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Re: Petition

Post by sirch345 »

I never expected that to happen so quickly. Well done to all involved :D

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Re: Petition

Post by Watty »

Bloody brilliant news :thumbup:
SH#T HAPPENS!!!!!!!!
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Re: Petition

Post by VTRDark »

Indeed fantastic news. Lets hope the MP's stick with this and the awareness test is something substantial rather than a simple don't forget to check your mirrors for two wheeled vehicles too. It might help, it might not. At the end of the day nobody needs to pass a test and have a license to have some intelignece and spatial awarness. TBH I would take it a step furthur and make it compulsary that anyone that wants a car license should have to do 2 years on a scooter or 125 motorcycle first before even going for a car license, epsecially if they live in a busy congested city. Folk need the experiance to see things from a two wheeled perspective.

Oh well, it's step in the right direction and gives the MP a little career boost for listening to the people for once. But this issue is much bigger than simply passing a test. It comes down to peoples attitude too. We need less congestion and more space on the roads along with less stress and attitude of fighting ones way through traffic as quickly as possible to get from a to b. The traffic system does not help as it's setup in such a way to piss people off including speed cameras etc. I reckon if all the speed cameras where removed it would save some crashs or worse as it's one more thing people need to be looking out for when they should be looking where they are going and what's around them. Sort the traffic light systems out too so things flow rather than it be stop start stop start...and building up more congestion etc etc, and why do we need so many roundabouts when a simple junction is all that is required especially the mini roundabouts on back roads. Might as well get rid of the speed humps too as they cause accidents. Far too many so called safety and control over us features introduced that are having the opposite effect.

Actually lets just have roads, no lights, roundabouts and other stuff to try and control it. Let people decide for themselves and go where they want and avoid situations as and when they occur a bit like in Thailand or India. That will wake people up and balance out the problem. Chuck the highway code out. The control over us and having to follow the rules, or not, is what is causing most of the problems. Too much confusion and stress along with concerns with getting caught for doing something your not allowed to do or doing by mistake
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