London Terror Threat

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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by StormyRob »

VTRDark wrote:I don't really know what's totally gone on as I have not watched the news and don't particularity want to know, only caught glimpses of something that's happened. But what I will say is that there are already loads of plod armed up to the eyeballs around that area. I got pulled by one questioned and searched when I had a video camera filming around there a few years back and that's the uniformed we see. I can assure you there are many uniformed officials armed and watching too. I would suggest that they are all for show (uniformed anyway) and are not switched on and alert to what's around them. This is plod and not an elite force with the right mindset for this type of work. Too busy worrying about someone with a camera than anything else or directing tourists. I'm trying not to watch the news too much these days as I find it depressing and boring. Lets not forget that the media live and bread all this stuff with a little influence from those in power with a political agenda in mind. Who knows maybe this whole situation is a plant from those in power and next week they will discuss how we should put the army on the streets like it was in Ulster or maybe the next discussion will be arming all plod. They will have the people on side for it now. Kind of a sacrifice a few to save many type attitude. It's turning into a race hate war because the likes of our attitudes caused by the media which then spreads the hatred and escalates things. We are talking about UK born and bread individuals now and lets not forget all the crap with brexit, media influenced again which has also built up hatred. Next we will be voting Trump (aka hitler) into power.

Should plod be armed..they already are. It's an old argument but should we arm them all. No in my opinion and the majority of plod themselves, especially the old timers don't want to be armed. Yet again that escalates things and does nothing to resolve matters. If they are all armed how long before they are abused like the anti terrorism stop and search. How long before we see an increase in plod has shot a street gang member or missed and hit an innocent member of the public. Police get guns their enemy get rocket launchers, the police get rocket launchers their enemy gets a cruise missile, the police get a cruise missile, their enemy gets a nuke. Where does it all end.

Oh sod it lets all including members of the public arm themselves like in the states so we can all protect ourselves when needs be. You can't rely on plod being there to do it at all times. Maybe a member of the public could have pulled a shooter out on the bridge and stopped things happening further along the line. Bring it on...the wild west. Ye ha horsie chicken sh1t George said kiss my ass. Crazy times we are living in and shockingly it's a media led world.
Just make sure you don't call 999 if you ever need help mate because according to you the Police aren't worth a f@##
Several points in your rant are wrong but I'm afraid it'll just be an argument if I comment further so I'll refrain and enjoy the rest if the forum :thumbup:
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by MacV2 »

FFS's got fek all to do with the bloody media !

Some cazy arsed psycho religious douch bag drove a car at inocent people minding their own business killing two & putting a load more in Hospital then stabbing a policeman...a dad with small kids...doing his duty...

Fek me mate you do come out with some crap...stick to tin foil hatting the insurance companys...I'm with you on that...On this your way off the mark.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by agentpineapple »

VTRDark wrote:I don't really know what's totally gone on as I have not watched the news and don't particularity want to know, only caught glimpses of something that's happened. But what I will say is that there are already loads of plod armed up to the eyeballs around that area. I got pulled by one questioned and searched when I had a video camera filming around there a few years back and that's the uniformed we see. I can assure you there are many uniformed officials armed and watching too. I would suggest that they are all for show (uniformed anyway) and are not switched on and alert to what's around them. This is plod and not an elite force with the right mindset for this type of work. Too busy worrying about someone with a camera than anything else or directing tourists. I'm trying not to watch the news too much these days as I find it depressing and boring. Lets not forget that the media live and bread all this stuff with a little influence from those in power with a political agenda in mind. Who knows maybe this whole situation is a plant from those in power and next week they will discuss how we should put the army on the streets like it was in Ulster or maybe the next discussion will be arming all plod. They will have the people on side for it now. Kind of a sacrifice a few to save many type attitude. It's turning into a race hate war because the likes of our attitudes caused by the media which then spreads the hatred and escalates things. We are talking about UK born and bread individuals now and lets not forget all the crap with brexit, media influenced again which has also built up hatred. Next we will be voting Trump (aka hitler) into power.

Should plod be armed..they already are. It's an old argument but should we arm them all. No in my opinion and the majority of plod themselves, especially the old timers don't want to be armed. Yet again that escalates things and does nothing to resolve matters. If they are all armed how long before they are abused like the anti terrorism stop and search. How long before we see an increase in plod has shot a street gang member or missed and hit an innocent member of the public. Police get guns their enemy get rocket launchers, the police get rocket launchers their enemy gets a cruise missile, the police get a cruise missile, their enemy gets a nuke. Where does it all end.

Oh sod it lets all including members of the public arm themselves like in the states so we can all protect ourselves when needs be. You can't rely on plod being there to do it at all times. Maybe a member of the public could have pulled a shooter out on the bridge and stopped things happening further along the line. Bring it on...the wild west. Ye ha horsie chicken sh1t George said kiss my ass. Crazy times we are living in and shockingly it's a media led world.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by Kev L »

I have insufficient grammar to express the contempt I feel toward you at this point. To make comments like that having stated you have no idea what occurred shows you as an ignorant, self opinionated burk. Everyone on here supported you through your recent absence, but to go into one of your 'the worlds out to get me' rants on this subject at this time is an all time low, even for you.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by StormyRob »

That's refreshing. I was thinking I might be the only one that thought that comment was pathetic. Wrong time for it entirely.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by VTR Phoenix »

Well this one just livened up a bit.

In my opinion, and I believe I have the right to air, this is not a race thing or a media thing but as all wars are started it's a religion thing. I'm not religious in any way shape or form and each to their own but when it comes down to religious followers committing crimes and atrocities using their religion as the reason then I believe that that religion should be banned. This world is big enough to accommodate all religions, even the newer ones but when it's being used to kill innocent people then it that that should be irradiated.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by Mav617 »

Quite right too. And all his immediate family should be jailed for life in my opinion as a deterrent to the next idiot tempted to do something for their "god".
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by fabiostar »

Mav617 wrote:Quite right too. And all his immediate family should be jailed for life in my opinion as a deterrent to the next idiot tempted to do something for their "god".
they say killing them will make them into martyrs ? iv never seen a martyr kill anybody cause there fecking dead. there is no talking to these crazies,they dont want to talk they just want the infidels (us) all dead....they will run outa martyrs before we run outa bullets..the lefty softies in the west still wont admit, these people are at war with us. wake da fuk up..

rant over, carry on.. :thumbup:
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by bigtwinthing »

I watched this, the Paris Shooting, the Tunisia beach shooting etc and feel sadness thats such twats feel they can alter things by killing innocent people.

I do hate comments thought like "It was a war zone" or "it was like a bomb going off" unless you have experienced these you have no idea.

I feel sorry that an unarmed copper had to try and stop this bloody lunatic. I feel sorry that this tw@ mowed people down on a bridge who were purely there to visit the city.

Iam not religious at all, this isn't about Religion, its about sneaky, cowardly acts causing harm.

I am not a Police lover by any means but i would want a bloody gun, a Taser, some pepper spray and a Bloody dog. These cowardly twats are willing to die. Lets help them along the way if we can stop them first
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by agentpineapple »

Another sad day for London. but we are resilient and we will bounce back.
my thoughts are with the victims and their family and friends. fwiw I believe our intelligence network is one of the best, and thwarts many would be attackers.
but it's impossible to stop a lone attacker with a car and a knife.
there are armed police around parliament at all times, as there are at airports and other sensitive sites. I personally wouldn't want to see all uk police armed with guns. but maybe there should be an increase in armed officers.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by Salty Dog »

So have any Muslim Leaders in London come out in public to denounce and condemn this behaviour?

All Australian Police Officers are armed, and we are not like America.
An officer will work is whole career without firing his side arm at a person.
No one here is threatened by Police having guns.
There is hardly ever a weapon discharged in a public environment
(maybe a couple of Police assisted suicides, thats about it)
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by VTRDark »

Geez not long got back in from work and seen this. That didn't go down too well did it :roll: Well I'm sorry if that upset or offended anyone but that's me speaking my mind and I don't hold back. It's not that the plod are worth sh1t...we need a police force to police the streets, stop criminals and uphold the law, yes have a few armed response units for when civilians are doing an armed robbery or there is a bit of armed gang warfare not become an army fighting another army. That's a job for the armed forces. Get the RM and Para's patrolling along with some check points who are trained for urban warfare not catching criminals. Oh yeh we have had military cut backs too. Then again I don't believe you can fight violence with violence. You'd think we would have learnt something from NI. If you want things to continue and last for years and years then lets turn our Police into the RUC. Start there and as things escalate we can then get the armed forces on the streets. It's intelligence work that is needed not wait for an attack and then attack back as it happens because by then it's too late. I wonder what Mo Mowlam would have to say about things if she was still with us.

What will most likely happen now is that they will put concrete blocks along the roadside on the bridge to stop traffic mounting the kerb which should inconvenience those wanting to cross the road or possibly slow traffic down even more by narrowing things. Then again they may be good for tourists to stand on and get better photo's. We'll need the police to tell them to get down for their own safety or give them a fixed penalty fine. All these people will do if it was a terror attack and not someone that is mentally ill and happens to be Muslim is attack somewhere else that is busy or hold on and bide their time until we let our guard down. Don't forget the lack of funding that goes into mental health and how many mentally ill people are on the streets. I don't fancy living in a country with armed patrols forever because we don't want to let that guard down, but there will come a time where things will become complacent like that and the guard will naturally drop whether it's there or not.

Salty your right you don't have the same situation that the yanks have. Your system works for you I must admit. I'm not sure it would work the same here though. As for Muslim Leaders condemning I'm sure some will speak up or they may feel they are wasting their breath or fear repercussions from the bad Muslim leaders. The bad Muslims wont say anything unless it was them or they may simply take the credit for it.

Right I really should have a read up on some news and see exactly what's gone down from their perspective and what they are saying. I can imagine it's like some copy cat thing in France. Lets hope we don't have road blocks and curfews as we may end up with civilians rioting like over there.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by StormingHonda »

I am not sticking up for the terrorists, but terrorism comes in many religions and walks of life, people need to realize that Muslims are fighting a war against these cave men, all around the world and Muslims are being killed, men, women and children by these backward extremists.

I don't want to get into this not all Muslims are terrorists dabate, because at the moment when its comes to religious terrorism Islam is topping the charts, so there is an inherent problems, but to say that all Muslims are terrorists is wrong, they are getting a far worse end of the stick when it comes to suffering from religious extremism.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by VTR Phoenix »

bigtwinthing wrote:
Iam not religious at all, this isn't about Religion, its about sneaky, cowardly acts causing harm.
Erm, yes it is, the London bombing, Lee Rigby, America, France etc the fanatical preachers recruiting the young and impressionable on the streets, the convicts inside being turned to Islam, the British citizens being sent to terror camps to train for "war" the fact we are all referred to as "infidels" it's solely about religion and the way their "good book" has been interpreted. If they didn't shout "Allah Akbar" before during and after their attacks then I wouldn't be so sure but I think that's sort of gives away their motivation.
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Re: London Terror Threat

Post by VTR Phoenix »

StormingHonda wrote:I don't want to get into this not all Muslims are terrorists dabate, because at the moment when its comes to religious terrorism Islam is topping the charts, so there is an inherent problems, but to say that all Muslims are terrorists is wrong, they are getting a far worse end of the stick when it comes to suffering from religious extremism.
No one has said all Muslim's are terrorists, but it's a religion that is causing so much pain, hurt and violence across the whole world. You try deporting them, banning the religion here, refusing entry to people.from certain countries and they will all be up in arms about their "human rights". What about the most basic of human rights for the victims, the right to life, that is taken away from them in an instant, for what? That's it RELIGION!
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