Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by VTRDark »

she does drive me nuts and does my head in on a daily basis - but that's real life eh? But the rest of her family drive me absolutely F***ING INSANE :Rant1: .
This made me chuckle. :)

I agree on the juke being for looks. What's with that stupid boot :lol: How un-practical!!! I managed to talk my friend out of buying one, now she's got one of those Nissan Quasi (cashkai) or however it'd spelt and called. I'm not that impressed with that either as the Turbo is a bit noisy. A known fault which Nissan wont own up to. A bit like the CCTS on VTR's.

Tricky situation your sister has there. At a guess house insurance is the best bet but as the accident was not in the house I'd guess they would worm their way out of it. Personally I would get onto the legal forums or pop down the local CAB office. I'm not sure what one does in these kind of situations. I doubt there is much that can be done without going through further expenses.

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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Bleh »


The stupid girl has booked the car in for the £1500 job. She has borrowed money from one of them 'come to your house and put HUGE interest on your loan' people and was unable to borrow the full amount so has other people, namely her mother-in-law (who is a REAL liability, but that's a whole other story!!!), borrow the rest for her.

These people are a bloody joke, I'm infuriated :Argue 1:
Not only has she wasted my time in pretty much arranging methods of repair that would have likely cost her less than half what she's about to pay, but she's wasted your time to with the time spent contributing to this thread. I thank you all once again for your contributions.

I've made it known as well that I'm annoyed. I've spent a considerable amount of time searching for advise, talking with friends (who do you know business!) and looking over her paperwork whilst I'm already way behind where I want to be with several matters (thermoelectric study, VTR replenishment, home decorating... real life stuff basically!). I've stated it's the last time I do it too.
She's got a brother who's absolutely useless and just not interested unless it benefits him in some form, a mother-in-law who's stooped as low to fraudulently used her name in the past and a partner who is so lazy, he can't even get out of bed to take the woman who pays for the car he drives to work so she takes the bus and often gets the bus home too because her other half conveniently goes to the gym around that time...
She's got them to help her so leave them to it and I've made it clear to not ask me again :Banned: . But I feel the bigger mug for giving a damn and trying to help when there's clearly no intention of taking on board what is sense! :Wall: I'm just going to sit on the side and watch the calamity without offer of words of sound and logical advise :beer:

Rant over...
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by lloydie »

You've done what you can .
It's up to them at the end of the day so well done you for trying now sit back and watch it unravel around them .
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