What's annoyed you today??

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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by Virt »

You're gonna get yourself in trouble one day Lloyd!! :lol:
cybercarl wrote:
Don't see why they'd follow me, I'm a good boy! :D
Maybe they where wondering where you L plates where. :lol:

Cheeky shite :lol:

Today it was myself. Went out for a quick blast with my mate on his thundercat and we got bored through the town center so the killswitch backfires started.. Was going pretty decently until the one where I (somehow) forgot to include the killswitch. Wasnt quite as fun then, scary as fook! Lifted my front wheel a respectable amount though, apparently
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by Virt »

wombles ITV website...

Thinking I'll watch the BSB but the website is so sh1t. I have to sign in to view it, which is fair.. But it takes about a minute to load the modal window for logging in (serious why? I'm presuming there are some AJAX calls going here, you're opening a modal window. That sh1t is far from necessary).. Then when it does load and I try to login with my credentials I get nothing. No errors, no notices, nothing to imply an AJAX call is happening (like a spinning circle, which I got when waiting for the modal to load).. Then I refresh cause I'm bored and the same sh1t happens.

Whoever the wombles designed the ITV website is incompetent as sh1t because this is the worst experience I've ever had with a website, what the hell is someone who has no knowledge of what's going on supposed to think?!

Pissed off.

Refreshed the page again and tried to load the modal before typing this out, it's still wombles got the spinny circle!
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by Virt »

Okay wow. Looking through the server responses and what the hell are they thinking?

The server is returning raw HTML and javascript, presumably to be executed by eval() statements?! Was this made by a 12 year old? Jeesus. No wonder it's broken, I don't think I've seen code this bad since I started programming!
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by VTRDark »

Virt Virt Virt....Now your programming your going to spot holes, errors, bad practise in lots of things and it will bug you. :lol: It's like a decorator looking into other peoples houses and checking out the paint job and picking on how bad the cutting-in is or how many runs etc etc. It's the same with design, one will look at other designers work and see errors and pick holes or a delivery driver will slag off other drivers. When something is your trade, anything to do with that trade will stand out and you ill see/find errors r bad practise. Simples!!!!

But your right there is no need for a Modal window. The reason it's been done is because they think it looks snazzy or it's the design fashion at teh time. A bit like LIghtboxs....it's bullshit. Well what good is something looking good if it don't fooking work :evil: I hate all those kind of sites and often find that it's the big company websites that have more likely spent spent the most money on someone to do the design make the worst sites. They badly designed and difficult to navigate and full of crap. More effect based than usability.

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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by Beleif »

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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by Virt »

cybercarl wrote:Virt Virt Virt....Now your programming your going to spot holes, errors, bad practise in lots of things and it will bug you. :lol: It's like a decorator looking into other peoples houses and checking out the paint job and picking on how bad the cutting-in is or how many runs etc etc. It's the same with design, one will look at other designers work and see errors and pick holes or a delivery driver will slag off other drivers. When something is your trade, anything to do with that trade will stand out and you ill see/find errors r bad practise. Simples!!!!

But your right there is no need for a Modal window. The reason it's been done is because they think it looks snazzy or it's the design fashion at teh time. A bit like LIghtboxs....it's bullshit. Well what good is something looking good if it don't fooking work :evil: I hate all those kind of sites and often find that it's the big company websites that have more likely spent spent the most money on someone to do the design make the worst sites. They badly designed and difficult to navigate and full of crap. More effect based than usability.

I spot holes very often and step over them as to avoid getting annoyed.. Didn't work this time :lol:

It's not just the modal window though, it's the fact it sends an AJAX call which returns the HTML AND javascript for the model.. Why would they even do that? Why can't that just be loaded in the first place with a css rule of "display:none;" ??

Makes no sense to me, I've only used eval() once and it's on the server because I don't want sh1t breaking :lol:
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by VTRDark »

I don't anything about AJAX but it wouldn't surprise me if they are taking the information you give them and checking against the election register or some other database , then picking up your address to double check either your age and whether you have TV license or not. I do know there are loads of security implications with AJAX.

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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by lumpyv »

ignorance is bliss :D :beer:
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by VTRDark »

It is indeed but can leave one vulnerable.

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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by Virt »

It was nothing of the sort Carl, it was literally calling the server to get the HTML for the modal window and then calling it again after you logged in (to log in, obviously, this is acceptable :lol:) or if you tried to register it would call again to get more HTML and javascript. Which is just stupid.

If they're doing checks on information then yeah, fair enough but by returning such data it's putting more load on the server than is necessary. And I don't see any reason why the login/register screen would change between different people..
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by lumpyv »

cybercarl wrote:It is indeed but can leave one vulnerable.


probably very true :thumbup:
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by zanelad »

Mrs Z saying you've missed a bit. I am decorating and she's doing my head in. She does'nt help, apart from making the tea but insists on watching my every move. Women!
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by TravisZack »

Snapped a bolt :cry:
More specifically, one of the raised threaded parts on the front engine mount adjuster bolt.
I don't see how it can come out without going back in through the frame though... Which means dropping the engine?? :cry: :thumbdown:
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by Virt »

The bloody police biker who was in my mirror for an hour and right in front of me for another hour :lol:

Nah, was alright. It's bloody hard riding with him constantly in your mirror though :(
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Re: What's annoyed you today??

Post by VTRDark »

Snapped a bolt :cry:
More specifically, one of the raised threaded parts on the front engine mount adjuster bolt.
:eek2 I have a horrible feeling your talking about the bit that is fixed into the frame IIRC. Is it the two raised half moon shaped bits that the castle nut threads onto. If so I don't think that can be removed from the frame. Not sure what the answer to that is. I would have thought it would have to be drilled/cut out and then you would have to have a new one custom made. :think: :problem:

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