police, baffles, four and a half miles

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police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by seb421 »

Was going to work other day about 8:15pm when i come to some lights, at the lights there is a filter lane to turn left, this side is clear and i intend to turn left, on the approach i notice a police van in the lane to continue straight on

in front of the van is a normal car and to the rear a normal car, i'm also joined by a normal car behind me (by normal I mean not a stinking tax burden with blue lights)

so any way lights turn green and i turn left, the police then go out of there way, cutting up the car behind me to change lanes and go left, they then follow me for four and a half miles, im doing 30 / 33 mph and they are creeping behind me

so after a miles i think wombles you, so I go at 25mph, it's icy and i'm in no rush, still follows me, i go round the roundabout's and continue on to work

as I get into Leyland they decide to pull me over near the Leyland Gates public house, rather embarrassing on a Friday night, checking all my details on the system asking if I'm insured etc and taking ages about

so I said if you suspected the vehicle wasn't insured it wouldn't have taken from coming into Chorley to now to find out and what a great spot to stop me too!

any way he then went over the bike paying attention to the Scorpion cans with no baffles, he's looking around trying to find Not for road use i suspect, than wombles they didn't, so he's saying he's not sue about them, so i told him its passed MOT with them, gave him details of MOT Station, asked where i was going why I was out on the bike at this time (forgot it was an offence to use a bike after dark, doh)

He went back in his van, came out a few mins later and told me to carry on my way,

Think he just had an aversion to motorbikes, he probably cycles to work.

Second time I've been pulled with Race cans now on way to / from work thankfully both times I had a copper that wasn't sure about the cans, told them they was an MOT pass and was left to my own devices

Suspect had it been a proper Volvo or similar motorway type plod it may have been a different out come

------------ also get this, unrelated to being stopped, the night before that at work, we have a road that leads to us (UPS) and Royal mail, no yellow lines or anything its a quiet road except for trucks and and down

so at night Truckers park up and stop there for a few hours and get some kip, police turn up and book every single one of them for parking there,

this at a time when he had two escaped murders on the run, what a piss take!

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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by hellride »

Yeah I know what you mean. I'm a truckdiver and on the other night the police cruised round the cargo terminal a couple of laps. Turned out they were looking for idling (?) trucks. They had actually fined a driver at another terminl
al. The trucks suspension is air-driven you know, so often we leave the truck on to maintain pressure. Otherwise the truck will sink far below the loading dock, and we cant load 'em.
All for the environment!!!! I wonder if their cruising is good for the environment (swedish cops drives big Volvo V70)
Oh, well!! Could've been worse...
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by agentpineapple »

don't get me started with the police, i believe we have a member or two on this forum that are coppers, nearly all my expierances with police have been negative, considering i've never comitted a crime, i've payed all my taxes and i'm a decent human being, the only thing i'm guilty of is a motoring offence (speeding)
i've had the police try and stitch me up on several occasions.
and whilst they are doing this they are relying on cameras to catch motorists, blimey any idiot can slow down for speed cameras and avoid red light cameras, once they get past them they drive like twats , but because there aren't many traffic cops out there these fools can drive like idiots.
and i understand to police officers are just following orders and trying to be our friend, whilst try to nick you for something so minor it beggars belief.
move to spain, i did, hardly any plod about, and empty roads.......
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by thumperslaw »

Pretty harsh stuff that police can do. To much of a power trip some times (not all tho)
Then again I have never been pulled because of my loud pipes on my bike. Just some coppers have just got it in for ya
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by Wicky »

Would have been a handy pull if the bike had been nicked and they were just as thorough at IDing the bike and rider.... :wink:
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by seb421 »

Last year at one point i was being followed evey night from work for a good few miles from Leyland into Chorley then they would turn back as i carried onto horwich

started to really piss me off

So i stoped my self and waved the police car to stop, asked him why im being followed

he claimed he wasn't following me and that he badly needed the toilet, even tho i saw him changed direction in the mirror to come follow me, and we had just passed a 24 hour Tescos

i told him ive had enough off it every night getting followed, its a joke etc etc, i work nights etc

to be fair he was one of the nicest cop's i had ever spoke too and put across his point,

he then changed the subject into spot / racing and said i bet its a good blast round these back roads at night and said he would turn his back if i wanted to make up some time,

since then i have not had one car / van follow me until now so i come to the conclusion that they do share info with each other

possible it was because my bike would have been down as 'teal' on the database but was Repsol Race colours that led me to being followed other night (cloned plates etc)

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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by geodude »

I haven't had any bad experiences with the law. :angel: When I have been stopped, I am always polite, calm and give them no reason to go off on one. My best mates ex-wife is a Traffic Cop so this helps when in the local area as the conversation usually starts "Do you know WPC .....?"

I popped round to see my mate one time and his wife was very distant and not her usual self. I asked what was wrong and she said she is not allowed to tell me but my mate did. She had attended a fatality that involved a biker and it wasn't a pleasant sight. Initial signs showed it to be a driver that collided with the bike. He tested positive on a breathalyser and was arrested. For the rest of her shift, any car that even slightly looked like it was veering of course, she stopped. She was a biker btw.

My landlady and her partner are coppers and they are nice people.

Then again, some people are just cnuts and I guess the same goes for some coppers.
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by Jaglifter »

Some things don't change.
Used to ride my bike to work/college in the early 60s and was stopped at least once a month for no apparent reason other than that I was on a bike, so must be up to no good!
When I switched to a car, never got stopped once until 1984 (106mph on A30 in Cornwall).
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by boz »

Gotta try and restore the balance a bit here, but its hard considering the stories of idiot twats on power trips I've just read about.
I myself was pulled over for filtering on a dual carriageway within a 2 mile tailback of stationary traffic. The copper said I was filtering at 60mph......I mean WTF. Chance would have been a fine thing but the number of Audi/BMW/White Van drivers who pulled over to the centre to stop my progress was unreal. It was blatant attempted murder, pure and simple.....fekin merchant bankers.
Anyhoo, I digress. The rozza in question was a bike cop, happily filtering like me. He tried to shout at me to pull over in a bus stop but I indicated that;
1. I couldn't hear him cos of my ear plugs and;
2. No cage driver was letting me pull over to the left. He then put on his blues, making a big fuss. I got over to the side and before I even got the lid off, he was chucking his dummy out the pram.
He said that a driver had pulled him over complaining that because I had a safety vest on, he let me through on the 'centre lane' as he thought I was a juggler...sorry I mean copper. 'Are you for real' I retorted? 'You gonna do me for impersonating a cop'? After all, I got the vest from another bike cop!
'No' says he, 'don't get funny with me'.
I bit my tongue! Anyway, he said 'do you know you were doing 60 and driving without due care and attention'.
'No I wasn't' on both counts says I. 'I was doing 20 max all the way down as I saw you behind me....if you weren't there I would have been hammering it'.
He was not impressed, surprise surprise. With that, the dude in the nearest car attracted his attention. He said he was listening to it all and was going to report not only the cop but has took the reggie numbers of some cars who had impeded my progress to the detrement of my safety.
Well, that did it. The cop actually told him to, and I quote 'shut up before I find something wrong with your car'.
The dude was not impressed. Holding out a warrant car of an Inspector from a neighbouring force made Mr Plod's jaw hit the preverbial!
I actually gave the pumping fist dance, ha ha. The cop was pulled over to the car. I did not hear what was said but he came back, got on his Panny (there you go, a tossa riding a tossa) and went (filtering through the traffic at about 40!
I thanked the geezer, touched knuckles and was on my way with a grin and the sound of 'nice bike, I've got the SP2' ringing in my ears.
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by benny hedges »

boz wrote: The copper said I was filtering at 60mph......I mean WTF.
niiiiice :thumbup:

i had one pull me over on the way to the raven on a evening with a few mates....
virtually standing traffic over 2 lanes and i was turning right at the lights so was filtering to the right of the 2nd lane, but not over solids or awt...

plod in a astra (not a traffic car) pulled me over and said i was stupid.
i said what makes you think i am stupid. i was tempted to explain im far from stupid and probably earn twice what he does lol but said go on, why have you pulled me.... he said same thing, i was riding recklessly and was going too fast and filtering is illegal.
i said no it's not. and im not going too fast, the rest of the traffic is going too slow.
he said well if someone pulled out you'd be dead.
i said not necessarily, i get pulled out on several times every day and im quite capable of riding defensively, and even if i do get knocked off, doesnt mean im dead. might get hurt but chances are i'll be up on my feet and get a new bike out of it.
he was obviously getting quite annoyed lol and tbh i was buzzing off him cos he was a blert.
by this time the others had caught up and also pulled over.
m8 came over and said why are you detaining us.... he said im detaining him, not you.... so i said what are you detaining me for, are you arresting me lol....
it was like that nob pulling over the cyclist and getting tied in knots with his pomposity.
when he said he wasnt arresting me i said ok i'll bear in mind what you said and put my lid back on and fkt off.
i dont think he was impressed but then neither was i, seeing as while we were 'having a chat' there mustve been a dozen or so drivers went past on their mobile fones etc....

thing is, if they catch me speeding then fair cop.... i'll hold my hands up, but i cba being pulled over for fek all. :Ball Kick:
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by macphray »

well i got a ticket last night £60 and 3 wtf points for stopping on double yellow when i wanted to go to the cash point after work at 2300pm fkn jobs worth :Argue 1:
well i thought fair cop ,told the jobworth my name address and said as little as poss ,alway best! over the yrs i have met afew :Ball Kick: and goods ones or nice ones are very few and far between, "power hungery muppets" it take a certern type of person to want that job,it something about the uniform power,power power but remember lads they are only men just like us trying to up hold the law :clap: motherf**kers but am not f*ckin bitter about my ticket :silent: rant over!!
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by agentpineapple »

3 points for a double yellow line is crazy, i thought a parking ticket was all you would get. i stop on double yellas all the time when customers need to get money out of a cash point and i've never had a problem in london. i'd look into it if i was you matey, something ain't right..........it only takes one bad copper to make the rest look bad, problem is i've came across plenty of numpty coppers in my time.........
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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by Wicky »

Can't see anything for penalty points for double yellow lines - however parking on zigzags carries 3 points.


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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by seb421 »

here is the road where the police booked every single truck driver about 6 or 7 of them at the time

http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=tomlins ... 7,,0,10.53

no yellow lines or anything, fiddler

they also like to sit and hide at the bottom trying to catch some of the lads putting the toe down on the way into work, most days I get a text saying dont boot it out side work plod at bottom again.
Last edited by seb421 on Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: police, baffles, four and a half miles

Post by macphray »

ye i was in the wagon and i was half on zigs and half on yellows about 30 yards from pelican crossing ,nowone about ar 23.30 but wanted my ass so he did me for ziggy zags ,yes it an offence but harsh at that time ,i went round the town today only to see a g4 money bank van sat on the same spot :Argue 1: but no cop or traffic warden at 09.30 this morning with cctv above mmm it dont figure :Ball Kick: like i said jobsworth
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