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Good day today.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:18 pm
by Kitch
Great ride out today, pootled up to the Ambleside, round to Bowness, then to Devils Bridge... bout 150 miles all in.

Was just fabulous, great weather too.

What was extra great about it was it was the first decent sunny ride I've had on the Storm. I got it June last year, and though the weather was good, I was too much getting used to being back on any bike and getting to know Serafina (what? your Storm doesn't have a name?)

It really gelled and I felt much more comfortable and nicely quicker. Might just have been the road though, I much prefer A roads to windy B roads - I'm too paranoid about crashing on a crappy surface to push harder on B roads.

So, what fun and frivolity did you have today?

(Oh, and extra for SILVER ZIPPER: naa na na naaa naaa :P :P :P )

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:29 pm
by firestorm996
Eyup Kitch

Good to hear some of us got out....saw quite a few bikes around earlier today but I had too much stuff on this weekend to be able to get the zed out (as it happens he's called Shaft, after the 70's cop show)

Remind me which part of Lancs you live at m8

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:36 pm
by sparrowlegs
I ve been out today....sadly not playin on the bike....i was being a good girl out on the bike training on my IAM observers course.
Its play time tomoz tho hehehehehehhee :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:44 pm
by Kitch
firestorm996 wrote:Remind me which part of Lancs you live at m8
pretty near Blackburn

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:24 pm
by Red
Hi Kitch,

Know exactly what you mean about them B roads, was out with a group of TDM riders today at Devils Bridge and then on to Hawes. The TDM riders scared the sh*t out of me, the speed they take twistys.

Anyway one of our group came unstuck tryin to keep up with the rest. Came round a sharpe bend with a steep down gradient and he braked hard. He was then heading for two rather sharpe metal hazzard signs and decided to part company with the bike. The bike somersalted and leveled part of a wall.

I had decided to slow down because I had already seen a police subaru rushing to the scene. Thought I was goin to get pulled.

Happy to say the rider was ok and only suffered a broken knee bone. Ambulance was there in about 25 minutes.

His TDM came off relatively unscathed mainly cosmetic stuff.

Just heard that another member of the group came off after we left them at Hawes after hitting a pothole doin about 60mph.

Do you blame me for not liking B roads 8O

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:33 am
by Kitch
I don't mind B roads so much, I just take them sloooooowly


That A65 Gisburn to Kirkby Lonsdal is a gem though, it's got some good bends, some good straight bits for zapping traffic and no 6 foot wide sections with dry stone walls either side... 8O :D

And the high copper presence keeps the speeds on the sensible side. I passed an Octavia, a marked Subaru, unmarked Subaru, two bikes and an Astra in 40 miles, they didn't bat an eyelid I was doing 80 and have noisey pipes.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:55 pm
by sparrowlegs
S'not fairrrrrrrr...didn't even get out on the bikes today....i was still a bit wobbly so i took the safe option and went shopping for more tropical fish lol

Gisburn road

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:02 pm
by phild
Kitch know that bit of road and funnily enough a mate of mine on an exup 1000 ( in mid 90s) had a big get off following a group of us (me on 850 TDM much underated bike).There is a rise in the road and immediatly you crest the hill the road bends to the right and drops away.You can see a farmhouse with a line of tractors on your left,(well there was yesterday).his bike went through the wall... complete wreck,he somehow managed to go round the right hander on his butt and missed the kerbs,a very lucky boy! he packed bikes in after this!... :cry:

Re: Good day today.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:43 pm
(Oh, and extra for SILVER ZIPPER: naa na na naaa naaa :P :P :P )[/quote
I used to like you.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:26 am
by orangestorm
A65 one of my favourite blasts as well...I ended up at Rivvy yesterday it was rammed..Two black,one yellow and one orange spotted there..any one from here???? 8) 8)