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Let this Welsh imbecile know what you think

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:47 am
by Stormin Ben
Below is my rant/ reply to this particular idiot!! ... D=2&CID=25

Don’t forget to post up yours before their postbox gets too full
Ah, how refreshing, its been a while since I've encountered such prejudice!

The big attraction and thrill from riding motorcycles comes from going round corners and in large parts of the country a road that provides a lot of these in a short distance can be hard to find.

However, the more hilly areas of the country (of which the national parks are a major part) thrust themselves forward by offering an abundance of such roads and it is for this reason that motorcyclists tend to flock there.

Perhaps, rather than seeking to persecute us for this you might consider setting aside a particular loop of twisting road exclusively for motorcyclists to use. You could even put up crash barriers all round it, charge a minimal admission and then any riders who push their limits too far could be charged for the ensuing clean up and recovery.
Sounds far fetched doesn't it? Then its interesting to notice that the very same Germany who you enthused about having a motorcycle ban provide EXACTLY this facility -its called the Nurburgring.
Even France, who must consider inferior when it comes to driving issues, also provide such a facility -circuit Carole on the outskirts of Paris.

Sadly, I fear such reasonable and rational argument is more than likely to fall on deaf ears, it is after all much better to try and persecute and prosecute the hooligan bikers (because we ALL fall into that same category!!) into not coming to Wales.
In which case, I'd like to jump on the 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' bandwagon and suggest the same ban on caravans which generally tend to cause the 'snaking traffic' and the subsequent misery for millions of holiday makers as well as a major 'environmental imposition' (have you ever seen an attractive caravan site?)

I look forward to your reply

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:14 am
by stevieVTR
I reflected on the statutory duty of Park Authorities to“conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage”.... and then presumably realised that you had travelled in some form of motor vehicle that afflicts the local people by clogging their roads and contributes to the 'environmental imposition'.
Your narrow minded views should remain yours and not be spread on an official web site. Would you consider sharing your other prejudices in public?
Just added my view!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:18 am
by Max
They will just ignore you or treat you with contempt, thats Brunstroms' bitches blog.
Brunstrom has one as well probably cos he's a cool hip trendy dude or w@nker I'm not sure which.
They are as fanatical as suicide bombers when it comes to motorcycles, or cars for that matter.
What's really bad is that unelected fools such as these have such political sway and are almost unaccountable to anyone. They seem to be on thier own little ego trip.
:evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:01 am
by simon t
Yeh, well look how well-balanced and normal his boss is: ... ge_id=1770

Scary :roll:

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:17 pm
by Max

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:56 am
by sirch345
stevieVTR wrote:
I reflected on the statutory duty of Park Authorities to“conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage”.... and then presumably realised that you had travelled in some form of motor vehicle that afflicts the local people by clogging their roads and contributes to the 'environmental imposition'.
Your narrow minded views should remain yours and not be spread on an official web site. Would you consider sharing your other prejudices in public?
Just added my view!
I'll second that :!:

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:26 am
by Kitch
So, does this mean that motorcycles will no longer have to pay road tax or insurance premiums as they won't be allowed on the roads? If the issue is noise, I also assume this will mean a change in the law so that car exhausts are subject to noise limits like motorcycles are? Also that car stereos follow into the same limits, and while we're at it, lets add crying children and partying teenagers too.

Yet again an ill thought out and blinkered view is seized upon as the mythical "answer" Unsuprisingly, it's once again aimed at bikers, the devils road users.

Any diesel engine is much louder than my motorcycle, these will be banned too I presume? No tractors, delivery lorries, vans or land rovers.

If you seek peace out in the green lands, why go to the the single busiest rural area in the country? There are many places you could go where you wont see another soul or hear a vehicle for days. If you want to share the lake district with the other hundreds of thousands of people there, then you'll just have to take more notice of the word "share"

I suggest we all take our tourism cash elsewhere.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:30 pm
by Stormin Ben
Nicely put Kitch :biggrin

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:42 am
by Stratman
Done mine!

Why is your idea of a perfect weekend a superior one to someone who chooses two wheels? You expect perfect tranquillity when YOU choose to enjoy a weekend - we all have to share this world, it doesn't exist just for you. Indeed, whilst I abhor caravans clogging up the roads and causing more pollution as their owners try to get the family hatchback to pull them with no training and paying no extra road tax, they have a right so to do.
Did you cycle to the Lake District or take your car?

Why would anyone "rev with frustration at the snaking traffic" etc, How does one do this? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?

Most of the carnage is caused by inattentive motorists - go on holiday and remove brain syndrome.

For the last 6 years, about 8 of us visit Wales on the bikes and are greeted with welcome and friendship at the hotel we stay at. Indeed, at all the establishments we visit, I have never heard a word said against motorcyclists as we are also helping support the local economy

If everyone with a petty prejudice could ban the group of tourists they didn’t like, much of rural Wales would be a wasteland; it would make policing it easier though wouldn’t it?

I have passed Advanced Riding skills with the IAM and participates in and support the local Police Safe Rider scheme.

You, like your boss Mr Brunstrom, are a speed fascist and bigot. I would love to hear more of your views on other minorities - I can't help but think they would also be rather narrow minded.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 11:11 am
by craigybaby
I'm not sure if either of them are welsh in the nationality sense

As a true Celt/welsh man I am a supporter of bikers and bikes, even ones I dont like (e.g. cruisers.)

Variety makes life more interesting.

PS. the views published on the North Wales Police blogs are the personal views of the author and are not the views of every other welsh person :D

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:07 pm
by stevieVTR
[/quote]PS. the views published on the North Wales Police blogs are the personal views of the author and are not the views of every other welsh person

...but personal views on an official site seem to then represent the views of that body!! (even if they are Welsh :wink: )

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:52 pm
by craigybaby
i hardly think that's right

if some wacko registered on this site and started spouting out shite, would that still be the official line of the vtr owners?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:12 pm
by Stormin Ben
craigybaby wrote:if some wacko registered on this site and started spouting out shite, would that still be the official line of the vtr owners?
What do you mean IF???
Have you read any of the posts on here? There's scarcely a sensible word uttered (although the sense/ nonsense ration did improve drastically a few weeks ago but its since reverted since she came back from holiday! 8) )

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:11 pm
by craigybaby
omg ben

you must be really brave, despite being a relative newbie, even I am aware of the fierce reputation of the yellow storm rider from up north

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:36 pm
by Max
On Brunstrom and his bitch, you are all wasting your time sending him emails as his arrogance is such he has convinced himself he's right and all others must be wrong. He really is a waste of a skin. I feel a little sorry for the coppers out there who have him as their spokesperson, because it will be assumed that what he says is the official police view (hopefully incorrectly).