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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:44 pm
by KarlosVTR
2nd stupidest thing ive ever done was ride in a blizzard from mansfield to derby the other day

the 1st thing was thinking about it :cry:

christ on high mighty hellfire it was bad.

poor alfa mate. i reckon thats got to be about £1237.48p worth including vat but not including courtesy car lol

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:55 am
by LotusSevenMan
Does that make me a hero too then?
I broke my neck on a bike. They fixed it (supposedly) over a six week stay in hospital and the same at home in a full overhead and upper body plaster cast etc. Then, set free and given the all clear and I continued to ride (bike had 25ukp worth of damage back in '78) with some pain but after going back to the hospital three times over a four month period moaning about a 'clicking sound' in my head they said "Ah, yes Mr Clark. Your neck is still broken". Bl%dy great eh?
I was flying at the time too as an aircraft engineer. :roll:

Anyway, Back to topic. Hope the Alfa gets straightened out OK. I mean if it had been an old AlfaSud you'd have been sitting there surrounded by a pile of rust so glad it and the crumple zones did their job. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:19 pm
by alan
LSM sure does make you a hero along with my wife she broke her neck c6 & c7 had an mri scan didnt show meanwhile this went on for months until she couldnt walk and was bed ridden until they did a ct mylogram which i dont think they do anymore this showed it, good job as it was pressing on her spinal cord 50/50 she would walk again.They operated through the front of her neck and was going to graft some bone from her hip but changed there mind when they got in there.She was more bothered about the scar on her neck than if she would walk again 8O but the scar is so small you can hardly see it.

btw hope you sort the car out soon i would of been really pissed off though.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:09 pm
by LotusSevenMan
Hi Alan.
Glad she's OK now!! Not a nice experience.

I did C2 (hangmans knot break) due to the back of my helmet breaking my neck as it snapped back on the armco etc. I have lost two and a half weeks of my memory so.......!

Excuse the lousy pic as I had to do it one handed behind my head!! Mine has bone grafted from the hip and was done from behind (Oooh err missus) and locked with steel wire. Ummmmm


Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:51 pm
by alan
8O 8O she has memory loss from when she was bed ridden :lol: no seriously must be down to all the Pethadin (spelling) she was having via injection at home from our GP every day 8O 8O awful time but we got through i suppose it was the same for you!!!!!

BTW coooooooool scar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:51 pm
by sirch345
Sorry also too hear about your Grandad Kev :!:

A bit of a bu**er about your car but at least no one got injured :!:

I remember coming off my little trail bike many years ago on black ice on a roundabout, it was that slippery I couldn't stand up, let alone go and pick the bike up :!: Luckily I didn't break any bones :!:



PS. LSM 8O So does that mean you are now part bionic :?:

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:15 pm
by LotusSevenMan
Yeah Sirch I am part 'Bionic' but won't mention what part on this forum as:-

a) Don't want Kaz and VTRgirl getting carried away and,
b) I'm too modest :roll:

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:34 am
by kevg
Further to my tales of woe this week, my grandpa died on wed afternoon, still no word on the car, and no courtesy car untill the insurance gives the garage the go ahead to repair mine...ho hum. roll on the weekend so i can drink the other litre and a half of blue label in the house and have a lie in.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:38 am
by alan
Sorry to hear that Kev ...........chin up!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:14 pm
by Pete.L
My Condolences Kev.
I'll raise a glass with you. Father in-law has just been diagnosed with cancer this week. Sh!tter is, he only just retired at the end of Jan :cry:


Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:44 pm
by LotusSevenMan
Yeah Kev. Hope it gets better.

5.05am this morning my ex girlfriends father who is, sorry was like a father to me died of cancer. Very sad :cry:

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:54 am
by KarlosVTR
my thoughts are with you buddy

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:14 pm
by kevg
Thanks all, funeral is this thursday, so a couple of days of work to look forward to, for traveling up and down. still no sign of a courtesy car yet.

and the cost to repair is........

wait for it..............

................£2700 8O 8O 8O 8O