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First, thanks to you all for your best really means a lot to me.
Second............yes it bloody hurts.

Was on way home after night shift at the hospital, turned off dual carrigway to a roundabout, speed 5-10mph, headlight on, white BMW, white helmet, High vis jacket. indicated for exit, commited to line. dual lane onto roundabout nearest car stopped (man) Lady driver undercut him and drove right into me. Impact on faring and left pannier, and my left foot. went over sideways head banged on road, hip right side too. (remember not to put keys in hip pocket next time) DID NOT SEE YOU SHE SAID, oh what a shame I said, never mind I always wanted a broken left ankle to match to one I got on the other side, thank you for hitting me I said. well ok, thats not quite what I said. Ambulance, blue light, Police the lot, they were all fantastic. My mate the registra heard what had happened and came pronto, no bones broken just soft well, mirror, faring, panniers, and right cylinder head had big hole in it. Thank christ for fully comp. usually only do TPFT. bike now picked up by Allan Jefferies in shipley, it will come back as good as new. Claimin for new ARAI, Trousers, gloves and Boots, compo for pain too. how long off work............Physio says 6-8 weeks before they can really assess ligament damage, may need op, but not likely, how the hell do racers get back on and race after a couple of weeks with real fractures. Still cn wipe my own elbow so not all bad news. On a much lighter note got PM from guy wanting to buy magnetic CCT.............ho ho ho. (Well, PeteL it had to happen sooner or later) ...............Thanks to all, x x x
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Post by sirch345 »

Its good to hear from you Paul, glad its not any worse although still bad enough. I know we think how could anyone possible not see us, especially you with the white BMW, hi-vis jacket and white helmet, but I remember a mate of my son's pulling out in front of a double decker bus from a tee junction (in his car) he and his passengers were OK but his car was a right off :!: You then think if car drivers can't see a d/decker bus, what hope is there for us m/cyclists :!: Mind you he was getting GBH of the ear hole at the time, from his girlfriend :!:
Glad you've not lost your sense of humour (magnetic CCT thingy)

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Post by Seeker 77 »

Good to hear from you mate. I hope that you are going to claim on her insurance and not your own!! If i were knocked off i would find it awfully hard - despite injury - not to smash the daylights out of the driver and/or their vehicle.

Wishes for a quick recovery.
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Post by kevg »

Good to finally hear from you Paul.

everything will sort itself out in time, including the ankle with any luck, you just need to keep on top of the insurance to make sure it doesn't drag out for years, but the fact she hit you at a roundabout where she clearly wasn't looking properly should help as she can't realy deny anything.

keep in touch, and update us regularly now you will be at home all day with all this free time on your hands.

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Post by Pete.L »

:D Nice to have you back Matey :D
On a much lighter note got PM from guy wanting to buy magnetic CCT.............ho ho ho. (Well, PeteL it had to happen sooner or later) ...............Thanks to all, x x x
PMSL :D :D I thought that old chestnut was dead and burried :D Supose you want me to make one now so we can ship one off to that guy :wink:

Get well soon Paul
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Post by BigD »

Good to hear you are on the mend Paul. Reckon it musta been all the white, you probably dazzled her. :wink: :wink:
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Post by Alienist »

Good to see you back mate. :)
My other job is navigator on an Intergalactic
Spice Freighter

Red (of course) 99 storm. Vance & Hines SS2 cans, Dynajet kit and K&N filter.
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Post by essexbloke »

Glad to hear you're ok (ish) Could have been far worse....

Just out of interest - who is her insurer?
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shes with Zurich...........don't know if thats good or bad.
I've got solicitors looking at everything, excess is covered, clothes and helmet come to about £800, personal injury compo, oh and bike gets fixed.
so unless anything goes wrong all should be fine, got to admit will feel a little apprehensive about getting back on a bike, cant help feeling it will happen again..........normal worry probably. sure I'll get over it but my wife is really scared about me getting back on a bike, bless.
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Post by VTRgirl »

Hmmm... Big white bike. White helmet. Maybe she thought you were a copper & did it on purpose!

Still, good to have you back among the ranks! Glad all is repairable, especially you :wink: .
If you ate yourself would you become twice as big or simply disappear?
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Post by sirch345 »

VTRgirl wrote:Hmmm... Big white bike. White helmet. Maybe she thought you were a copper & did it on purpose!
Now there's a thought :!: :!: :!:
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Post by VTRgirl »

VTR1000KAZ wrote:...but that is really just what he does look like on that bike twinnie! :roll:
Ooooohh yummm! Always had a bit of a thing for coppers :D :wink: 8) .
If you ate yourself would you become twice as big or simply disappear?
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Post by essexbloke »

RAINMAKER wrote:shes with Zurich...........don't know if thats good or bad.
I've got solicitors looking at everything, excess is covered, clothes and helmet come to about £800, personal injury compo, oh and bike gets fixed.
so unless anything goes wrong all should be fine, got to admit will feel a little apprehensive about getting back on a bike, cant help feeling it will happen again..........normal worry probably. sure I'll get over it but my wife is really scared about me getting back on a bike, bless.

A bit selfish, but i work for one of the the uk's largest insurer.....(PI claims)...

Zurich are usually a good fair bunch.... you should be ok...
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Cheers long as the bike gets fixed, and my ankle improves which it is, I don't care about compensation, or getting money for replacement gear. WHAT REALLY MATTERS IS...........I'M ALIVE.
I guess at the end of the day will live to ride again. oh and annoy Kaz :lol:
it may be clever, but its not big.
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