Been an absolute div

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Been an absolute div

Post by jchesshyre »

On Friday evening I was riding home having nipped to Halford's. Riding very sensibly. Noticed a new-ish BMW behind me, slightly closer than I'd like but not tailgating. Went through a 30 speed limit and got annoyed by the car in front continuing at 40 all the way through. As the 30 changed to a 50mph dual carriageway I decided to overtake said car at speed – why? I don't know, just a stupid way of venting my irritation. I wasn't watching my speedo but I will have taken it up through most of 2nd and 3rd so I may have touched three figures...anyhow as the road went back down to single carriageway what did I see but the BMW charging up behind me...with blue lights going in its grille :oops:

He was damn reasonable about it considering I'd also slightly crossed a solid-edged central reservation. He claimed that he'd forgotten to switch his front camera on (really?) so didn't have any video evidence of my speed but said he'd hit 85mph catching up with me and could take me to court if he wanted to...but said 'I'm retiring in a year and can't be bothered with the hassle'. He also said 'I know some of these 50 speed limits are a bit silly but I had to pull you over for that.' So he gave me a Section 59 warning instead, which I gladly accepted. That's me absolutely shown – no more such messing around. I understand this warning is only applicable when driving is deemed antisocial or causing or likely to cause panic/alarm to members of the public – but I would say that the manoeuvre I carried out certainly could have been described as this. I think he was giving me a break...

Now, this is the embarrassing bit. Earlier in the same day I'd had an idiot on their phone come too close to me, and although I resisted the urge to react to them, I then vented my frustration five minutes later by opening it up on a 50mph bit of four-lane single carriageway - not as much as the above offence but easily reaching naughty speeds. What was in front of me but a bloody police camera van. I slammed on down to 55 indicated but I'd be fairly surprised if they didn't get me. I was passing a rubbish lorry who was speeding a bit and there were also cars going the other way who they may have had their gun trained on, so I'll have to hope that they didn't manage to get me or (very unlikely these days) lacked a front facing camera that would have captured my number plate. If they did get me before I braked I could well be looking at a court appearance.

Idiot. I'm feeling truly annoyed as I am in general a sensible rider – done a Bikesafe course, associate IAM member, and haven't had an accident in 15 years of riding almost daily. I'll just have to take it on the chin and remember how easy it is to get into trouble on a Firestorm, and hope I don't get too big a fine or a bloody ban :Argue 1:
Last edited by jchesshyre on Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by BigVeeGrin »

that is so annoying and a risk we often run. What makes it more so is that you see so many on phones, checking phones and so on and you know they'll be bloody unlikely to be caught.

At least they were reasonable with you and it could have been worse I guess
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by jchesshyre »

Exactly, not to mention the red light jumping and also what I call passive speeding (i.e. habitually and thoughtlessly driving slightly too fast in urban areas).

Another thing he warned me about (N.B. anyone else in the North Wales area) is that these guys (civilian operated speed cameras) are now using motorbikes with cameras on to park up incredibly stealthily and get you. If you were making naughty progress you'd have a terribly tough time spotting one of these, I would imagine.
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by podman »

We've all been there mate...Its a numbers game, I drive 45-50,000 miles a year for work and had a lucky escape with a speed awareness course earlier this year , 2 months later my luck run out and an unmarked BMW X3 followed me down the M6 for a good 2 or 3 junctions until I hung myself at 90MPH, the M6 in particular is a nightmare as they seem to be using more obscure and older cars, I watched someone get pulled up by a 62 plate Mini Cooper a few weeks ago...

Interesting to note, if your unfortunate enough to have plate falls off your bike, you may be issued a vehicle rectification notice but if you carry your logbook& licence/docs with you, no other action would be taken..if you dont ride around the town or regular meeting places and just ride out for a hoon on rural roads (where for example, camera vans lurk), its very unlikely you'll ever be stopped anyway ...who dares wins..
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by BigVeeGrin »

podman wrote:as they seem to be using more obscure and older cars, I watched someone get pulled up by a 62 plate Mini Cooper a few weeks ago...
that's certainly the case round here - I saw a silver Volvo the other day with the blue lights in the front fog lamps and it was something like an 11 plate.
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by jchesshyre »

Ha, unfortunately I ride my bike every day and some of that is always in town. Worth knowing for some weekend activities though...

Something else interesting I didn't mention. Two days before I'd decided to take the baffles out of my Fuel exhausts – they're not grotesquely loud but are pretty hefty sounding especially when giving it some. But, the nice policeman on Friday didn't even mention them!
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by alanfjones1411 »

I know the feeling.Just had 6 points taken off my licence,only 3 more to go in March next year.
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by fabiostar »

thank christ i live in N.I. you biys seem to get it rough over there :sad2 .. we have 3 fixed postions and the vans sit well out in the open thankfully.
the older i get,the faster i was :lol:
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by VTRDark »

I know the feeling.Just had 6 points taken off my licence,only 3 more to go in March next year.
That's like me. I'm down to 3 now. It's all the luck of the draw and not if but when. One thing that is mostly guaranteed is that you will get done when there is no reason as the speed / manoeuvre is not really that dangerous, just fast. Way too many camera's these days so unless one rides like they are on a Thomas moped it's only a matter of time. They should ban speed limits and let folk use their common sense. If people die then so be it, that is nature and what makes the work go around. People are born and then they die, we can't keep everyone alive forever. We need to reduce the world population crisis somehow. Then again maybe they prefer wars to do the job instead. Just think how much more pleasant and less stressful the roads would be if we halved the population, not to mention the increase in jobs, housing and food available. There would be less accidents on the roads as there are less people. There we go...problem soled accept there is less revenue for the authorities. :beer:
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by alanfjones1411 »

In the early nineties i got pulled over on my zzr1100 at about 90/95 mph by a bike cop and all he wanted to do was talk about the bike.He just told me to take it easier and keep one eye in your mirror as i might not be so lucky next time.Then he told me to f@ck off.So i pootled off and he went off like a scalded cat on his beemer.
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by KermitLeFrog »

It's down to the copper. They look at how you are riding and the speed thing is just there to nab you if you are being a pillock. Riding fast but safely and considerately and you have a good chance of getting away with just a bollocking. Camera vans and fixed cameras are a different matter though. Revenue gathering.

Talking to a policeman the other day. There are far fewer cops out and about. They have been told to save money but not reduce the number of police. Soooo, they get rid of all the civies. Same number of policemen but now they have to spend much more time in the station doing the paperwork. So, less out on the street. The way of the world..
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by VTRDark »

These will be on the streets shortly


And drones will be patrolling from above. :roll: They already use drones at events where there are large crowds like carnivals and football matches. Imagine what it's gong to be like when we have to have a conversation with a bot. Instead of asking for your name and address it will be username and social networking accounts please. Or maybe they wont have to ask by that stage and they will simply be able to scan the chips inside us and we will receive a letter in the post. Cameras are only the beginning of things to come, a bit like Orson Welles 1984. Welcome to the digital era.

One would think that if they where concerned with road safety and didn't want us to speed then they would only produce vehicles with speed restrictors to not allow us going over them speeds but then there would be no revenue making.
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by AMCQ46 »

I like the idea of my numberplate falling off......... those plastic screws are very poor quality officer
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by podman »

AMCQ46 wrote:I like the idea of my numberplate falling off......... those plastic screws are very poor quality officer
If your really cunning, you can snap a corner off your plate , screw that small section on and voila...guilt free..

This may or may not have happened when a "friend" picked up his Hayabusa one Summers evening, rode it a few hundred metres down the road, took the plate off and cracked it in half on the kerb, screwed half of it back on, binned the rest and enjoyed a stressfree 200mph ride home..
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Re: Been an absolute div

Post by MacV2 »

VTRDark wrote:These will be on the streets shortly


And drones will be patrolling from above. :roll: They already use drones at events where there are large crowds like carnivals and football matches. Imagine what it's gong to be like when we have to have a conversation with a bot. Instead of asking for your name and address it will be username and social networking accounts please. Or maybe they wont have to ask by that stage and they will simply be able to scan the chips inside us and we will receive a letter in the post. Cameras are only the beginning of things to come, a bit like Orson Welles 1984. Welcome to the digital era.

One would think that if they where concerned with road safety and didn't want us to speed then they would only produce vehicles with speed restrictors to not allow us going over them speeds but then there would be no revenue making.
Shurly shum mistook here in your logic (?) Carlos...if it's a fully robotic, digital n chip scanning world...Then why the fek are they still sending letters out ???

Any hoo Robocop is pants, not a true Robot, got bits of hooman in him so has a conscience what you need is a proper robot, no conscience, no morals, no worries...except where the next beer or cigar is coming from...

Making up since 2007, sometimes it's true...Honest...
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