Paw print

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Re: Paw print

Post by lloydie »

They are about I'm sure if it too ,
If a deer can hide in the scrub and not be seen ,a stealthy predator with all this country side to roam around and hunt could easily go missed and as cats are clean and don't like leaving a trace ,prints or a caucus where they can be found No wonder the sighting have become like nessy
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Re: Paw print

Post by lumpyv »

when it was by itself , about 150 yards away I thought it was a black Labrador.

when it chased the deer it was running exactly like a cat, just very very fast , that was what convinced me.

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Re: Paw print

Post by kitsun »

AMCQ46 wrote:Can we have a new section on animal tracking skills :lol:

Is there a test and then a badge if we pass?
Ok. Tracking 101:-

First picture. Have a close look. At the tip of the 2 front toes you can see that there are 2 small holes/indentations That's the claws. Now look at the foot pad., it sunk in less than the print of the toes, suggesting that the dog had its weight moving forward, likely it's at a fast walk. Further evidence of weight forward is that the soil at the front edge of the print has sort of piled up at the front.

Second picture , the claws are not clear in the photo but the paw print is even in terms of indentation in the soil suggesting that the animal was at a slow walko or standstill at that point.

Now to get the speed we need a series of tracks and measure the distance to estimate the speed.

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Re: Paw print

Post by AMCQ46 »

kit, can you estimate the weight of the cat by the viscosity of the mud times the depth of the impression divided by the speed of running? :D
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Re: Paw print

Post by kitsun »

AMCQ46 wrote:kit, can you estimate the weight of the cat by the viscosity of the mud times the depth of the impression divided by the speed of running? :D
AMcQ, actually yes that is possible. assuming that the mud has not dried too much as when the paw print was made.

just put a known weight on the mud, measure the depth of the imprint, convert to PSI per inch depth or PSI per millimetre depth ditto for the paw print and with some simple math you should be able to get a fairly good estimate of the weight of the dog.

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Re: Paw print

Post by VTRDark »

Wasn't it in the 60's that there was a fad to owning exotic pets like big cats etc. Of course they where either too off their faces to look after them or the animal grew into something too big too look after/handle, hence the possibility of some running around in the wild these days :think:

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Re: Paw print

Post by bigtwinthing »

cybercarl wrote:Wasn't it in the 60's that there was a fad to owning exotic pets like big cats etc. Of course they where either too off their faces to look after them or the animal grew into something too big too look after/handle, hence the possibility of some running around in the wild these days :think:

Yes it was. I was only telling my Daughter (20) that when i was a nipper ( yes early 60,s) they quite often had chimps and Monkeys for sale in Pet shops. She still thinks iam joking. In London i remember the story where a guy had a lion cub in a council house.

However i don't think a "Big cat" would still be about now! Big ferking dog might though!!!
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Re: Paw print

Post by agentpineapple »

it was worse in Ireland, i think the law changed in the 80's saying you couldn't own these big cats, a lot were released into the countryside.... :eek2 :eek2 :eek2
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