, but as soon as you pass your test you can drive on one... :crazy:
All driving schools/instructors offer post test m-way lessons but of course they ain't free so there is little take up. Any sensible instructor would take learners on duel carriage-ways & instruct as if it was an m-way i.e. slip roads but there are huge differences so it's not the same.

Anyway rant over. The vid...well I have to agree with Carl on this one, he wasn't exactly riding defensively was he approaching the junction.
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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by budd »

It's hard to watch something like that, makes you realise how quickly things can go wrong, I've just finished work and was thinking about going for a ride before I pick the kids up, don't think I will now !!!

Who's to blame? Ultimately the car driver should have been paying attention and not turned into the path of the oncoming vehicles.

But I also agree to some extent with carl and Macv2 the rider didn’t help his self, he didn’t seem to slow down at all when he approached to junction, although even at say 30mph I think he’d still have needed to take evasive action to avoid the car but at least he would have been in with a chance of missing it. I’m not sure what the speed limit is on that piece of road and to be honest he was going silly fast at any time and when I watched the video I expected the car to come from the left not the right because that’s usually what happens so it surprised me the car came straight across his path from the left.
Unfortunately you can’t predict what others are going to do but did access speed contribute to the accident ? I’d have to say yes but not so much the cause as the seriousness of the outcome, basically if he’d been going slower may have survived the impact but the bottom line is the car shouldn’t have pulled across, whether he genuinely didn’t see him or was trying to get across the junction before he arrived I guess we’ll never know. I’d say looking at the whole thing the rider was obviously experienced, riding fast but not crazy, good weather, bike in good nick, basically a sensible lad out for a blast, how many people on this forum also fit that description?
Also it was very brave of his parents to show it, because it certainly makes you think…
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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by Pete.L »

Jeez that made me Jump!
What was that pillock thinking about. Sorry Budd, I disagree, If he was an experienced rider with 20 yrs under his belt, he should have known better than to be driving at those speeds under those conditions. It was a momentary lapse of judgement on his part and it all went drastically wrong. I'm not saying we all should behave like angels all the time, I'd be a huge hypocrite if I said you'd never catch me doing something like that but you can't give the full blame to a car driver when they have a bike coming down the road at 100 mph.
Yes, we could all be more vigilant, take a little more time or plan our journeys better but at the end of the day we all can make mistakes, so we should also be thinking about how we can reduce our risks. To ourselves and just as importantly, to others.

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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by Wicky »

Chilling finale

With the FJR1300 doing an indicated 100mph just prior to impact the car driver could easily have misinterpreted the speed of the bike if he even saw him incoming at that pace.

100mph = 147 feet per second - so in space of two seconds the bike was travelling almost the length of two football pitches. Considering the excessive speed I'm surprised the car driver was prosecuted.
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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by VTRDark »

Had to watch it again. Chilling ending is the right word.

Yep very brave parents, I hope releasing the footage can give them some comfort. Very well made video, it would make a very good Gov informational advert on TV. It certainly makes one think. Think car.....

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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by budd »

Pete.L wrote:Jeez that made me Jump!
What was that pillock thinking about. Sorry Budd, I disagree, If he was an experienced rider with 20 yrs under his belt, he should have known better than to be driving at those speeds under those conditions. It was a momentary lapse of judgement on his part and it all went drastically wrong. I'm not saying we all should behave like angels all the time, I'd be a huge hypocrite if I said you'd never catch me doing something like that but you can't give the full blame to a car driver when they have a bike coming down the road at 100 mph.
Yes, we could all be more vigilant, take a little more time or plan our journeys better but at the end of the day we all can make mistakes, so we should also be thinking about how we can reduce our risks. To ourselves and just as importantly, to others.

to be honest he didn’t look like he was going that fast I guess cameras can be deceptive, 100mph approaching a junction is obviously way to fast the fact he didn’t seem to slow or show any apparent caution is indefensible, on a straight piece of road with no junctions fair enough.

On watching the ride up to the incident I wasn’t thinking this guy is riding like a tw@ it’s going to end in disaster, it was very much like lots of helmet cam footage I’ve seen but your right in retrospect he was going fast and should have slowed for the junction not necessarily because of the guy turning right but just because it’s the prudent thing to do as it was highly likely someone would pull out which is usually the case with accidents at junctions. The botton line is any and every junction should be treated as a potential hazard and approached with appropriate caution.
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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by lloydie »

Mac I was talking to one of out ADI the other week and they are trying to get motorway driving in as part of the criteria but as always there are people against it ! Myself I'm all for it and think new drivers should spend time on the motorways as the standard of driving on them is terrible at the best of times .

At the moment people well some people take a " experienced" driver with them the first time they use the motor ways and pass on all the bad habits they have
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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by Pete.L »

budd wrote:The botton line is any and every junction should be treated as a potential hazard and approached with appropriate caution.
+1 :thumbup:
and that's from a dumb idiot who was knocked of twice at right hand junctions. :lol:
Mind you, both incidents had happened before I was 19 they were both under 25 mph and I was still young enough to bounce then :crazy: Just a slow learner

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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by kev64 »

As a born again biker that scared me, but I do agree, I always take extra care at junctions/roundabouts
nearly got hit by a women driver on a roundabout earlier today,i don't know who was more scared
she jammed her brakes on half way across, and couldn't look at me
However I think I could have avoided her anyway
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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Post by StormingHonda »

Personally I think re testing people wouldn't stop accidents, and it would only help to line the pockets of everyone but the driver/rider, there is already enough rules and regulations in place to piss even the most patient person off.

I do however think drivers should have the similar rules placed upon them as bikes do as I get fed up of seeing a young prat driving about in a fast car like a moron because daddy could afford the insurance.
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