Catch me if you can...

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Catch me if you can...

Post by MacV2 »

Marty is reading the newspaper, when he sees a weight-loss advert that claims to shed "a pound per £10, just call (202) 555-4874". He figures he'll give it go.

The operator asks: "how much would you like to lose?"
"ten pounds", the man replies.
"a representative will be there next morning", says the operator.

Sure enough, the next morning at 7AM, there's a ring at the doorbell. The man opens the door, to find a reasonably good-looking girl, stark-naked, save the sign around her neck, reading "If you catch me, you can have me."

Marty chases her all over the house until he catches her and, sure enough, has his way with her. Dragging himself puffing and wheezing to the bathroom scales, he's overjoyed to find that he's dropped 10 pounds!

"This is awesome", he thinks to himself. "I'll give them another call!"
The same night he gives them a call and says he'd like to lose 20 pounds.

"we'll send another representative", the operator says.

The next morning, at 7AM, the man answers the door to find an achingly good-looking girl, naked except for a pair of running shoes and a sign around her neck stating "If you catch me, you can have me."

Marty eagerly chases the girl. It takes him a good deal longer to catch her this time, and after they have sex, he consults the scales. And sure enough, he's lost 20 pounds!

That night he calls once more, and exclaims "I want to lose 50 pounds!"
"50? isn't that a bit excessive?", the operator inquires.
"look, I'm a paying customer, just do it", the man responds impatiently.
"you'll meet the representative next morning."

The next morning Marty can hardly contain himself, as he opens the door at 7AM...

To find a huge - we're talking King Kong - gorilla, fuming and grunting, with a sign around its neck..

"if I catch you..."
Making up since 2007, sometimes it's true...Honest...
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Re: Catch me if you can...

Post by lloydie »

You'll squeal like a pig !
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Re: Catch me if you can...

Post by agentpineapple »

totally inaccurate, as after chasing said ladies, even if I did manage to catch one of them, i'd be too knackered to shag em....... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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