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Dire riders

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 7:51 pm
by karenvtr
Well we went for a blast to Glasson Dock today was a good ride until we reached the turning for Glasson, dont know the name of the road but everytime we ride it we meet idiots and people that shouldnt be riding

Today we came across a youngish lad with a lass on the back with leggins and trainers, he had on a leather jacket but no other protective gear NOT EVEN GLOVES !! he was bumbling along until he spotted us behind him then he started riding faster Chris and I imediatley knew he was a very new rider or really crap then he overtook four cars on two blind bends on the wrong side of the road :roll: :roll: luckly for him and his barley dressed squeze there was newt comin ...

he was so all over the road that we backed right off as we didnt wanna run over them at the next bend..they pulled into the dock i wanted to have a word but then i thought better of it but if i was his mother id clip him round the earhole and if i was his girlfriends parent id rip his balls off for endangering her life !!!

Hope they both got home safe :?

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:31 pm
by VTRDark
It's not good when one sees thing's like that and when your young (well me anyway) we all do stupid things and don't have a care in the world. If they are lucky to survive they will learn when it either costs them money or they brake bones, or simply grow up.
if i was his mother id clip him round the earhole and if i was his girlfriends parent id rip his balls off for endangering her life !!!
Well said. :thumbup:

Put ones own life at risk if you must, but not others.

So apart from that little incident how did the rest of the ride go. Hope the weather was good for you.

Have Fun. :thumbup:


Re: Dire riders

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:32 pm
by seb421
if you had the opportunity to give him some constructive advise then you should have done so, help these idiots where ever possible it might bring the statistics down

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:13 pm
by simo
They don't have to be young to do them sort of things.

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:32 pm
by tattoo
they certainly don't have to be young...i walk to the local co-op around 4ish and looked in amazement when a 40ish bloke pulled into the carpark on his bussa...i wasn't amazed at the bike but what did amaze me was that he was wearing only a helmet,tshirt,shorts and flipflops....WTF!!!!

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 10:19 pm
by futterbingers
Must have been 30ºc?

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 10:50 pm
by VTRDark
he was wearing only a helmet,tshirt,shorts and flipflops....WTF!!!!
I must admit I have done that myself if I'm only nipping round the shops. :roll: except I wear my croks. :lol: :lol: but I would not blindly go round a bend on the wrong side of the road. :thumbdown:


Re: Dire riders

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:23 pm
by benny hedges
karenvtr wrote: i wanted to have a word
do it next time. :thumbup:

respect to u for showing restraint but some need to be told...
and thing is, the way the law is now, if u were behind him and came off, chances are you'd end up in court too, even tho he wasnt riding with you :/ :Ball Kick:

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:56 pm
by karenvtr
The ride was getting my confidence back a bit everytime i go out .. we had fun it was a nice day too and we made the most of it as i wont get out next sunday as im working.. Its mad isnt it i see people in shorts and tshirts riding all the time and it makes me cringe...yep if i ever see ewt like that again im defo gonna have a word ..wish i had of done now tbh ... :roll:

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:51 pm
by boz
I aint disagreeing about what anyone says here.........but.......its not compulsory to wear the gear. When I was younger I certainly never wore shorts or sh1t but I did ride in jeans, denim jacket and doc shoes. That was my choice. Just as its the choice of these barely covered idiots to ride as they do.
After all, we all have the choice to do our bikes up, making them faster than the manufacturer did, therefore increasing the possibly likely-hood of a worse accident (plenty would argue that point). But that's not illegal and I'd be damned if anyone is going to tell me I shouldn't do that!
I've even heard the argument that riding in skimpy gear concentrates you more...I dont agree but its an argument you cant disprove.
Anyway, the long and short of it all is that these muppets are not breaking the law so stopping and telling them off, even in a friendly way could lead to a confrontational situation. The same sort of situation if someone told me to wear this or that...the response would be eff off and mind your own.

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:12 am
by seb421
As Boz said i have been known to go to and from work in shorts and t-shirt on a gentle pootle about, or down the local shop for milk etc

but i wont go for a Sunday blast in poor gear, ride safe and ride alert and you cant go far wrong

i'm glad we dont have to wear sod all but a helmet and under crackers at least it gives me the choose to protect my self if i wish

Lots of people go and buy a Flashy Arai helmet costing hundreds of pounds, when a 70 quid Nitro Helmet offers better protection and have a better sharp star rating, that i don't understand.

Re: Dire riders

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 10:23 am
by KarlosVTR
saftey gear comes with age and experience.

boots - always wear them. it something in the road with my steel toed saftey trainers. about tore my foot off at the ankle. lesson learned

gloves - lent my brother my gloves as it was raining and his hands had gone numb. 2 seconds later, hit a patch of diesel come off hand down on to a piece of smashed mirror and it went deep in to my hand. lesson learned.

jeans at the very least - came off my first storm after someone tried nudging me in to the central barrier of the A52. any less id have lost loads more skin. lesson painfully learned

riding sensibly - after riding with people that treat the road like a race track i told them to get fuc**ed and ill see them at home if they are alive.

sence comes when you are born i guess.

was at snake pass sunday just gone. i dont say this often but the people there deserve to suffer the consequences. some 'hero' came past on the wrong side of a blind bend at AT LEAST 100. knee down in to a sketchy blind bend with a cliff next to him. certain we were gonna be picking him out of a cliff face on the next bend we slowed down. we were in the car.

my god some people are statistics waiting to be ticked off