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M61 Police chase?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:48 pm
by seb421
Yesterday on the way to work around 8:15pm just past the Chorley junction i notice a police helicopter following me, circling me overhead, i slowed down it still hung with me i upped the pace a little it was still with me, then dropped back to 70

Then a few miles down the road, vrooooooooooom some bike went past me at around a guess of 150 - 160 mph plus, possibly more? within a second or two it was out of sight, what a wonker, the helicopter must have assumed i was the rider they was looking for because they was off like a shot after it as soon as it came flying buy at warp factor 9

I didn't see the plate or anything it wasa going that fast just a red light and i think it was grey that's all i could make out it was going so so fast

wombles glad i didn't overtake the truck in front at that moment as you look behind see nothing, wind on the throttle and go past, I had looked back saw nothing and was considering an early overtake, when the speeding biker shot past, didn't even see or hear it coming

sh1t me up did that as it would have been super nasty having that smash into the back of me.

Any one know anything about it or is this guy has been caught / crashed?

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:03 pm
by VTRDark
Fookin hell Seb close call mate. You need to watch Poice Action Camera or something. You could be on TV in a couple of years. :lol:

What was going through your head when the chopter (I just invented a new word there) was watching/circling you? I bet they ran your plate through the computer.


Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:13 pm
by seb421
cybercarl wrote:Fookin hell Seb close call mate. You need to watch Poice Action Camera or something. You could be on TV in a couple of years. :lol:

What was going through your head when the chopter (I just invented a new word there) was watching/circling you? I bet they ran your plate through the computer.


Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:48 pm
by AMCQ46
I have come down snake pass with the chopper appearing overhead, and its not nice feeling................what is worse though is when it flys off chasing other bikes and you think you are OK and you start to make progress again......then you look up and its back :(

Spoiled my whole day not knowing if I was in sh1t or not! turns out they are more hot on crossing white lines than speed, so I was OK!!! :D

I also know what you mean about being caught by surprise by a bike overtaking you at very high speed when you didnt know it was coming.....and you were thinking about an overtake at the time!!!!!!!!!!! except mine was a mate showing off to his new bird!
I was leading the run, he should have been following, we were already making progress and when I went for the overtake, I had already checked my mirror and knew he was the only thing behind me and he was the tail gunner so he wasnt going to attack.... except I forgot the testosterone!!!!. He had decided that I could have went earlier so he was on full throttle and coming past me when I pulled out, at least 40mph faster than I was going!!!!!!!

I just about filled my pants with the fright.......and I was that bloody angry about his riding I turned round and went home and couldnt talk to him for about a day till I calmed down :Argue 1:

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:25 pm
by Furrybiker
Haven't had the chopper, but some years ago did get the fast jets out of RAF Valley playing lets scare the cr@p out of the bloke in the Jag! They popped over a hill and flew towards me at speed and at low level, then tried different angles for a while and cleared off.

It was like having my own air display!

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:38 pm
by Rob
Don't see 'em much now (probably funding cuts) but a few years back they were always hanging around above the M54. Got into a routine of checking mirrors then looking up and around.........

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:56 am
by TonyW650
Furrybiker wrote:Haven't had the chopper, but some years ago did get the fast jets out of RAF Valley playing lets scare the cr@p out of the bloke in the Jag! They popped over a hill and flew towards me at speed and at low level, then tried different angles for a while and cleared off.

It was like having my own air display!
you saying about fast jets, wasn't there a thing a few years back with a copper and a radar gun and it was either a Harrier or a Tornado flying in the area and it identified the radar gun as a ground threat.
Had a mate in the RAF at the time as fitter for the new Apache's, just when they had come over and he said if it aircraft had been on operational status it would have locked on and subdued the target automatically.
Not sure if its true or not but just remember it for some reason, would have been one toasted copper lol

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:49 am
by Wicky

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:12 am
by TonyW650
thats a bummer would have been fun to see lol
out run the missile!

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:18 pm
by adyf
not quite the same thing ,but about 10yrs ago was riding along top of a ridge road in derbyshire doing about 120mph,when out of the corner of my eye i saw movement wtf? it was a tornado fighter jet and it was level with me(he was about 500ft above the valley floor) he must have been on tickover, we looked at each other then he waved at me and went in to an awsome vertical climb ,how the hell i stayed on the tarmac i do not know,but it was well cool. adyf

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:59 pm
by lumpyv
seb421 wrote:Yesterday on the way to work around 8:15pm just past the Chorley junction i notice a police helicopter following me, circling me overhead, i slowed down it still hung with me i upped the pace a little it was still with me, then dropped back to 70

Then a few miles down the road, vrooooooooooom some bike went past me at around a guess of 150 - 160 mph plus, possibly more? within a second or two it was out of sight, what a wonker, the helicopter must have assumed i was the rider they was looking for because they was off like a shot after it as soon as it came flying buy at warp factor 9

I didn't see the plate or anything it wasa going that fast just a red light and i think it was grey that's all i could make out it was going so so fast

ferking glad i didn't overtake the truck in front at that moment as you look behind see nothing, wind on the throttle and go past, I had looked back saw nothing and was considering an early overtake, when the speeding biker shot past, didn't even see or hear it coming

sh1t me up did that as it would have been super nasty having that smash into the back of me.

Any one know anything about it or is this guy has been caught / crashed?
such a good point that. i dont ride really quick or really slow but even if your banging past cars at 100 you mustnt forget the proper nutter coming past you at 140 a bloke on one of those massive bmw adventure things nearly totalled me the other day cos i assumed i would be overtaking at the fastest speed. allways check thoroughly behind :?
would have been my fault as well :wtf:

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:29 am
by TonyW650
there was a accident last year down here on the M20 between Folkestone and Ashford like that, believe it was a guy on a gixer 1000 giving the lest see how fast it is and had a a Dutch plate BMW x5 or something pull out from between 2 lorrys in the middle lane to get past and the bike hit him.

I ride fast but over the last year or so there seem to be alot more nutters on the road, over taking in places they really shouldn't be or just miss judging corners etc....I know it could be a sign of me getting old lol
but was over at Rye a few months back and the amount of say sub 30 year olds on gxsr1000's and 750, zx10's etc..... was a little surprising and some of them seem to ride them like they've stolen them, utter lunacy.
If you know the area of Rye down in sussex, theres a loverly road from Appledore to Rye, double apex S bends and nice straights between, you can fly down it, I was going down it with my group of riders I ride with and we dont hang about 80-90 odd push to 100 and we had a group of lads catch us and overtake on the double s's and leave us standing, its one of them roads you have to have you wits about you for incase any farm traffic pops out. when we got to Rye they was there and I reckon the oldest must have been 28 ish, and when they left they pulled wheelies up the road with summer crowds and kids around, must be me getting old.

Just sure the riding is getting worse from people

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:49 am
by VTRDark
I know exactly where you talking about, but this is East Sussex, the majority of fuzz are in West Sussex :) Or sitting in Tenterden :lol: Those back roads can be lethal, if one don't know the roads the bends can take you by surprise. And not only is there farm traffic, there's lots of potholes, mud on road, wildlife etc, not to mention the ones that drive at 20mph either lost or admiring the views. :thumbup:


Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:09 am
by TonyW650
I was down on the canel run from Appledore to rye about 6 weeks ago, was with my mate on his harly and I was on my old school Z650 and a guy on a something apex'd one of the corners blind and almost took both of us out.
then we had another guy do the same on the run up from Rye to tenderden, over took use right before a corner, can came around and he almost took the front end of my mates Dyna glide, my mate lost it a bit and him being him and a ex racer, gave chase was impressive to watch a harly scaring a sports bike the guy couldnt get away from him, they got to Tenterden ahead of me and he was at the traffic lights at the far end of town tearing this sports bike owner a new ass.
I almost dropped the bike as the guy looked so sheepish and embarresed that a harly had kept up with him and that he was getting a bollocking, he must have been about 25 ish zx636r, why do some of them ride like complete twats.

Ok I know I used to have my moments but nothing ever as bad as I see now a days!

Re: M61 Police chase?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:38 am
by AMCQ46
It's due to the fact that the nanny state is preventing Darwins theory from working, the slow and stupid are now protected and even if they don't work they get paid to have more kids and if we are not careful they will soon over power natural selection :(