Baron Von Grumble

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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by macdee »

did someone just get shot down :Slap1:
told you not to but oh no you knew better
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by BaronVonGrumble »

seb421 wrote:Here is another one of this ferking bell end


if you was genuinely in a hurry to get somewhere you wouldn't have taken a camera out and turned it on and set the mic up etc be filming and talking to the camera

he's undertaking, filtering poorly going mad at people basically because he's trying to look like hes in a rush just for the camera

if i owned a 4x4 i would happily squeeze this Richard head between my bull bars and the nearest bus if i knew it was him
Now young Seb,

This is pretty aggressive - more so than dropping a rev bomb and swearing - to myself i might add. I could go on and be all pedantic about the rules of the forums and bla bla but im used to dealing with this and quite frankly its a waste of time... but i'll give it a go.

You sitting here and typing this out is actually worse than what you are taking offence to in some of my videos. The only difference is that you are reacting in a pre-meditated way by consciously typing, probably retyping and 'googling' to ensure what you are saying is correct. Again i could judge you are trying to carry favour with the young and impressionable people on this forum with your cuttingly dismissive approach to things outside your comfort zone. But i dont - i dont come on here and judge you because its futile - the entire internet is full of wasted words and copy and paste knowledge.

To ride and try to maintain a conversation with yourself with any coherence is actually rather hard - we dont have the benefit of the internet to quickly check facts and regurgitate other peoples 'wisdom'. You go on about 'vloggers' (i do hate that term tbh) as if they are lower than you, when in fact, you are doing exactly the same on a forum as they are doing on a bike - the difference being that they do so with eloquence and a quick mind. And of course they are actually out riding and enjoying their bikes and not sitting on the sofa with one hand down their trousers and the other poised over the tv guide button.

So i think in all honesty, you should examine this in the hope that it humbles you into realising that its all just a load of bollox to waste peoples time in their lunchbreaks. If you dont like it, dont watch it - and if you do feel you need to comment, try not to be quite so aggressive as it just makes you look like a silly billy.
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by macdee »

who's going to be next
their's a serial killer on the loose oops :Gun3:
told you not to but oh no you knew better
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by seb421 »

It's my opinion from what I have seen

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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by VTRDark »

You don't need lots of money for a good storyline or get creative and I don't think you can compare a once in a lifetime bit of footage such as a meteorite with motorcycle footage that is being filmed by many on a day to day basis all over the world with the same or similar format. This we could do with less of and the same for the useless footage that the BBC news showed on that day. I would prefer to view something that has not been seen before which stands out from the crowd and has had some thought put into it and is also creative and unique.

Personally I feel that YouTube should put in some form of quality control with regards to quality of footage and storyline for anything that is open to the public. The problem is that the market is flooded and one has to sift through all the rubbish to get to anything of decent quality. For example look at how many videos have been uploaded of shaky inferior quality mobile phone footage of teenagers jumping off cliffs. There is no reason for this. Yes allow them to upload it either privately or unlisted so it can be shared on Facebook or wherever if one wishes to do so. But don't allow it to go public and add to the difficulties of searching for good quality and informative clips. It just makes it worse for those that want to share the informative and quality footage as they will get less views as they can't be found as easily.

That's just my opinion and I'm sure there are many other that think differently but hey ho. I like to be different and not follow the sheep.

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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by ging500 »

I can never understand why people get so upset about YouTube. If you go on YouTube, scanning vids you know what you will be getting. If you don't like either don't watch it or have a laugh tht you wasted 5 mins of your life. I follow some bloggers and at the end of the day I enjoy them like many others.

For me personally a 10 min vid tht makes me chuckle and I can't relate is worth watching.

Ps welcome aboard baron!!
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by Eclectic »

The cream always rises to the top, Carl. The real beauty of the internet is shite like that you talk of. The internet allows anyone anywhere to post whatever the hell they want to express. Like yours and Seb's rant. And indeed BVG's.

It unites the entire world. Allows yanks to share their knowledge on the superchicken with the brits firestorm and vice versa. Sure someone will post aload shite, but similarly someone will post some gold. Its this combined that makes the internet as awesome as it is. Truly one of the best inventions of mankind.

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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by Miztaziggy »

BaronVonGrumble wrote: And of course they are actually out riding and enjoying their bikes and not sitting on the sofa with one hand down their trousers and the other poised over the tv guide button.

Well, I really hope MrGrumble hasn't taken any offence from the comments on this forum. After all, he is another biker just like the rest of us.

I have to say, I do find it hard to see why people are so against what he does. He looks like he rides his bike to commute so why not use the time to make videos and post them to Youtube and entertain people?

Personally, I think they're pretty funny, and I think the quality of the camera and the editing is good. Much better than some of the others you see on Youtube.

And as I have said before, I am no fan of celebrity culture and attention seeking wanna-be types at all. I think things such as that Essex programme and what not are a symptom of how retarded parts of this country have become. As I said in the first couple of posts in this thread, I don't think that his videos are that sort of thing. If I did, I wouldn't watch them.

Anyway, I like the videos and ill keep watching them.
Good luck with the new arrival BvG.
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by geodude »

One man's trash is another mans treasure.

That is all. :P
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by agentpineapple »

i will say this mr grumble, imho you need to chillout when riding in central london, i'll understand if this is because your on camera and your trying to get your point accross about how bad peoples driving standards are in central london. but all you'll do is ramp up your stress levels. no good for your health buddy.
personally i've laughed and yawned at your video's, but ultimately it my choice weither i decide to watch them.
i hope you can be an active and constructive member of this forum. as we do not mind anybody joining as long as they have an active interest in bikes, preferably vtr's.... :wink:

p.s i'll try not to knock you off your bike when your in london town... :lol:
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by AMCQ46 »

BaronVonGrumble wrote: . Again i could judge you are trying to carry favour with the young and impressionable people on this forum .

Mr Barron .... i think there only is 3 young people on this forum :lol: , ..........this is not gixerjunkies, we are mostly old farts on here and not that might want to have a look around at the other threads to get a feel for this comunity, this is not a place where keyboard warriors are allowed to thrive :D ..........

dont take to heart the fact you have become the subject of one thread, look on it as regnition that you are being noticed and some people like what you do.........what more can you want? :thumbup:
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by darkember »

One should humbly respect what other people, think, say, and do.

Opinions are destructive delusions. 8)
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by Miztaziggy »

darkember wrote:Opinions are destructive delusions.
Opinions are like butt holes.

Everyone has one. Most of them stink.
AMCQ46 wrote:Mr Barron .... i think there only is 3 young people on this forum :lol: ,
Who are the 3 youngest members on this forum?
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by ging500 »

Well I'm a young one, but don't have gsxr. To reiterate, I hope baron enjoys the forum.
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Re: Baron Von Grumble

Post by Virt »

Miztaziggy wrote:
Who are the 3 youngest members on this forum?

As far as I can tell, I'm the youngest..

Lots of what could be defined as hate on this thread... I haven't got a lot to add, but it's really a case of each to their own.. I haven't watched any of this guy's videos, and nor do I intend to, not because I think it's a stupid idea. It simply doesn't appeal to me. I watch a lot of games stuff on YouTube, most people think it's stupid, counter productive and incredibly geeky...

While I admit I'm a huge geek, it's what I do and I enjoy seeing certain people do certain games. Riding bikes through town or country roads or down Transfagarasan at the speed of light doesn't interest me. If I want to do something bike related I'll put my kit on and go for a ride (provided I have a bike that works at the time) and be done with it.

Horses for courses and all that... Or whatever the phrase is. I'm too young for this general knowledge stuff.

Now everyone hug and make friends :D
Slowly approaching the more bikes than birthdays achievement
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