Storm Meet 2005??

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Johnny Wishbone
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Post by Johnny Wishbone »

Ah Chris, you young grasshopper, with time you will also learn to kick RQ when he's down :wink: ha ha ha! He's almost in the rozzers, and when that ba*tard gets into the traffic corps I'm f**ked!! :D

He had literally left the house about 5 minutes and I get the call....
He stopped at the local garage near me, stuck the bike up on the centre stand and there was this big gap in the concrete on the forecourt - bike just toppled away from him, no way you'd hold that yoke! We taped up the mirror best we could and he went home on the Monday - long way to drive with no screen!!!
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Post by sirch345 »

Johnny wrote
Ah Chris, you young grasshopper, with time you will also learn to kick RQ when he's down ha ha ha! He's almost in the rozzers, and when that ba*tard gets into the traffic corps I'm f**ked!!

Hi Johnny,
Ahh, we never had the full story before, so does that mean RQ will be getting a Pan European?
cheers Chris.
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Johnny Wishbone
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Post by Johnny Wishbone »

Well it's kind of funny you should say that.... when I arrived home for lunch on Monday there was RQ standing in the back garden admiring his handy work - he had selotaped his broken mirror to the side fairing of the bike, Pan style!! :lol: He took a pic but I can't upload it - basically he had a BB/Pan hybrid for the trip back to Limerick! It worked pretty well too! 8)

And yeah, all going well he'll be handy out speeding fines and helping old dears across roads in a few years time while tear arsing his way around Ireland on his white Pan. I'll kack myself if they gave him a Deauville (Dull-ville) :wink: :lol:
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Post by Bink »

.... As he's down in Limerick they might even put him on a Kawasaki GT550...! Imagine!!! :biggrin
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Post by sirch345 »

Hi Johnny,
I bet he was gutted when he did that to his pride and joy!

I'm pleased to see you are good mates really :D

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Johnny Wishbone
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Post by Johnny Wishbone »

Ha ha ha!! An old Kwaker!! He'd be dying to get home every night to take the BB out for a proper blast!

:D Morning Chris, yeah I reckoned alright that you thought I was actually serious calling him a 'Numptie'!! :wink: I was only messing of course.

He was fairly pissed off alright - had a few cans in the house and all was good! :wink: He got the quote for the damage yesterday and it came in at €1300!!!! He also filled out a claim form that he got from the garage manager so he's sent that off to the Shell head office in the UK along with the quote for the work. Fingers crossed they'll pay up!
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Post by sirch345 »

Hi Johnny mate,
I'm not sure if I could take you too serious with an avatar like yours, lol.
Hope Shell will compensate RQ for the damage seeing as their forecourt was really to blame!
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Post by RQ »

Ah, yez are all bollixes anyway!! :lol: :lol:

Heh heh, the Bird will be sorted shortly, one or two spares arriving on Tuesaday hopefully. Needs new screen, mirror brackets, top fairing (front cowel) and RHS side fairing. Pain in the butt!!!

Claim put in with Shell, just hope they sort me out now. There was a channel in the concrete that had started breaking up, and the RHS leg of the centre stand went into it and just fell away from me. Oooooh, well p1ssed off!!! :twisted: :twisted:

Yup, rozzers here we come!! i'm hoping for a Black European or a Pan Bird. Either or, not fussy to be honest!! Sir Binkalot, at least if posted, chances are I'll get posted away from home which means I may get something without pedals!! :wink:
The Stig of 2 wheels as well as 4 !
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Johnny Wishbone
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Post by Johnny Wishbone »

Meself and Rob dropped up to Shakey yesterday and were discussing the merits of you being posted in Dublin :wink: Blasts over the gap with RQ on his rozzer bike :lol:

Avatar or not Chris, nobody seems to take me seriously :cry:

Out of my way or I'll eat the lot of ye!!
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