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New member

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:33 am
by cheekykev
Hi all you Storm lovers,
I've just joined the forum and not to sure how to navigate my way round, so any assistance from anyone out there would be welcome, the first thing i can't seem to find is how to make my profile, please don't think i'm as thick as pig poo, it's just i'm a mature biker (if there is such a thing) not a computer buff and i'm not familiar with this kind of stuff.
I,m 50 years young now and been ridding motorcycles since i was 14, the list of bikes i've had is endless but i must admit i love my Firestorm and fits in as one of the best i've ever had for pure fun and a pleasure to ride,i,ve had 2 over the last 11 years, my current one is red 2001 with a few cosmetic mods to suite me and make it mine, you all know where i'm coming from,
full faired, double bouble screen, high level exhaust, colour coded head light cover and probably the funniest one is 1 tooth down on the front sprocket and 2 up on the rear, what a laugh that is, hey if you think it's hard to keep a standard Storm on 2 wheels then you should try this one, it's like being on a fair ground ride, :bobby2: we never grow up do we !!
I'm based in South East Manchester so if any of you out there would like to get in touch or maybe meet up for a ride out, i would be happy to participate.
Oh just before i go i must mention something
(i can feel the snarles and the rocks ready to be thrown at me now)
Sorry Guys (Oh and any lady members of course)Yes i also have an inline 4, wait don't throw the stones yet, :Chop:
It's a 1998 CBR 900 RRW FireBlade, what a fantasic bike, it just does everything it says on the tin and does it well.
Sorry but i love them both the same, i don't know what i'd do if i ever i had sell one of them for whatever reason, i couldn't possibly split them up, they are both fantastic bikes but in different ways.
Well i hope i've generated some interest and hope to hear from some of you, oh please ignor any spelling mistakes coz i'm crap at that too. anyway must dash got some pollishing to do. :D

Re: New member

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:42 am
by AMCQ46
Good to have you join, and I can forgive you as I rate the old Firebaldes as a modern classic so it is good to hear that you are looking after 2 classic Hondas for the future generations.

when you can work out how to post pictures lets see them both.

Re: New member

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:28 pm
by Pete.L
:D Welcome Aboard :D
You need to have a play, select "User Control Panel" up the top on the left and then look for the "Profile" tab. Then just click everything untill something happens :wtf:


Re: New member

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:34 pm
by Jbrebel
Welcome to the forum :thumbup:

Re: New member

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:58 pm
by cheekykev
Thanks Pete.L.
I've managed to sort my profile out, :) can you or anyone else out there give me some help on how to get photographs onto my messages, i'm sure with the help of someone out there to get me on the right path and the help of my 10 year old son i'll manage it. :confused

Re: New member

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:46 pm
by benny hedges

Re: New member

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:42 pm
by tony.mon
Many of us have other bikes, too. It's not a collection if it's just one, is it?

Personally I'm down to just three at the moment, so once winter sets in I may have to keep my eyes open for a little shed clearance opportunity.....

Welcome, anyway.

Re: New member

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:35 pm
by sirch345
Welcome aboard cheekykev :thumbup: nice intro :thumbup:
