Take it with you

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Take it with you

Post by Gavin »

A dying man gathered his three closest friends, his Doctor, his priest and his solicitor around his death bed and gave each one of them a large fat envelope.

He gravely told them that each envelope contained £100,000 in £50 notes, and asked them all to promise that after his death, and just before they screwed the coffin lid down for the last time, they would each place their respective envelopes in the coffin so that he could take it with him and the tax man would not get his grubby little hands on it. All three friends promised faithfully that they would follow to the letter his last wish.

A few days later the man died, and after the wake when the undertaker was just about to screw down the coffin lid for the last time, the three faithful friends each placed their envelope into the coffin. The dead man was then cremated.

About a week after the cremation, they were all having a drink together in the local. While the solicitor was at the bar, the Doctor said to the Priest – “Father I have a terrible confession to make – the envelope I placed in the coffin only had £75,000 in it as I took out £25,000 and kept for the local hospital funds”

“Worry not my son,” said the Priest, “I’m afraid I only put in £50,000, the rest went to the church restoration fund!”

Returning from the bar the solicitor asked the other two why they were looking so guilty, and when they owned up to what they had done he reproached them saying “I am disgusted with both of you – the envelope I put in had a cheque in it for the full £100,000”
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Post by tony.wilde1 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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