hello again from weeeman,,,,,,BAD NEWS. Avoid isle of man!!

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hello again from weeeman,,,,,,BAD NEWS. Avoid isle of man!!

Post by theweeeman »

Its all changing lads, a recipical ban arrangement means you are banned in the uk too! that coupled with currupt officers who falsify evedence can lead to some real bad situations, read on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Date of offence: 2.06.06 @ approximately 2.15 pm. Motorcycle was a R6 1999 Yamaha 600cc in black. Riders height 5.2” weight 51k . 18 yrs driving and 8 years riding experience, currently employed as a fire-fighter.

I was travelling toward Ramsey, with a group of around six bikers. The weather was clear bright and sunny, and very hot.

At the time of the offence, there was no oncoming traffic. However the carriageway we were in was full of motorcyclist and cars. No pedestrians. The police officer could not be seen clearly by myself or my friends and there were no “SPEED CHECK AREA” signs that are common in the U.K.
As I rode through sulby on that day we had been split from our group by a police range rover earlier so we were within a mixed group of bikes, most of them were travelling very quickly. We was aware that the police range rover still had us in sight, so we were conscious of our speed. We over took a group of cars, and was carefully trying to keep our lead rider in view, as none of us knew our way around the island. It was quite confusing at the time due to the number of bikes and cars on the road.
As I approached a right hand bend shortly after what I believe is known as Sulby straight I could see the officer in the road, about five feet from a wooden bench that was nearby. I am unsure of the exact name of the bend, but I remember there being a small junction just beyond the wooden bench. The officer looked slightly unsure of who he was planning to stop, and I was certain that he was going to stop the bike that was in front of me, he had one finger up and seemed to be counting the bikes as they passed, then he pointed straight at me and ushered me to the side of the road. I stopped in a controlled manner although bewildered at this point as to why he had stopped me. He asked me to switch the engine off and dismount. At this point I did so, and removed my helmet. He then said “ what’s the speed limit here?”, I replied “ 40 mph” obviously I was wrong, and expected to see a reading of around 45 to 50 mph on the device he was using, but I almost died when he showed me the digital read out! I was shocked and amazed that I could have been doing that speed! I did not acknowledge the reading as correct, in fact I said nothing when he pointed it out to me. I did say earlier to him, “ I was struggling to keep up with my friend and did not know my way around the island without him”. He checked the registration of the bike and had some difficulty defining the model of the bike.
He asked me for my documents, and then suggested that it was wrong of me not to carry them. I had to confirm at this point that it was not in fact an offence not to carry them. He said that I will be reported for speeding, and cautioned me. At this I said nothing. He then wanted the address of the hotel I was staying at, and I was unsure of its name. At this point the took my mobile number from me, gave me a producer knowing I couldn’t possibly produce in the time given, and sent me on my way.
I later received a rather strange phone call asking me to come to Douglas police headquarters, which I couldn’t possibly do at the time when the roads were closed, I was then quizzed on the phone regarding my accommodation. I received further calls from him during the week end. Then he called me to tell me to collect a summons from Douglas. After going there to find nothing to collect, I received a further call in which he read out the summons over the phone. On the Sunday or Monday night , an officer walked into the pub I was staying at to give me the summons. If I was a black male of any other nature I am sure this would and could have been taken as unfair treatment.

1. There was a possibility for the device to get the correct reading from another bike, but then the officer stopped me instead.
2. The camera was not in plain view to all road users within its maximum range of use.
3. In the UK these are used to confirm an officers belief that a person is speeding, and when used as a sole piece of evidence, a photographic device is required!
4.What is the maximum and minimum distance for these to be used? And don’t they need to be visible throughout the operating range?
5.what calibration checks were carried out prior to the units use?

It follows from this that the distance an operator can see along a road must surely be enough to cover the initial observation of the vehicle and assessment of its speed before using the device for confirmation of this. This distance must also allow for stopping distance when signalled to do so. As I am sure I was not doing that speed when the officer came into my view, does this mean he could see through cars and other obstructions?

Junior Cassius
78 marsh lane
DE56 1GS

now read this....................................

I attended court on 6th 06 2006, at douglas magistrates court, and promptly sought advice from the duty advocate. He spent a mere 5 minutes with me explaining: " This is most certainly a ban, it comes under dangerous driving" (note he did not say it was a mandatory 12 month ban) he went on to say , " An early plea of guilty would most certainly get you better treatment when it came to sentencing, and mittigation" (he did not say the judges hands would be tied unless i get the second charge dropped and plead guilty to speeding).

I pleaded guilty and the case was udjurned till 11.07.06 for mitiigation. (Unknown to me would be a pointless excercise). I employed the services of Aalish Hannan, an Advocate on the island to act on my behalf, and she then explained the implications of pleading guilty to this offence, she went on to say that there was no way the judge would listen to the fact that i need my liscence for my job! Or the affect it would have on my marraige and my family! And she sugested that we consider asking the court for time to consider a change of plea.

On my second appearence in court (after catching a ferry across again), The judge made it clear that he was not in a position to accept the fact that i could have been wrongly advised on my first appearence, but he adjurned till 8.8.06. At this point my Advocate employed the use of an expert to look at the evidence the police officer (pc Hall) had collected against me. Here is the reply:

Aalish Hannan
21 Athol Street belper

REF: AH/AF/06/462


Dear Aalish,

I am in receipt of your letter dated 18th July, and I have received your email dated 19th July. In reply to your letter regarding the change of plea, and the advice received from Mr Cordwell, I can confirm that, he did explain the reason why the charge had escalated to that of Dangerous driving. However, he did not explain the meaning of the charge, as you did during my last court visit. The mandatory 12 months was not even mentioned at all. He did say and I quote “ This is a definite Driving ban” And went on to say “ It will almost certainly carry a hefty fine!” . He then went on to suggest that I plead guilty early, this would encourage favourable treatment in the length of the driving ban imposed on me, And that the early plea would go in my favour when it came to mitigation.

If he had explained What dangerous driving was and, that the court would not care about my family being affected, or the possible loss of my job, and the fact that to keep my job I would need to move away from home. And if he had also explained that this would be a 12 month minimum term, then I am sure I would have been eager to plead not guilty to at least the dangerous driving . Therefore, the advice I received from yourself whilst in court, was the advice that should have been given on 6/06/06. It was a busy day, and so many motorcyclists were being seen in court, mostly for the same stretch of road. This must have made it hard for a Duty Advocate to give every case his full consideration.

With regard to your email, dated 19th July, I can confirm that I will send a cheque to cove the £50.00 fee, but I shall leave the payee blank, as I am unsure who to make it payable to. As to the questions raised I will list all the information needed on a separate page. My friend is preparing his statement at present, and as soon as he has done so I will be forwarding this on to you as soon as practically possible. I also enclose the part of the letter that you wanted signing and returning to your office. For your information, it would cost me an extra £350.00 per month not including food, gas, and electric to move away from my home to keep my job, over twelve months it would financially destroy my family’s welfare. I will have to leave my job within six months of receiving a driving ban. I have already secured temporary accommodation for this period, but I will have to resign from my post long before the end of a twelve month ban.

Yours sincerely

Junior J Cassius.

and a witness statement........................

Dear Madam

As requested by Junior Cassius, I have put together my version of the events that took place in the afternoon of 2 June 2006 which is as follows:-

After stopping to re-group at an area I don't know the name of but which is around the area of the Gatso speed camera, a few miles before Sulbry Bridge, we continued on our way to Ramsey. At this point we were continuously being joined and overtaken by other bikers who were not part of our group.

It was always difficult to remain in our own group because of the volume of bikers on the road. I must stress that on this day the majority of traffic was travelling in the same direction as the bikers on race days. The weather was sunny and warm and the roads were dry.

I remember being separated from the other members of our group, apart from Mr Cassius and one other person, by a Police Range Rover which took up most of the road and was travelling at less than, what we believed, the speed limit in that area. This was going to cause us quite a problem as neither of us knew the way to Ramsey. We were quite keen to pass the Police Range Rover at the first safe opportunity. Before Mr Cassius and myself moved out to pass the Police car, many other bikers had already passed us all and continued on their way. Aware that the Police Range Rover was there we overtook it and proceeded along the road known to me as Sulbry straight with the aim of meeting up with our friends further down the road.

There was very little oncoming traffic and certainly not when we decided to overtake the Police Range Rover.

A short way down the road approaching Sulbry Bridge we were joined and caught up by several other bikers which made it difficult to determine which bikers were part of our party or not. It was at this point that a pedestrian in a yellow coat stepped out which later proved to be a policeman. He looked a little uncertain as he was counting bikers as they road past him. I didn't know what he was doing until he started waving riders over to the side of the road, one being Mr Cassius. After this I rode a few hundred yards down the road until I could pull over safely and waited for Mr Cassius to join me.

This is an accurate and true record of events to the best of my knowledge.

Yours sincerely

Allan Benjamin Bush


At this point my fees for my Advoctate were £800, i was in financial dificulty due to paying £240 a time for the ferry and £170 for my accomodation.If i were to fight to change my plea, the specialist witness would cost 1000 pounds and my legal fees would be 2000 pounds. I could not afford to apeal any longer nor would the judge allow me to change my plea!

On my return i sent two letters to the court for them to read over before sentencing, they were read, but no notice were taken! Whilst in court i read the report into the procecutions evidence, i have no copy, it is infact in the post as we speak. But the finer points are here:

1. The officer that reported the offence, left the comments box empty, to indicate that no verbal warning or explanation was given with regards to driving dangerously. This is almost always filled out to indicate where the driver has acted inapropriately.

2. The initial statement is filled out stating the vehicles registration as if it was identified before it had been stopped, as if to compound the fact that it was that particular bike. (bikes dont have front number plates).

3. He states that the bike was in the opposite carraige way, in line with an overtaking manouver, but he indicates that the bike was overtaking other bikes, when infact these were mentioned as vehicles in a second statement.

4. The roads were crowded at the time and he states he had a clear line of site between the laser and the vehicle. how so?

5. On his intitial report next to the box marked "dangerous driving" The letters NOT can be found, If this is the case these would need to be explained, as surely he is indicating "NOT DANGEROUS".


So there ya haveit, a totally currupt law enforcement officer, who is un willing to offer any explanaition for his actions, and refuses to drop the dangerous driving to speeding. A Duty Solicitor who doesnt explain the case in full to his client and tells him to put an early guilty plea forward, knowing that he will get 12 months mandatory, then he wants to charge 1000 for any further services?? A judge who is unwilling to consider the fact that this Duty Advocate could do this, therefore he refuses to accept a leave to change plea! All ends in a Fire fighter who lives outside his county with two children and a clean liscence, being banned for 12 months??????????????

I have attached the final letters to the court below:::::


F.A.O Aalish Hannan RE: speeding case.

Dear Aalish,

Thanks for your support during this case, I am in receipt of your letters and your bill for your services to date. I must say that, at this time I have no choice but to consider going straight to sentence. I still have not found another way to fulfill my employment contract. Now that the court have made it quite clear that in mitigation this would not be taken into account, and due to the fact that I will have to find some alternative employment as my career will now end, I have to end this as soon as possible.

I am loosing everything so far, and I am now using savings that I will need to use to support my family if I am out of work. I will have your fee in cash on Monday the 7th august, please let me know if I can pop this in to your office on that date, or if you would prefer a cheque.

This has caused a strain on my family, marriage, and my financial recourses, and I can’t wait to get it over with and never return to the island again.

Once again thank you for your help.

Junior cassius

78 marsh lane



DE56 1GS


Junior Cassius

78 marsh lane



DE56 1GS


Ref: court case 11.07.06

Your worship,

On the 6.6.06 I was told that even on my return to court, I will still receive a driving ban. With this in mind, I returned to the UK to explain this situation to my wife and family. It would be wrong of me to say that this has been easy to come to terms with. My wife has been beside herself with worry, and the stress that I have endured during the past month has been unbearable.

I am deeply sorry for what has happened and still have difficulty believing that I could have been capable of such a thing! I have never done anything like this in the past on a motorcycle, as I have a very active role in Road Safety promotion. I do firmly believe that my first visit to this island will most certainly be my last. The atmosphere and sheer number of bikes and cars on the road, and the fact that I found it so hard to keep up with my friend who was also my guide, played a major part in what happened. This is by no way an excuse for my actions, but it is a situation I am certain I will not put my self in again!

I have returned to the court as ordered, and in doing so, I face a discipline hearing on my return for being absent without leave. It has been made quite clear to me that I must honour my employment contract regardless of my situation, and my employers have offered no support on this matter. My job requires me to travel 30 miles to my station, where I can then be sent on to another station for the day as part of the new Global Crewing System. I live in a remote part of Derbyshire, and I am contracted to work at any station in Staffordshire. I am currently studying for my Emergency appliance Driving course, and I have just completed my Road Craft course. My other role within my job, requires me to drive a support vehicle to schools, fetes, and many other functions to promote both road and fire safety within the community.

I love my career very dearly, but love my family more than you can imagine. I now need to decide whether to resign from my job or live away from my wife and children to maintain my income. This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make, I enjoy my work, but I also enjoy the time I have with my children, I am one of the lucky fathers that actually drives his children to school and collects them on my four days away from duty. My wife has come with me to court along with my children, as this case does not only affect me, but it will have an immediate affect on how we shall live our lives from this day on.

I once again place my self at your mercy, and reinforce the fact that I offer no excuse for what has happened, but hope that the court can see my regret and accept my humble apology.

Junior James Cassius.
aka theweeeman....









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Post by Badger »

How fast were you going :?: or did I miss that :?:
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Post by kevg »

good to hear from you again, not so good news though, sorry to hear the way things have gone.

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Post by Stormtrooper »

Ouch.. not so good news weeman,
will pass this info round.
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Post by sirch345 »

It is good too hear from you again Weeman, but not good news about your I.O.M. experience :!: Actually I'm still trying to take it all in, it just doesn't make any sense :!:

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Post by Kitch »

There's so many holes in that it must surely be possibly to get it over turned?

I'd be speaking to a bike specialist solicitor like White Dalton or somebody.
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Post by Stratman »

You poor bugger you. I would have thought that the "beyond reasonable doubt" (although that doesn't strictly apply to non jury cases) would mean that a half decent brief would have proved that the officer who stopped you could not know it was you, as there is not photographic proof/there were many other bikes about.

The whole thing sounds really iffy to me, re the copper ringing you etc. It's another sort of case where we (the public) lose out because to fight it takes money and time and we all have jobs/families etc which must take precedence.

I have known instances in the past where people have been persuaded by a "friendly and helpful" policeman, to say things they shouldn't have. Sounds like the Duty Solicitor and the plod were in league here.

And they wonder why we aren't as supportive as we should be? Meanwhile, some toerag without insurance etc, tries to outrun a police chase on Traffic Cops, puts goodness knows how many lives at risk, is stopped, pissed, cannabis in car, and gets a 12 month ban (on a licence they don't have) and a £100 fine, Shoot the b8stard. Bit over the top there owing to a few glasses of Shiraz but these things really make me ANGRY :evil:
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Post by theweeeman »

Badger Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:29 pm Post subject:


How fast were you going or did I miss that
Heres the other bit i forgot to mention. i was doing 86 in a 30 alleged! this changed twice to 83 then back to 86.... At the time of offence i did not acknowledge the speed shown on the radar!

I wish there was some way of overturning it, especially seein my kids in tears over me not driving or takin em out on bike too! :cry:
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Post by Badger »


I'm going to say things I feel you may not agree with, but I think they need to be said.

The Isle of Man is a fantastic place to take your bike to, they let you blast round as fast as you want to go in the deristricted area's, but they expect you to stick to the speed limits in the restricted area's.

80mph+ in 30mph area, thats nearly 3 times over the limit. :!: :!: :!:

If you don't, you get hammered with a fine or worse.

The Sulby straight as about a mile long, but the last part of the straight is a 30mph resticted area, you've not seen the signs, poor observation ?

You've overtaken people in that restricted area trying to keep up with youre mates, did you not wonder why all the other the other people were going slow, ie 30mph poor observation ?

Guess why they stick a mobile speed camera at the end of the straight. ?

You must have gone down that road last year because you went to Ramsey & over the mountain, did you not notice the 30mph speed signs last year, poor observation ?

Why do you need to worry about getting lost on an Island thats roughly 15 miles by 30 miles, if you miss the turning, keep going, when you get to the seaside, turn around & come back.

Sorry mate, but I think it's down to yourself.
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Post by theweeeman »

Mate, i was doing around 60 ish with loads of other bikes, I have not stated that i wasnt speeding chap and i agree with what u say. However, i just want all others to know.

1. no speed check warnings.(like uk)
2. it could have been any bikes speed that was recorded, (officer was confused)(proven)
3. Never listen to a duty advocate, he has not got time to give 100% advice.
4. It was proven in court that officer was wrong, however i had put in an early guilty plea (badly advised).
5. the speed went to 83, then to 86 then to 83, and started at 80mph, could the officer make his mind up?
6. Incorrect paperwork, not filled in properly, plus an indication at scene that it was not dangerous driving, but a last minute change to dangerous without explaination?

Badger, i think you really missed my point, it was to hi light the fact that they are well and truely a law unto them selves....im still unclear to this day as to the recorded speed mate, dont ya find that stramge?????

Remember im first and foremost a biker at heart, i know it comes with the territory, and i know if ya speed ya deserve what ya get. But you need to
1. Know the charge :?:
2. Know the meaning of that charge and its consequenses. :?:
3. Have faith that the officer is correct in his findings. :?:
4. Have faith in your legal representation. :?:
5. Have a fair system for dealing with such cases! :?:
the weeeman riding the storm!
check this out too!
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