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Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:27 pm
by Mender
Hi all, after much umming and ahhing I have succumbed to the good looks of the VTR1000. I've tried the rest, TL1000 (which put me in hospital!) SV1000 and VFR750s most lately a Triumph Thunderbird 900(I had a replacement knee op and couldn't get on a sports bike for a while!)
I've read lots as you can imagine, after much deliberation I bought a 98 S with reworked forks, Ohlins rear suspension, Dynojet stage one and aftermarket cans. Its Silver and looks the dogs.
The seller said the cam chain tensioners were replaced at 18,000 and its now done 28,000miles anything I should be looking out for? I'd post a piccy but don't know how(be nice, I'm nearly 60!)
Glad to be here

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:38 pm
by vtrbarmy
Welcome - think you'll find the Storm an absolute hoot to own and ride. Sounds as well like you have picked up a nice machine - indeed main things to watch out for are Cam Chain Tensioners (replace with manual ones, can't rely on the Honda standard ones at all) and the reg/Rec (replace with either a Yamaha R1 or R6 unit - the 'how to' can be found in the workshop section. After that, she's pretty solid!

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:44 pm
by Mender
Brilliant, just the kind of advice I need, where do I source manual tensioners?

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:26 pm
by benny hedges
Mender wrote:where do I source manual tensioners?
drop a pm to rider on a storm... i believe he's running off a batch atm... his are about the best you will find :thumbup:
enjoy your bike :mrgreen:

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:49 pm
by AMCQ46
Mender, Welcome on board mate......sounds like you got a good bike as suspension upgrades make a big difference to the firestorm. fix the CCT's, manual or do a "stopper" mod, which makes the standard honda ones fail safe, and you will have a great bike. :thumbup:

Unfortunatly after that intro you do know that we will have to christen you the 60yr old virgin :lol:

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:08 pm
by SlingVTR
I would say do the CCT's right now, dont even ride it without doing it. I dont know wether Mjonesey would be able to do it but he made my cct's and they have been perfect, drop him a pm..........

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:54 pm
by Beamish
Mender, welcome buddy. Sounds like you have bought a cracker! All the right mods appear to have been done. As has already been suggested, do the mod on your CCts or buy manual versions (I personally would go with the mod). Enjoy the craic. :thumbup:

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:53 am
by sirch345
Welcome aboard mender :thumbup:
It certainly does sound like you've done very well in getting a Storm with all those goodies already fitted :thumbup:

I can't really add much to the good advice already given.

Enjoy your new bike,


Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:02 am
by Mender
Cheers folks, "60yr old virgin" I like that, must tell the grandkids! I like the "Stopper" idea for CCT any more info would be gratefully received, I can see why the OE springs fail but what does the stopper do? Still haven't been out on it yet other than the quick test b4 u buy, it does sound like the carbs could do with a balance and I read somewhere on here that it is not too arduous a task. I have all the necessary so that will be done at the same time as the "stopper" (when I find out what it is!). By the way, is the fuel tank size really an issue?

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:29 am
by sirch345
I don't find the 16ltr tank size a problem myself. By the time I've done a 100 miles I'm glad for a break anyway.

The only time the smaller tank could become an issue is if you're going touring in a foreign land, and you're unsure where the next open filling station is, although some members on here manage it OK.

You sound like you probably know about this sort of thing already, but just in case you don't, if you're intending to do anything with the CCT's have a look at the correct procedure here first, so you make sure you set the valve timing up correctly before you start:- viewtopic.php?f=31&t=8326&start=0

If you're intending to do the "Stopper Mod" take a look at this link, 4th post up from the bottom:- viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3179&start=60

Both of those links can be found in the "The Workshop Knowledgebase"


Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:36 am
by sirch345
When a CCT spring breaks the stopper mod if carried out correctly will stop the CCT backing off enough to allow the cam chain to jump the cam sprockets which will almost definitely mean the valves (or at least two of them) coming into contact with the piston.

This mod allows the standard CCT to operate as Mr Honda intended, but safe guards the valves etc if/when a failure occurs.


Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:01 am
by marravtr
welcome to the forum matey :thumbup:

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:51 am
by Jbrebel
Welcome and greetings :thumbup:

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:12 pm
by Mender
Cheers for the welcome and advice, will be doing the "stopper" and carb balance this weekend. I intend to do a handlebar conversion next, does anyone know if a VFR750(1990 vintage) will fit cos I saw one on fleabay which could save me mucho dinero?

Re: Firestorm Virgin arrived

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:20 pm
by benny hedges
Mender wrote:does anyone know if a VFR750(1990 vintage) will fit ?
dont think so m8 cos the older vfr's had 37mm diameter forks...