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bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:35 pm
by agentpineapple
today, due to a predictive text error, i happened to use the name percival, at which point mac (the bored slightly wonky dictator of grain) took great pleasure in highlighting the mistake.
but i rather like the name percival, now i've always called my current bike the pineapple express, and as i'm sad, i have a vinyl decal on my screen to prove it.... :lol:
but i'm seriously thinking of changing it to percival.
do you have a name for your bike/bikes. if so what is it?????????

btw mac will be along shortly to give his opinion of my bikes full name...... :wink:

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:38 pm
by plumbob
I dont need predictive text to make mistakes. I regularly pisspronounce things and quite often get my mucking words fuddled up. Does anybody remember Stanley Unwin? By the way my bikes called Fruit. (cus its orange).

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:43 pm
by BigVeeGrin
I forget now how the pineapple came to be. Wasn't it inadvertently inserted somewhere by someone (was Kev involved???)

Percival - sounds like a mount belonging to a knight of the round table, squire. Like it.

Fruit? Plenty of things are orange plum - space hoppers, half of essex - Chantal maybe???

Never got into the naming thing myself

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:09 pm
by plumbob
I like the name Chantel, but I don't think the good lady would be very happy if I was off riding Chantel every weekend.

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:14 pm
by plumbob
But thinking about it her horse is called Jack and she's off riding him all the time.

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:24 pm
by MacV2
OK Nue Red as Ol Red was written off...

Smerkin Joe as it's race rep.

Dresden...Well it's Firestorm innit. The Black one recently purchased.

The Custard Crumble...It's old, it's a bit lumpy, it's yella.

Blooo...It's a blue un...& sold BTW...So down to 4 now...hahaha

In the past there was Monsieur Le Drooper...Started off as a yellow one hence the Banana Split ref, ended up Silver after going through a Black period. The Monsieur bit came about due to the fact that it had a plate on the left side of the frame, like a VIN plate but in French...Sacra Blur mon amy...

Then there was The Wonkey Donkey...another Silver one which end up being broken up...It was a bit rough hence the name.

Now over to Marty...The pinaple ( :wink: ) ref came from Kev due to a poor April fool prank Marty pulled on the Forum regarding cheap Ti exhausts IIRC

An insertion of spiky fruit was threatened as retubution...


Carried out at GrainStorm 2012.

As for Percival...I felt it needed to be jazzed up slightly...

Percival Ditch-Dweller Esq.

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:57 pm
by macdee
All my toys get called betsy

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:59 pm
by VTR Phoenix
GSXR1000 - Suzi (predictably)
TL1000R - Talulah (cause if you have a quick glace at the panel it looked similar to the name)
Yamaha Thundercat - Yellow Peril (soon to be painted and rebranded Harlequin) Still Own
Yamaha R1 - Yammy Mammy (Cause shes a milf) Still Own
Honda Firestorm - Phoenix (cause she arose from the ashes and looks/is brand new) Still Own

Had others but never named them.

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:13 pm
by TheGingerBeardMan
Erm....nameing a bike? Nope. Not ever. And I've had more bikes that I've had hot dinners. Am I normal for not naming a vehicle? I think it pays to not get attached to things like livestock and vehicles. Folk who do have difficulty processing the livestock for food, and end up keeping all the animals, and the same applies (in a lot of cases) where people get overly attached to a car or bike after giving it a name. They start humanising it, and then say it's got it's own wee quirks and foibles.

I still don't understand why the like of Eddie Stobart have names on their trucks. And now it's common to see ''names'' on other fleet vehicles. What ever happened to just having fleet numbers on the roof or side?

NAH. Better to never name anything.

I mean, look what happened after they named a big fancy ship ''Titanic''. If they called it just what it was (another bloody big boat), then it may still be floating somewhere....

Who the heck would call a bike ''Jason'' or ''Behold! The Mighty Thunderous Flamespitter''

Yer all bloody crackers if you ask me! :crazy:

Which you didn't.

Well, you did. Blame the Pineapple.

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:36 pm
by fabiostar
the storm i call, the big girl.
my wee divvy gets, the old girl.

the KX500 supermoto i had i always called it, the nasty b8stard lol

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:40 pm
by bigtwinthing
i have a Cat called Kevin, a Horse Called Flynn and a dog called Jack, the bike however don't respond to any names and is basically on abject.

its a bike after all! what a sado i am :lol:

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:06 pm
by TheGingerBeardMan
Nope, yer not a saddo BTT for not naming things that have a motor in 'em. Naming pets is different than things yer feeding up for slaughtering later on.

I have been known to pat the bike on the side of the tank once I've overtaken stuff at warp factor speeds. If it was reliable and performed well, it'll get the words ''well done'' or ''good on ya''.

Oh crap. I'm ''one of them'', aren't I? :( :crazy:

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:06 pm
by MacV2
GBM, I have to name them as I have so many...It gets confussing sometimes... :lol:

Plus it gets a bit boring saying ''Oh I'll take the red/black/multicolored/yella one today''... :lol:

Re: bikes names

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:11 pm
by sirch345
No I'm not one for naming my bikes either. I had a few mates over the years come up with a name for some of my bikes, but it's not something I have ever felt the need to do :)
Or any of my other vehicles I've owned over the years. Perhaps I've been missing something :lol:


Re: bikes names

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:50 am
by Kev L
It didn't do anything for T E Lawrence! Maybe calling them all Boanerges and/or George was a mistake.