Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

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Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by theflyingpig »

Hello my Lovlies!

yes it's I, theflyingpig has returned to the fold. Still on 4 wheels, but a bit more accessable.

with all this snow about, it's a good job I've moved to Dundee. Wouldn't want to get snowed in where I used to stay, ON MY OWN, wombles enough for anyone to slit their wrists!

Well It's nearly a year since you know what. I'm not going to mention it just now, as I know Kaz has something planned.

I just wanted to pop my head in, to let you know that I'm doing the best I can. Moved back to Dundee and now living with my Dad since June. Started Uni, and I'm doing a part-time course that will keep me busy for the next 6 years, so no real life at the moment.

Keep on trucking, oops sorry, you are all bikers aren't ya? If you are stuck for something to do this Saturday, PM me as I'm having a belated 40th Birthday party (2 days before my 41st), at Norries Bar (Dad's house, and yes it is a fully stocked bar). Last year's birthday was more like a precurser to a wake, oh wait, it was!

Much love to all you buggers
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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by Jbrebel »

Happy Bday Norma :thumbup: Good to hear from you :thumbup:
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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by sirch345 »

Great too hear from you Norma, I've often wondered how you were doing. Also pleased you are manging to do something for yourself at Uni.

I can hardy believe 12mths has gone already, amazing :!:

Happy Birthday wishes for both Birthdays.

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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by kevg »

hi Norma, great to hear from you and glad life goes on, your keeping busy now by the sounds of it....and Happy birthday times two, make it a special one this year.

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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by tattie »

Hi Norma,
Good to hear from you, and as sirch said, often wondered how you were getting on.


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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by theflyingpig »

Sorry Dudes and Dudettes, but I meant to say next Satuarday (4th December), my birthday is the 6th December.

Well soon be Wednesday, I hope you all have your happy hats, and downloaded porky pig.

Don't like 'Wondered how you were getting on', if you really wondered, then why didn't you pick up the phone?

Yes, I'm allowed to say sh1t like that, I'm a grieving widow you know! :lol: I have only once used that phrase and only here would I get away with it.

I love you all really. So to get back to the point, if you are close to my kneck of the woods this Saturday, PM me and I will give you the address, there are loads of of travel Inns in Dundee, so you'd have a cheap night, as I said the bar is fully stocked :beer:

Much love
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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by sirch345 »

theflyingpig wrote: Don't like 'Wondered how you were getting on', if you really wondered, then why didn't you pick up the phone?
Hi Norma, it's always a difficult thing to know what to do for the best, even for people who are really close to you, as sometimes they even react differently than you'd expect.

For me I'd would rather I was in someones thoughts rather than be totally forgotten about, but you obviously think differently which is your privilege and I respect that.

Also as you'd not been on the forum for quite sometime I assumed you wanted some time out so-to-speak, to be able to come to terms with the situation and to get your life back on track somewhat, which you certainly now seem to be doing.

My apologies if I read it all wrong.

Chris X.

PS. Porky Pig is all waiting and ready to go.
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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by theflyingpig »

Ah Chris, you have fallen foul to my wicked sense of humor!

It's great to be in your thoughts, and as Kaz says' I've been off site, not because I wanted to be, but because I couldn't remember where the hell it was!

All of you guys have been in my thoughts throughout this year (why has no-one phoned me, am I really Norma Nae Mates?, bloody hell, it's true you become a widow and no f*$%^^& wants to speak to you).

Seriously, It's good to be back so I can find out how you've all be coping without the funniest man on the site (the challenge is out there, prove me wrong!).

I've been trying to keep myself busy. Been back at work full time since April, started Uni, doing a part-time MA concentrating on Philosophy (I know, how funny would Martin have found that). Moved back to my Dad's as the old homestead was a little too suicidal. I've cried lots, I've laughed lots, I've almost picked up the knife lots, but here I am, 1 year on, and still kicking. Although I'm sure Martin has sent the snow to stop me having my friends around me for my birthday (they all live out of town), and I'm going to be stuck with the oldies, ho hum.

Anyway, time for Family Guy.

Much love to you Chris, please don't take anything I say seriously, where would the fun be in that.

And to leave you with a little bit of philosophy that I've been studying today, Do Unto Others, before They Do Unto You! ( that about sums it up really, Martin would be so proud!) :wink:

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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by theflyingpig »

My sesne of comedy timing.......is crap. No I'm not as funny as Martin because his comedy timing was impeccable, but who do you think wrote all his material?

Where do you think he got the Werthers saying from? I came up with that ad, and several more that are even closer to the bone. (if you don't know the story behind, 'Werthers they never get rid of the taste', ask me sometime).

But I have to give him the SPORK, that one isn't mine.


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Re: Well,well,well, you bar stewards are still kicking!

Post by sirch345 »

theflyingpig wrote:Ah Chris, you have fallen foul to my wicked sense of humor!

It's great to be in your thoughts, and as Kaz says' I've been off site, not because I wanted to be, but because I couldn't remember where the hell it was!

All of you guys have been in my thoughts throughout this year (why has no-one phoned me, am I really Norma Nae Mates?, bloody hell, it's true you become a widow and no f*$%^^& wants to speak to you).

Seriously, It's good to be back so I can find out how you've all be coping without the funniest man on the site (the challenge is out there, prove me wrong!).

I've been trying to keep myself busy. Been back at work full time since April, started Uni, doing a part-time MA concentrating on Philosophy (I know, how funny would Martin have found that). Moved back to my Dad's as the old homestead was a little too suicidal. I've cried lots, I've laughed lots, I've almost picked up the knife lots, but here I am, 1 year on, and still kicking. Although I'm sure Martin has sent the snow to stop me having my friends around me for my birthday (they all live out of town), and I'm going to be stuck with the oldies, ho hum.

Anyway, time for Family Guy.

Much love to you Chris, please don't take anything I say seriously, where would the fun be in that.

And to leave you with a little bit of philosophy that I've been studying today, Do Unto Others, before They Do Unto You! ( that about sums it up really, Martin would be so proud!) :wink:

' :@
Norma, if you've still got your sense of humor then you must be doing something right. Well done keep it up, I too think Marty would be proud of you :D

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