France trip, REVIEW inc PICS

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Re: Help with planning France trip

Post by VTRDark »

When are you off CK? Ride safe buddy and enjoy. Don't forget to take pics. :thumbup:

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Re: Help with planning France trip

Post by Ckennedy »

Leave Thursday evening around half 6 to get to Dover for 10, hopefully. Come back on the 14th. My camera is packed and batteries charged :thumbup:
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Re: Help with planning France trip

Post by AMCQ46 »

Have fun you 2 :thumbup:
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Re: Help with planning France trip

Post by simon t »

Jeez, that last leg is so depressing - breakfast in Paris, dinner in Coalville! You're going the wrong direction mate.

Have fun on the Route Napoleon and if you want to try something even scarier than touring with the missus try Europe's highest bungee jump at La Mure, on your Digne-Lyon leg.
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Re: Help with planning France trip

Post by Ckennedy »

I know it is depressing. If I enjoy myself to much I'll be asking you for help buying a house :lol:

Well the trip is fast approaching :biggrin Feeling nervous and very excited. I shall wish you all fair well and for those going on the Wales run, have fun and ride safe :thumbup: Shall be thinking of all of you and wishing I could have made it. Hopefully I will be in your thoughts and not in a bad/dirty way :lol:

I shall write to you all as and when I can to update you all and if I can manage it from my phone a few pics. Do that tapatalk app host pics for you?
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Re: Help with planning France trip

Post by Virt »

Ckennedy wrote:Hopefully I will be in your thoughts and not in a bad/dirty way :lol:

I shall write to you all as and when I can to update you all and if I can manage it from my phone a few pics. Do that tapatalk app host pics for you?
That should be direced at Lloyd. And yes, the app does upload and host pics via their server..

Have a good time, look forward to reading about it and seeing lots of pictures :wink: :thumbup:
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Re: France trip, starts 05/09/14

Post by lloydie »

Have fun youth ride safe
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Re: France trip, starts 05/09/14

Post by Ckennedy »

today is the morning after our first days ride. I feel alright, the missus is a little sore. God help us. Loads more riding and she is sore after day 1 :lol:

Just before boarding the ferry we bumped into a couple of other bikers who told us what to expect and what is was like in France.

We landed in Calais at 11am local time and et about our trip. I managed to follow the route as planned on the map and we managed to get to our first hotel in la mans without getting to lost. I say to lost..... Only a mile or 2. Nothing major. There has not been much to see so far. It has all be main roads to get here. Today is about the same with the fun starting tomorrow. So far the only thing worth taking a photo of was a French magazine with a firestorm in it :lol: :thumbup: (someone who has my facebook could you post up the pic please?)

We found yesterday that I forgot to bring the waterproof covers for the panniers so I have wrapped the clothes in bin bags to keep them dry :lol:

Shall see if there is anything worth taking a photo of today and I shall post them up later. Another 6 hours riding today :) a bit of rain due again. Everyone who is on the Wales trip, stay safe and enjoy yourselves. Still wish I could be there.
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Re: France trip, starts 05/09/14

Post by simon t »

Checked the meteo down here ( and it looks like after Sunday's instability you should be set fair, if a bit cool, for the rest of the week. Have fun.
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Re: France trip, starts 05/09/13

Post by Ckennedy »

Well today is the day after we got back and I miss it already. Well to be honest only the south and the Alpes. We set off on the night off the 5/10/13 to Dover to stay over night in our first hotel to save the stupidly early start we would have had from Coalville to Dover for a 7am check in time for the ferry. We got to the hotel around 2130 ish after hearing of all the road closures and blockages which we managed to avoid. We had food on the way down so took us about 3 1/2 hours to get there. We checked in and got our head down for the night. Woke up the next morning, headed for the ferry port (1/4mile away) and got booked in. Quickly changed over a few euros and made our way back to the bike. We bumped into 3 other bikers headed over for a long weekend and had a chat with them before boarding the ferry and whilst on the ferry. We got into sunny Calais at 11am French time and set to our ride to Le Mans 300miles away. I managed to get used to riding on the wrong side easily enough and soon got the hang of how the French drive (like loons!!!!!) and all was well. After a few breaks and petrol stops we had our first problem. We both started to dislike the bike. We were so uncomfortable and sore after out first day is was not funny. We got to our hotel and got a good nights sleep ready for the 2nd day to Clemont - Ferrand. Another 300miler. No pictures taken as there was nothing good to take pictures of.

2nd day we were up early and set out around 0900 for our 300mile trip. Again it was pretty un eventful and nothing to take pics of but again we were hating the bike, so uncomfortable, sore and really hating every mile we covered. We decided that night that we wanted to do a tour again but neither of us wanted to do it on this bike so she had to go. As much as I hated it I knew she would have to be changed for something else. So it began. The hunt for a new bike.

3rd day again was an early start. Another 300miles (who planned this I do not know :roll: ) anyway we were not looking forward to it. The amount of pain we were in the past 2 days made us dread this trip. We got loaded up and followed the route. We ended up riding down some of the Le Mans road circuit :biggrin this made it feel just a little better. But as we ended the ride for the day we were still in agreement the bike would have to go. We eventually got down to Clemont - Ferrand and that is where it all began. I listed the bike for sale on here to see if there was any interest and we got some sleep.

4th day. Well what can I say. This is where it all changed. We loaded up the bike and set to our days ride. Again we were both not looking forward to it given that we were still in pain from the previous days riding but we got to it anyway. We made our way to the first of the twisty roads and it was fab. The roads were smooth and well looked after. Just a shame it was still raining like it had been since we got into France but hey! no matter. The limited view we had because of clouds and rain cheered us up but at this point we noticed something, I was sat further back in the seat, so was Immy and we were both comfy. We were not aching and we were enjoying riding the bike! it was fantastic and made the day even better. Being able to sit on the bike without being in pain was the best feeling. We must have managed to get the panniers to sit further back than before. Could not have been much but it made all the difference. We then remembered why we loved this bike. She was behaving, comfy and doing us proud. We road across one mountain road and there was a massive land slide. We ended up off roading and riding down this road we passed a few cars. One of which decided to drive through a puddle I think we both thought was nice and shallow. It certainly wasn't as I found out where I saw water heading towards my face with my visor up at 30mph. I then could not see a thing. The inside of my helmet was now soaked, I was riding without being able to see and the back of the bike was bouncing all over the place because the missus was in stickes laughing at me!!! Anyway we made our way through some nice villages/towns in the mountains eventually made it to Marsielle. It was a big welcome as it was sunny and warm. Totally different to what we had expirenced the past 3 days. Nothing but cold and wet.




5h day. I shall not say much apart from, it was warm and sunny. I shall let the pics speak for themselves.





6th + 7th day. We made our way to the Alpes. WOW!!!!! I can not say much more. The roads were fantastic and got better and better. I was left and still am speachless about our 2 days riding through them. We visited the French version of the Grand Canyon. Nearly got wiped out by the crazy French military convoy and road some more amazing roads. I only wish I had a video camera on the bike to show you all what they were like. Yet again the bike preformed faultlessly and we were comfy and loving it. That was it. The old girl was staying!!!





8th day we road for Paris. Yet again it threw it down all day and we decided to stick to the toll road as it was a lot quicker and we didn't fancy taking any more time to get there after getting completly lost around Lyon. So 300miles ish later we arrive in Paris and the trouble starts again. I decided to turn the engine off while sitting in traffic. Only sat for 10mins if that and then she wouldn't start :( no one had jump leads so we ended up calling the RAC and they sent a local firm out to us to get us jump started. It worked fine. Made our way to the hotel all of 500meters away and turned her off. I decided to try starting her again and she was fine. Started up fine so assumed that the battery had just lost to much charge sat with lights on in traffic with the engine off.

9th day. I went down to the car park in the morning and went to start the bike. All was fine so I ended the doubt in my mind and we carried on with our day walking around Paris. Did a lot of walking and took a few pics. Was a good day but again the weather was pants!




10th day. We loaded up the bike and set off on our trip to Calais. Bike started fine and yet again it was hammering it down. We made our way up the motorways and my heated grips kept cutting out (supposed to when battery voltage gets low) so this started to make me worry again. We filled up with fuel twice on the way up to Calais and it started fine so didn't think anything more of it and thought my grips were playing up. Anyway, we got to Calais. Turned the engine off and showed them our passports. Went to start her up and, well you guessed it, naff all. Would not start for love nor money. Completely drained. I asked all the staff I could find if they had jump leads. No one had any! 8O All these French people and no jump leads. What the hell was going on! Well that screwed it. We pushed the bike to the check in point and then all hell kicked off. I was sat on the bike behind a women in here car and what happens next..... she reverses into the front left hand side of the bike pushing me and the bike to the floor!! I really was not in the mood by this point. Between me and the missus we got the bike picked up and inspected the front end. The French women (driving a right hand drive car) got out and apologised but said she could not see me sat right in her right hand mirror plain as day! I checked the front and there is a slight scuff but nothing that wouldn't polish out so I let her get on. Any real damage I would have gone spare! We had to push the bike all the way across the port to where we were to meet the ferry. I say we, the missus pushed while I sat on the bike and she pushed so I could keep it upright. She did a great job at pushing the bike across the port to the ferry waiting area. We then made a few phone calls and arranged for the RAC to meet us at Dover to look at the bike and jump start if required. Then I thought about pushing the bike onto the ferry and how much I was not looking forward to it as it would be as slippy as hell on a metal floor so I set to trying to get some jump leads. After asking 5 people and it was starting to look slim a English couple in a camper van hand some and with the help the jump leads and a 12v battery a couple of fishing lads had we got the bike started so we could at least ride onto the ferry. We made our crossing and expected to have to jump the bike again at the other end but she started fine! 8O We rode off and waited for the RAC to turn up. He got there. We checked the charging and it was not charging well enough. The reg/rec had started to fail. Was charging at 13v with no lights on and 12.8v with lights on. We tested the battery and his tester said it needed replacing but it never failed to start the bike when charged. So we made our way home and got back around 22:30 last night.

All in all a good trip now we know what to do with the bike but next time we shall book it more in advance and sail to the south of France and forget the north completely. I would recommend riding the Alpes to anyone who thinks about it. It was an experience and a half and I want to go again next year. Anyone who wants to come too is welcome.

There were around 500-600 photos taken so these are just a few. There has already been talk of getting one or two put onto canvass :biggrin
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Re: France trip, REVIEW inc PICS

Post by Jamoi »

Good write up Chris, thanks for sharing. Glad you had a safe trip and have decided to keep the ol' girl, and the Storm. :D
Jamie :wave:
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Re: France trip, REVIEW inc PICS

Post by darkember »

Nice writeup :thumbup: I believe the ferry to Santander & do the Pyrenees then the South of France into Italy & Switzerland would be a more fun route.
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Re: France trip, REVIEW inc PICS

Post by simon t »

Ha, now you know why we live in the sunny south-east! Well done on doing do much in so little time. My recommendation for next time would be to find a base (like round here for example!) then set off on various day trips or maybe have the odd day off. Clocking up the miles because you HAVE to get to the next hotel is too much like hard work for a holiday. Now, how many of the rest of you are up for France next year?
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Re: France trip, REVIEW inc PICS

Post by Ckennedy »

Ha Ha I know what you mean. Next year is a south only trip and I was thinking about having a base somewhere and doing day trips on the bike and maybe even going something like white water rafting and what not as well. Extreme activity holiday! maybe even some rock climbing or something too. Just looked at ferry prices to Bilboa from Portsmouth and its around £300 return for about this time next year. There has been one other member say he wants to come, just needs to change his bike for something the missus can get on the back of :lol: Be nice if more say they want to come.
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Re: France trip, REVIEW inc PICS

Post by AMCQ46 »

Glad you and the misses had fun Chris :thumbup: Nice write up

How's the sunburn?
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