The GingerBeardMan...

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The GingerBeardMan...

Post by MacV2 »

Well now GBM or Dave has not been about latley, since the storm over his Storm being pushed over things ain't been to kind to Dave.

Anyways I have been in touch on & off via e-mail & today I had a msg from him, coppied & pasted with his permission...

So over to you Dave...

''Hello Meester Mac.

Yup, s'been a while. Major health dive in April...big white van arrives, switches on flashy doodahs, makes shitloads of whoop noise, and tips me out after a 50 mile hairy ride to the Crash unit in Aberdeen Hospital.

Turns out the ticker was having an off day. Again. Type 1 Diabetic now, lost shitloads of weight (I clock in about 8 1/2 stone), and the body is on the way out!

Licence suspended as of 5th June 2015 pending DVLA medical and doctors/consultants stamp of "fit to drive".

Have sent licence back to DVLA (as per orders), and awaiting decision to issue (or not issue) a short term. It'll either be 1 year, 3 years or 5 years.

They may not renew it, and I'll have my licence revoked, with a right to appeal.

So, the storm sits in a rented lock up, cover over the top, going no where for now. Battery out, on Optimate charger.

I have been chasing the DVLA medical peoples, but they won't be rushed, and the summer will probably be long over before they get their thumb out.

That said: I sincerely hope this mail finds you in good health? I saw the Grain expo 2015 posts - what a bloody good turn out that was. Envious that yer all within stone throwing distance.

I have floated back and forth on the forum, but haven't logged in anymore. I have tried a few times, but it didn't recognise me, so I gave up and couldn't be arsed changing details or creating a new account.

I wanted to reply to someone who posted up "was it me" passing Elgin a few moons ago. Yes it was.

I also wanted to tell folk what's happened since the bike was danced upon.

Whilst it's a tad annoying people thinking I've dropped out of the radar, I can still read what's happening.

But it's not the same, as I can't waffle on and bore the ass of you all. But, you're the poor sod who's email I have, so guess what? YUP, you get this electronic shite posted through your virtual mailbox!

Am I good to you or what?


Which brings me onto a post from 2013. Lloyds bolt swapping post on the forum. Didn't realise there was 2 different ones.

I got ANOTHER fuel tank (sheesh), and will not fit that yet until a decision is made what is happening with DVLA.

I was due to put another set of tyres on (Bridgestone Battlax T-30s), and managed to get 9700 miles out of my last set.

They will be fitted regardless, as I won't be able to sell the bike with worn tyres (should I get refused a licence)

And if I get a short term licence back, I still need de new tyres.

Next, I wanted to swap the steel fasteners over for shinier stainless.

So, a visit to the site again, to find Lloyds post.

I (like others) copied the info from the first post (the one that's easy to find) and sent the list to Iain at boltbase up here in Scotland, to place an order for the fittings.

Then found that Lloydie made a mistake with bolt sizes. DOH! So, I cancelled the order.

I found the NEW post ( ... 31&t=31126 ), and it still confuses the hell out of me, as it still mentions M5, where in the last post, he said to disregard the M5 bolts?

*WTF? *mega head scratching here.

The bolt requirements aren't all in the one place either. It's been added to further down with other bits, and, well, I'm at the point of having a nose bleed and pushing the ticker to destruct again.

Could you ask Lloyd to supply a correct and complete list of all bolt/stainless fitting to swap over on the storm please.

Preferably all in the one list, and not all over the shop!

It was only further down that someone mentioned if fitting stainless, we have to order washers as well. Which wasn't mentioned on the first post! Aarrghh!

I've held back the order for fear of pissing the boltbase man off further, by him thinking I make an order and change it/cancel it by not knowing what I want to order!

If you could do this for a man on his way out, I'd be heffer so grateful.

Best regards. Dave.''

So ther you have it...I'll be PM'in an admin type shortly re the conection issue..

Lloydie can you answer any of the questions re Dave's I mean Stainless fastners... :lol:
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by turbo_billy »

Well, seeing as you can still view the posts Dave, sorry for the sh*t with your health but hang in there and heres to at least a bike fit recovery. :thumbup:
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by Pete.L »

Ah elbow!
and I thought I was having a bad month! Puts all your aches, pains and ailments into perspective. Hope things pick up for you GBM :thumbup: Stay strong

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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by grumpyfrog »

Good to hear your still hanging in there GBM.
It was I who saw you in Elgin, normally passing that way every 2 weeks so if you need anything just shout. :D
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by lumpyv »

sorry to hear you have had the shitty end of the stick lately, but good to hear you have been monitoring the inane ramblings on here :thumbup:

could the fine Admin folk resurrect your account a bit so you could join in more fully ???. helps pass the time of day abit?

all the best buddy and hope things pick up for you :beer:
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by Furrybiker »

Sorry to hear your woes, hope you get back on your feet/wheels soon.

:beer: Although as a Type 1 diabetic perhaps just the one!
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by AMCQ46 »

that a right pile of sh1t to deal with. glad you can still see that we are here thinking about you hope all starts to turn in the right direction soon
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by agentpineapple »

I hope the worst is behind you mate, fingers crossed you get your license sorted asap, I for one enjoyed your ramblings...... :wink:
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by sirch345 »

I'm sorry to hear about all of this GBM. I hope things take a turn around and something starts going right for you for a change. It's good you and Mac have been keeping in touch.
I was going to say if you need your password changing or whatever to get your account working again I'm here, but it looks like you're sorted now :wink:

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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by TheGingerBeardMan »

Well. Erm...Hello! :wave:

Jeesuz, it's been a while.

Hands up who missed me? (looks round the room. No-one. Yeah. Thought so. Well, f**** you all then! LOL! )

But seriously, I cannot thanks you guys enough (oh crap, not an Oscar speech....). Well, I'd like to thank MacV2, and Grumpyfrog, and Sirch, and JazzScot, and AgentPineapple, and Lloydie, and, well, everyone who sent kind words many moons ago, when I last posted (before it all went tits up).

The offers of help for spares was amazing. I'm still not 100% there with the bike, but maybe a gnats chuff away.


I have been reading some of the posts, but just could not log in. It was kinda frustrating seeing stuff, and not being able to get stuck in. But, that's a good thing for you guys I suppose!

Never bothered with contacting anyone, as, like I said, no-one missed me, and the world kept turning without me. Altogether: awwwww.


So. What's been happening? Well, a fair bit, which I won't bore the ass of all of you with the complete history ("thank ferk fer that!" I hear you all scream).

Since coming back from me short "holiday" (referring to when me Storm got kicked over), I managed to get a fuel tank for it. A red one, and looked in nice condition. But, when it arrived, it was the wrong one, and it also had a dent in it. Not as big as the one in my tank, but big enough. They posted me the tank with fuel STILL in the tank, and the box arrived soaked, stinking of fuel and Christ knows how the courier agreed to still deliver it. It came from Germany too. Which means it was allowed through customs with fuel sloshing around. AND NO FILLER CAP. I reckon there was 1/2 a pint when it arrived with me. Not a lot it sounds, but the blanket it was wrapped in was soaked.

Anyhoo, with the dent, and not getting anywhere with the people I bought it from, I tracked down ANOTHER one.

It arrived, and I still haven't checked to see if it's a 16ltr or a 19 ltr. (it means I have to take my tank off and have a look at the fuel petcock fitting to compare 'em).

All I did was T-cut the scratches, polish it, and stick it back in the box. And I still have to see if it leaks before fitting it. But, meantime, the "new" tank just sits in a box, ready to go on. I don't want to fit it, for fear of the bike getting kicked over again, and then I've got another wombles tank.

But, the chances of getting it tipped over and danced on again are reduced, as I finally managed to get a decent lock up garage for it. So, WOOHOO on that side o things.


However, I'm not riding it at the moment, as you've all read, the health went tits up in April. I wasn't meant to be riding after the health decline, but I took me chances and managed to get another decent rally under me belt. The DVLA asked for my licence to be returned before the 5th June (2015), and I am still waiting to hear back from them if I'm gonna be issued with a temporary one for 1, 3, or 5 years at a time. This is mainly down to having to use Insulin. But, I was advised to keep off the bike for 4 to 8 weeks after I got discharged in April due to the cardiac problem.

My GP has stated he doesn't want me driving bikes full stop. And if the DVLA are gonna go with anyones opinion, it'll be the GP. But, we'll see what happens with that.

The health isn't as bad as other people on here. I mean, Bigwinthing has had THE shittiest time of things, and he's still looking optimistic on things and sounding positive. How he can still smile is beyond me. I take my hat off to him. I guess some folk cope, and some don't cope as well as they think they would. I am ashamed to say I fall into the latter. Yes, I can still kick ass, but when floored with medical stuff, it makes you think yer not as invincible as you first thought.

I mean, I'll wade in to a bar full of Richard and scrap for all I'm worth, but how can I be bed-ridden due to a tiny lump of flesh no bigger than my thermal coffee mug?

No surgery was required. It was a serious warning that this Type 1 diabetes isn't something to take lightly. I still can't get round to accepting it, and to inject meself with needles everyday, to me, feels like a junkie. The docs said it's different, but to me, it isn't.

Back to the bike......


I bought an Abba stand. :clap: PROPER bit of kit that is! Well impressed. Although I'm fed up with folk who have seen it saying "I could have made you one of them for less than 1/2 price". Yeah, well, you didn't, so, erm...ferk off and leave me alone.

So, with the Abba stand, I got round to taking the back end apart to clean. The bike was left out in snow, salt and shite when I was "on me holidays", and the sh1t that had to be cleaned off was unbelievable. The back end looks respectable now, and I was gonna tackle the front end.

Was going to remove starter motor to polish it and clean me oil lines etc, but guess what the starter bolt looked like?

Yup - one solid lump of rust, and only 1/2 a nut on the top. Never felt a need to open the boot before, cos it always started fine. Now I have seen the state of it, I don't think the bolt is salvageable, so will have to cut the it flush with the starter and hope I can take the starter apart to replace the bolt, without wombles up anything else.

I'll follow Meester MacV2s suggestions of packing with grease (under the rubber cap) and cable tying the rubber sleeve tight to seal it a bit better.

Y'see. I TOLD you all this was a bad idea. You don't get to hear from me in months, and all-of-a-sudden, I'm on full waffle mode again.

Break out the Valiums.

Ok, nearly there (I have missed a hell-of-a-lot out, so's not to get banned for using up the forum owners space allowance for a single post).


It's here I turn to Grumpyfrog (if he's still reading this, and hasn't thrown himself off a bridge by now).

I can vaguely remember driving that day heading into Elgin. Had an appt. with Dr. Grays. I do remember sh1t-loads of traffic heading out towards the LLanbryde direction.

My storm (as you may have glanced at) is the only red one here with a white number board. So, it's easily spotted. Just a pity the traffic didn't stay still long enough for you to hear the Blue Flame cans. Fruity, deep and well, lurvly! No baffles. Hell no.

But, (and this is me being optimistic...a rare thing indeed), if I am still allowed to drive, I would like to "bump into you" for a quick natter and set the world to rights. Always nice to put a face to the handle. (I may even let you sit on the bike if yer a good boy)

My sincere thanks for offering your services (when Mac posted my email saying things were "a bit grim"). Not many folk would offer that, and I truly appreciate it. I haven't a clue what I would ask of anyone, but the fact that the offer of help was there was a humbling feeling.

Like Bigwinning said on his "health report" post, the fact that people DO give a damn makes a grown man want to shed a tear or two.


Nearly done chaps - not long to go now. Although the snow may be here in a minute if I don't hurry up. :wtf:

Other jobs that need done to the bike are to fit a new set of tyres. Bridgstone Battlax T30s. The only tyres I'll use now.

It's what I'm using at the moment, and I've had just under 10,000 miles on this pair. And I don't hang about (at times). Ok, the knee doesn't touch the corners, but I've got about 20mm of "chicken strips" showing, which on the T30s, is leaving about 2mm of cut tread contacting the road. Not bad for an old fart like me. PAH! Chicken strips. I remember actually caring about stuff like that in my younger days. Not now.

Another oil and filter change is due.

This time, the oil of choice is going to be Silkolenes "V-Twin" specific oil. No, it's not just for Harleys, but all V-twin sports performance engines. I've heard bloody good reports from folk on top spec Ducatis (£25.000 stuff), and so, after talking to the service peoples at Honda UK, and Fuchs Silkolene tech guys, when Honda said they recommend it, then that's good enough for me.

So that'd be it soon, hopefully. New tyres, fresh oil and filter, new tank, overhauled starter motor (fingers crossed) and a good spit n' polish, she'll be ready for sale to a new home (should the DVLA put the mockers on me driving career. :(

If they don't, and they still let me ride, then the bike needs the stuff anyway.

Just a pity the summer will be over before they get their finger out of their butt.

MANY THANKS to everyone. For the support, the advice, the concerns, and for reading all of this shite.

Best regards.

Dave. :thumbup:

Apologies for any schpelling mishtooks, but there's NO WAY IN NELLY that I'm gonna check all that blurby crap for errors.
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by TheGingerBeardMan »

Furrybiker wrote:hope you get back on your feet/wheels soon. Although as a Type 1 diabetic perhaps just the one!
HAhahahah. LOL!

Well, fortunately, I still have both my feet. The ticker took some battering with the diabetes affecting the nerves, and the only main problems so far is we can't get the blood levels stable. On insulin at night and having to take all-sorts during the day. Have Nitro Glycerin spray to get me out of trouble if it kicks off again. Had thoughts of squirting the Nitro spray into me fuel tank for extra OOOomph. Don't think it'd work tho.

I did joke to them after I was warned about losing limbs....I said "well, I can still ride a trike if I get me feet or legs cut off.

But the consultant said "how can you ride ANYTHING when you go blind after yer eyes pack in through it. They followed it with "If levels stay the way they are, then you'll be dead in maybe 5 years". From a heart attack most likely, or you'll be found dead in your bed from Ketoacidosis. (which is where the blood build ups toxins and that stuffs you up)

That shut me up for a good while. I never used to take even a paracetamol for stuff, and now the shelf in my fridge looks like Boots Pharmacy is holding stock there.

But, should I kick the bucket, then I will let you know, and someone can get a free Firestorm. :eh:
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by MacV2 »

Welcome back Dave... :thumbup:
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The GingerBeardMan...

Post by lloydie »

Who ?

Welcome back :clap: :thumbup:
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by Wicky »

Sounds like you've been in the wars -

Have you thought about hoppin on a pushbike as an alternative while you're off motorised transport? Can diet and exercise help with the diabetes and no that doesn't include deep fried Mars bars.

As for the knackered starter - slap in a decent secondhand Honda Hornet starter from flebay as they are less exposed to the elements than on the VTR > ... 5194df2f6f ... 5d2bf55b1a
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Re: The GingerBeardMan...

Post by VTRDark »

Wishing you all the best Dave (GBM). Sorry to hear of all the medical conditions your have to deal with. Good to see you back up and running on here. If nothing else, as has been said, it's a good place to pass the time of day.

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