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Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:33 pm
by agentpineapple
yes the biker was speeding and this had a part to play in the accident, but I would still blame the car driver, as virt said earlier, even if the biker had been doing the speed limit, the car driver would still have pulled out, as the driver just didn't see the bike, bottom line is the bike had right of way, i'm guessing, but i'd say the driver was probably elderly, i'd be happy with eye tests being a legal requirement every two years once you reach 60. some people have shocking eyesight and just shouldn't be driving fall stop.
my thoughts are with the family of the biker, a very sad loss indeed. rip fella

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:36 pm
by nt1980
I work friend showed this video after my accident this year.

I am in the frame of mind since weather it is worth the risk of riding on the road and I thought about it non stop over the last few months even though I will still do track days as you don't have to worry about people coming the other way.

My theory was always treat cars or cages as some like to say as though they are out to kill you and it has worked for 18 years till recent times.

I am off on what might be my last ride on the road tomorrow with a few family members where I will decide if its worth it to continue as I can not decide what I want to do for the future.

In the 18 years I have ridden bikes I have had 3 accidents one was my own fault I was young and stupid the second was a car running into the back of me and the third a few of you know all ready which was a car on my side of the road so I had to stick me and the bike in the hedge.

I have had so many times people pulling out in front of me in similar circumstances to that video but I have always looked ahead and reacted to what is going on ahead as far as you can see.

I really feel for the family in the video and hope the guy rip and may be the video may save some other peoples lives and show people to look out for us we can only hope.



Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:28 pm
by Watty
As has already been said its all about riding defensively, assume no one has seen you and expect other road users to do the unexpected! That rider imo for an experienced rider was not being defensive! Its not even like it was a blind or hidden junction as it was chevroned and arrowed. BUT!!!! that does not excuse the car driver for their part in the accident! Maybe the stickers we see in the back of vehicles should say Think Bike/Think Car.Very brave parents allowing that video to be released. Bottom line is a loved one has lost their lives :( . RIP David Holmes

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:53 pm
by MacV2
It was on ITV evening news tonight.

They froze the vid before the impact but still gave a warning about the vid.

It's a bad/sad way to get the message out there.

The mother made a comment that it was much more hard hitting than the normal government sponsored mocked up information film & that she hoped it has a lasting effect.

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:07 pm
by Watty
MacV2 wrote:It was on ITV evening news tonight.

They froze the vid before the impact but still gave a warning about the vid.

It's a bad/sad way to get the message out there.

The mother made a comment that it was much more hard hitting than the normal government sponsored mocked up information film & that she hoped it has a lasting effect.
I think it will have an initial effect, but sadly most probably the effects will fade with time. Agree its a bad/sad way to get a message across :( .

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:09 pm
by sirch345
I have to agree with the others in saying how brave the family have been in allowing this video to be seen by the general pubic, I'm sure it must have been a very difficult thing to do, especially for his Mum. Regardless to who was in the right or wrong another biker has lost his life. If this video means it makes us more aware of what can go wrong at road junctions than we previously had imagined/thought, then it will all be thanks to David's family.

IMHO I do think speed was a major contributor to the outcome, some of you won't agree which is fine.
Had the bike been travelling slower there would have been possibly more chance and more time for the car driver to see him. I realise the car driver may still not have seen the bike, but I guess we'll never know.

RIP David Holmes.


Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:20 am
by ging500
I think this is a great honest video. At no point does anybody say the biker was a saint, his mum even says he was riding fast that day.

What I like to take from this tradegy is we are all road users and should respect everybody. Bikes should be slowing down and being more vigilant to these sort of dangers. However car drives also need to be more focussed on driving and the hazards attached.

Driving is one of the most dangerous tasks that we do on a daily basis but people believe its there right to have a car!!.

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:53 am
by VTRDark
Driving is one of the most dangerous tasks that we do on a daily basis
A bit like getting up in the morning as were at most risk of a heart attack first thing in the mourning's.


Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:16 pm
by StormingHonda
People die every day, some in cars, some on bikes, people dying is a fact of life, however there are roads that you can speed on and roads you can't clearly from the video both were at fault, it was clearly one of the roads you DON'T speed on and clearly the driver took a risk and turned in front of him, there's no way that driver didn't see him, no way.

Doesn't matter what age, or how you die, you will die one day, better to live your life than to be frightened about what might happen, sure you may live out to your 80, but wouldn't you rather live without regretting what you didn't do.

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:27 pm
by lloydie
StormingHonda wrote:
Doesn't matter what age, or how you die, you will die one day, better to live your life than to be frightened about what might happen, sure you may live out to your 80, but wouldn't you rather live without regretting what you didn't do.
Well said

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:41 pm
by fabiostar
well done to the family for putting it out. if it makes even one blind driver look twice it will have been worth it.. sad sad video..

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:53 pm
by budd
cybercarl wrote:
Driving is one of the most dangerous tasks that we do on a daily basis
A bit like getting up in the morning as were at most risk of a heart attack first thing in the mourning's.

That's why I try to stay in bed till lunch time :D

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:13 pm
by VTRDark
That's why I don't sleep :lol:

Well I was riding on a twistie country lane today, going a bit faster than I should have been really..... There was no side roads to worry about, but deer came into my mind as it was dusk. I then thought about this thread and slowed down.


Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:15 pm
by MacV2
cybercarl wrote:That's why I don't sleep :lol:

Well I was riding on a twistie country lane today, going a bit faster than I should have been really..... There was no side roads to worry about, but deer came into my mind as it was dusk. I then thought about this thread and slowed down.

See the vid has worked. One less dead deer.

Re: Think Bike / Think Car

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:24 pm
by sirch345
It certainly made me think when a car as in this video was waiting to turn right when I was out today, okay it was only in a built up area (30mph speed limit), but none the less it certainly upped my awareness,
