Parcel 2 Go...

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Parcel 2 Go...

Post by MacV2 »

...& their partners in crime My Hermes...

So I have prviously had crap service from Hermes...

Had a parcel come on Thursday.Got home & found this...


Acording to the tracking info 'Parcel delivered & left in a secure place...''

E-mailed a complaint to Hermes...

''OK, I have contacted you in the past regarding the exact same issue.
I came home today & found on my rear doorstep a parcle deliverd by My Hermes...P2G36355000. On checking the tracking info it says ''Left in secure location...'' On a door step out in the open, that any Tom, Richard or Harry can walk around & find it, is not in any shape or form a secure location. Fortunatly it was not raining today...unlike the last time this happend. The parcle contents were to the value of £75...Now the last time I complained about this the story was 'It's not My Hermes Policy to do this blah blah blah & the local supervisor will speak to the delivery driver...May I make a suggestion...Tell the lazy sod to try knocking on a neighbours door & leave the package with them...Strange how I don't have this problem with Parcle Force, i-Post, DHL or any of the other courrior firms that deliver to me... ''

I got back this reply...

''With the details provided by you I can confirm this parcel is from Parcel2go.

At myHermes, we deal exclusively with parcels booked directly through our website,, parcels sent from private individuals to other private individuals (Consumer to Consumer or C2C). If you have ordered goods or services through Parcel2go, which my systems are telling me you have, then you must contact them directly and their own customer services team will deal with this enquiry themselves.

I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Oh & the header said...''Query Resolved''...To which I replied...Typical poor response which I somewhat expected. It's still your delivery persone handling the package at my end. I didn't chose to use your company, I'm just the poor shmuck at the end of the line who has to put up with poor service. Your happy to have your companys name attached to C2C, then blame them for the poor service ???
You also seem to be brushing under the carpet the fact that this has been complaind about before, with the same issue of goods being left out in the open & descibed as being left in a secure place...''Query resovled...'' I very much doubt it..

Anyhoo...Turns out that on P2G webpage they have absolutly no way of contacting have to go via Farcebook or off I head to Farcebook land & contact through them...I wont post all the correspondance but the upshot is...wait for it...As the parcel was sent as a non signature required the courier can leave it where HE see's fit...

Now as I have said in the past on this subject, I won't use Hermes to send stuff with & now P2G have joind the list...

Just for a laugh I can highly recomend P2G Farce book page if you look at the Visitors Posts (just under the photos on the left hand side)...of 27 posts on the first page only one is a positive comment..sent package, got there OK...the other 26 all are chasing non pick ups or late lost parcels... :lol: :lol:

Rant over...or is it ?
Making up since 2007, sometimes it's true...Honest...
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Re: Parcel 2 Go...

Post by VTR Phoenix »

To be honest I use Herpes all the time (40+ parcels) to send and never had any issue. The "left in secured place" denotes on your property. Anyone on your property without permission or reason is trespassing and only up to no good anyway. When sending through them I always pay the extra for signed delivery and always drop off at a drop off post.

P2G I cant comment on as never used them.
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Re: Parcel 2 Go...

Post by agentpineapple »

I agree about the poor customer service mac, pass the buck as much as possible. if the parcel was sent with no signature required, it couldn't have been insured for the value of £75. and if it had gone missing the most you would receive would be £20 or £25.
if I do use there services, I stump up the full insurance amount, as I've been caught out before.
but if you go for the full insurance the bloody price sky rockets, you just can't win.
luckily for me my local myherpes courier guy is very good. but that could change at anytime.
I've yet to find a courier who is very good for a reasonable price.
for small parcels royal mail is still the best imho.
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Re: Parcel 2 Go...

Post by Saintsman27 » your money and take your chance with most of the poor
ferkers who have your parcelled box of tricks .......the drivers probably have more than 120 drops to do in
a day ....the drivers are
all monitored and tracked by GPS by their bosses and these drivers don't get time to scoff or break
wind in a day ....multi drops... we the public are seriously hoodwinked with promises
of security , neighbours etc but its lies to get your business ... Personally I had
Serious delivery issues with Parcel force who lost a large musical instrument for
a fortnight in Scotland ...join the club... : I know how you feel about it ... :thumbdown:
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Re: Parcel 2 Go...

Post by VTR Phoenix »

agentpineapple wrote:I agree about the poor customer service mac, pass the buck as much as possible. if the parcel was sent with no signature required, it couldn't have been insured for the value of £75. and if it had gone missing the most you would receive would be £20 or £25.
if I do use there services, I stump up the full insurance amount, as I've been caught out before.
but if you go for the full insurance the bloody price sky rockets, you just can't win.
luckily for me my local myherpes courier guy is very good. but that could change at anytime.
I've yet to find a courier who is very good for a reasonable price.
for small parcels royal mail is still the best imho.

You can send an item for £2.95 with herpes but for that same item it can cost double with RM.

I agree with the extra insurance. Standard is £25 free insurance and then it does increase. You do pay the extra for insurance, signed for, collection from your house etc. If it requires a signature though they are not allowed to leave "in a secure place"

I had a delivery due once where the first I knew of it being delivered was an email telling me it had been delivered and "posted" through the letter box. Strange I thought, I've been sat on the sofa for the last hour. Called them up stating no it hasn't been delivered and even if it had it would not fit through the letterbox anyway. Had to reorder part, complaint sent, refund given plus compensation as laid it on really thick.
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Re: Parcel 2 Go...

Post by bigtwinthing »

bit dearer but i always use the Post office.
missing the noise, not the vibes. However never say never!
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Re: Parcel 2 Go...

Post by MacV2 »

VTR Phoenix wrote:
agentpineapple wrote:I agree about the poor customer service mac, pass the buck as much as possible. if the parcel was sent with no signature required, it couldn't have been insured for the value of £75. and if it had gone missing the most you would receive would be £20 or £25.
if I do use there services, I stump up the full insurance amount, as I've been caught out before.
but if you go for the full insurance the bloody price sky rockets, you just can't win.
luckily for me my local myherpes courier guy is very good. but that could change at anytime.
I've yet to find a courier who is very good for a reasonable price.
for small parcels royal mail is still the best imho.

You can send an item for £2.95 with herpes but for that same item it can cost double with RM.

I agree with the extra insurance. Standard is £25 free insurance and then it does increase. You do pay the extra for insurance, signed for, collection from your house etc. If it requires a signature though they are not allowed to leave "in a secure place"

I had a delivery due once where the first I knew of it being delivered was an email telling me it had been delivered and "posted" through the letter box. Strange I thought, I've been sat on the sofa for the last hour. Called them up stating no it hasn't been delivered and even if it had it would not fit through the letterbox anyway. Had to reorder part, complaint sent, refund given plus compensation as laid it on really thick.
Actualy RM is samll pack rate ''discribed as a shoe box...'' upto 2kg 2nd class is £2.85 iirc...add tracking & sig & insurance it goes up but then so does Hermes...Anything bigger than that & the price rockets with RM...The bods I use most are i-post...or UK mail same firm. Handy as I can drop off at depot near work & next day delivery or the will pick up from home...
Only ever had one issue & that was a parcel that went to the wrong house in the wrong village...the person who got it delivered it to the correct addy the same day... :lol: :lol:

All the coments about various hermes bods you deal with being OK is fine but it's the ones at the other end who you don't know or deal with who are the problem...

I know that hermes use people who use their own cars or vans to deliver. I doubt they are actually emploed directly by hermes, I do know they are paid by the parcel & it's somthing silly like 40p a packet, regardless of size. So as said they have to be quick to make any money. So the fewer that need sigs the better...

Hermes & P2G are just money grabbing bastids at the end of the day...twots the lot of 'em...
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Re: Parcel 2 Go...

Post by agentpineapple »

I can handle the fact that they are money grabby so n so's, most firms are these days, the bit that gets me is, how hard it is to complain, that make it incredibly difficult to even find out how to make a complaint, and when you do, they just dismiss it. makes you want to strangle them.
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