which to get, 7 or 8 ?

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which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by popkat »

I need to get a laptop which i will use for my new business, mostly i will be browsing at first and the usual stuff you'd store on a computer, in time and as i understand it more i'd like to sort customer info, invoices, accounts etc etc, the usual business stuff.
I've heard lots of bad stuff about windows 8, i think alot of it is people who don't like change, who'd have thought computer people were creatures of habit, lol.. What i need to know is which operating system, 7pro or 8pro, i have a choice for the same price to buy new, but if i went 8 and wanted 7 it costs more than the other way round. Do i need pro ? I need to be able to download a microsoft office type system like openoffice, can i do this on win 8 ?, also need it to work with all power commanders and their add ons.

I don't know much about operating systems, or that much on comupters really, i'm thinking embrace the change, it's the way forward and maybe it'll be made easier for non touchpads in time with easy upgrades, maybe it'll work well with my phone. Maybe windows 7 is better for me ????

Any advice very much appreciated..Unbiased though please.
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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by StickySC36 »

Hello there.

Just my take so far....

I bought into Windows 8 after trying the consumer preview for a bit. I kept my Windows 7 install intact on another drive just in case I wasn't keen on it. Within 3-4 days I pretty much knew 8 would replace my 7 install.

As you say, a lot of the negativity aimed at any new OS is reluctance to change, especially as we all have out own ways, shortcuts, and preferences on how to do 'stuff'. The move to 8 is no exception, Microsoft have tweaked a few established features to the annoyance of many. What I will say is I think the jump to 8 from 7 is less than XP to Vista was, or Vista to 7 was.

The Windows Start screen takes a little flak, and I think that is unmerited. I view the start screen as a bigger version of the start button, and once customised and set up to your liking, it rocks. The Windows key on your keyboard becomes your new best friend.

Now, although the OS itself is extremely stable, and I've had fewer issues with 8 than any previous OS, there is obviously no guarantee of compatibility with legacy software packages. That said, I've yet to have something take exception to my Windows 8 install. If the new machine is to be used for business use, make sure any of your intended applications are compliant.

If your phone is a Windows Phone, the interfacing between the two is fantastic, if you have Android or iOS, I couldn't comment. Don't really foresee any issue there though.

I don't use OpenOffice myself, but there are working builds that people seem happy with, with only a few tweaks required if issues become evident (usually only at install).

In terms of Microsoft Office apps, the new Office 2013 was released recently, and it fits well with Windows 8 (convenient timing my MS, eh). The boxed product comes in many guises, some at a ridiculous price, or you can opt for the 365 subscription service for the same products. If you have a family member who is a student, there are heavy discounts available on the pricing for the same apps.

Sure, a lot of the features added in 8 are targeted towards the tablet/touch user, but they don't get in the way and you remove their shortcut from the Start screen. Job done.

My Windows 8 Pro install is on an SSD, rather than conventional drive and it's fast, very fast. It plays well with new hardware.

Hope that help in some way,

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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by VTRDark »

I'm not biased. :roll: No seriously, I don't know much about windows but I know computers. Whether you go with 7 or 8, they are both going to have pro's and cons. If your currently using 7 then you will have the benefit that you know your way around the system already and your current software's will be compatible. But you will find that those software's, any updates and support etc will be deprecated (phased out), all the newer ones will be made for the later operating system. There's also the other benefit that any bugs quirks with the system will have hopefully already been resolved with updates, security patches etc.

If you go for the later operating system it will have some bugs and quirks like anything new, which you will either have to work around or wait for minor updates to be released. You may also have to upgrade any software's your currently using. Though this is not a problem with open office as it's free, but is something you need to be aware of with any purchased software your currently using. Also check that any drivers for older peripheral devices like printer, scanner mice etc are supported with the later system. Sometimes when one buys a new system, support for older devices is not supported any more and one has to also upgrade those as well. :(

If you stick with 7 then there will come a time when the market will eventually force you to upgrade anyway, so there is the thought that one might as well jump on the bandwagon at some time and the sooner you learn it, the more you will know. And say for instance, you was to go out and buy the latest mobile phone or gadget, then you know it will be supported with the later system. Or just hang on with the older stuff until your forced by the market to upgrade anyway.

Hope that helps and give you some food for though.

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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by Stratman »

I have XP Pro on my old PC, Vista on my laptop and W7 on the new desktop.

XP Pro wins IMHO - the others just tinkered so the appearance would look more modern and they have to keep flogging stuff to survive. TBH I haven't tried W8 yet, but it's only a sodding operating system after all, its the programmes you run and what you produce with them that matters. :D
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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by Virt »

I'd say Windows 7 personally, and do you need to go Pro? The main advantages of going Pro is access to more than 16GB of RAM, and I very much doubt you can fit that into a non-customised laptop :P Windows 7 is more proven and everything will work on it, you won't have to trawl the web for those awkward compatibility packs and it would probably be along the lines of what you're used to. My friend uses Windows 8 and let me have a go on it to install some stuff, it took me over 2 hours to get a Microsoft IDE working... For a .NET framework. Never again. But I doubt you'll be programming so it may not be relevant, but it's something that has put me off Windows 8 completely. At the end of the day, go for the specs of a laptop you want though - as that's probably safer - instead of the OS. You will grow used to an OS over time, but you'll constantly kick yourself if you end up with a Celeron processor instead of an dual core i3 because you prioritised the OS.
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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by VTRDark »

The problem is that computer science has been replaced by software design, focussing on the look and feel, not need to function. They just make them look nice with fancy colours and effects and market it as the next best thing. They are all at it these days even Apple. :(

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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by popkat »

Thanks for the help and advice guys :D
The processor will be 3rd gen i3, I'm not spending loads it's just a cheap lap top really, but as long as it suits what i need. I've got two options, Dell with W8pro and samsung with W7pro, both already loaded and around £400 all in.
I'll do some more reading up and maybe pop into pc world and have a look at some.
Thanks again :thumbup:
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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by sirch345 »

It looks like final support from Microsoft for Windows 7 will finish in 2020, so as Carl mentions, you'll have to move on to Windows 8 or something else by then. Personally I would go with Windows 7 now, as Windows 8 is still fairly new and has glitches to iron out. Just make sure your new laptop will run Windows 8. Although by 2020 I expect you won't even have this new laptop by then. Only my 2p worth :wink:

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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by BigVeeGrin »

I've just got a laptop with W8 and it is totally schizo. The W8 bit seems more cosmetic than anything as half the time you end up back on an old desktop set up.

one real user experience thing for me is how to shut down? I might be being a plank but this is what I do
- go back to the W8 nice looking layout
- click on my name top right
- sign out
- click on the 'front page' that appears as a big image
- goes back to the log-in screen showing my account and then bottom right is the shut down button

This is a real faff as there is no Start, Shut Down anymore it seems. So have I got this totally wrong?
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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by VTRDark »

It looks like final support from Microsoft for Windows 7 will finish in 2020
Loads of time there then so nothing to worry about there.
The W8 bit seems more cosmetic than anything as half the time you end up back on an old desktop set up.
That's exactly the point I was making. Focussing on the look and feel, not need to function.
this is what I do
- go back to the W8 nice looking layout
- click on my name top right
- sign out
- click on the 'front page' that appears as a big image
- goes back to the log-in screen showing my account and then bottom right is the shut down button
WTF that is insane. It should be no more than two clicks away. I bet it even asks you if your sure you want to shut down :roll: "off course I'm bloody sure I just asked you too" :lol:

Looks like your better off sticking with an older system then PopKat. IMO it's better to lagg behind the technology about a year. As previously mentioned hopefully all the bugs, niggles and updated have all been sorted out. :thumbup:

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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by Wicky »

Or another angle on your requirement is to get a Mac laptop - hassle free web browsing with Safari or Firefox, iWork suite of Apples version of office: Numbers & Pages apps which can open and save MS compatible files.

Get a 13" MacBook of ebay or sumfink, add as much RAM as you can. For the tasks you've mentioned you don't need superfast processors.

Something like this (current price just under £400)

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apple-Macbook ... 257abed421

Or in Exeter - needs extra RAM

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apple-MacBook ... 4d08d613b1

Torquay - needs extra RAM - comes with MS Office for Mac

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apple-MacBook ... 4170c0365b

Weymouth - probably needs extra RAM

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apple-MacBook ... 53f4a7499f
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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by VTRDark »


My old man runs Open Office on his Mac. Other software's are not a problem to get either :roll:


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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by sirch345 »

BigVeeGrin wrote: This is a real faff as there is no Start, Shut Down anymore it seems. So have I got this totally wrong?
You can add a "start" button to Windows 8, that is one thing I have read about. Take your pick here:-
http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?source=se ... 0&bih=1085

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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by StickySC36 »

BigVeeGrin wrote:...W8 bit seems more cosmetic than anything as half the time you end up back on an old desktop set up....
I see the new "Start Page" as more of a central, organised, launch page for all my desktop applications, not as an environment for use of the new "apps" on the home PC. The start page clearly works well with tablet/touch hardware, but the desktop environment isn't really being replaced; you will still do most of, if not all, your work in the desktop environment.

It is very much like the start button old, but much more powerful. If you look at the start page like that, rather than an operable environment, it actually becomes a lot more useful. A lot of the knee-jerk reaction to the "loss" of the start button stems from the preview rollouts last year, where the press seemed intent on making an issue out of it. Some companies are even making money on returning an actual "button"......... thing is, it's still essentially there. Hit the windows key, or even simpler corner the mouse bottom left, and "start" is still clickable just as it was before. They now title it the start page . A resistance to change by the masses in my view.
BigVeeGrin wrote:....This is a real faff as there is no Start, Shut Down anymore it seems. So have I got this totally wrong?
Just hit Ctrl+Alt+Del.... the power options are on the bottom right, no need for any lengthy process. The main problem is Microsoft have moved a lot of conventional shortcuts around, but they are still there.

Straight out the box, the interface does need an element of customisation, more than Windows 7 did. This does allow us all to tweak the interface to our own preferences, mainly as a result of the new features. Contrary to what might be read online, there is great power in the functionality and customisation available. I can understand people seeing Windows 8 as eye candy, but it goes deeper. The system is much more optimised to modern hardware, and is extremely stable. Stable, and fast. For me that is way more important that simple eye candy.

Now, I am not a Microsoft fan-boy. I do like Windows 8, but I also used Windows 7 heavily, and still do on some machines. At times I still have the need for an XP install. I even use OSX on a hackintosh from time to time, too. I would say Windows 8 is probably Microsoft's best effort to date. Perhaps they met too many markets with one product, but it wasn't long ago they were criticised for too many products on one platform.

To even out the above in favour of buying Windows 7 on a new PC, you can always upgrade to Windows 8 later, perhaps when the first Service Pack appears.
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Re: which to get, 7 or 8 ?

Post by BigVeeGrin »

StickySC36 wrote:
Just hit Ctrl+Alt+Del.... the power options are on the bottom right, no need for any lengthy process. The main problem is Microsoft have moved a lot of conventional shortcuts around, but they are still there.
gotcha, never considered that - i do like the interface, although it is patently more suited to touch screens. The use of the corners to pop up the options is good as well. A huge trick is missed by not having an 'essentials tutorial' pop up on first boot.
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