I just signed this petition

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Re: I just signed this petition

Post by TonyW650 »

cybercarl wrote:
I wish to put a point to everyone, Signing e-petitions is great, but writing a letter is better, when a petition gets handed into the relevant MP all he see is a document with say 1000 signatures
You have a good point there and letters being more direct might have more of an impact. But correct me if I'm wrong but I thought official petitions like this, once they get so many signatures (can't remember the number) they are obliged to bring it up for discussion in Parliament.

My worry is that there are so many petitions floating around for this that and the other and people often sign them wily nilly without thinking about what they are signing just because it's been passed on by a friend or whatever, a kind of chain letter so to speak. So what will happen is that eventually petitions become the norm and wont have as much clout.

Either way good news on the lost appeal and it seems justice of some sort may be had.

Yes Carl you are right, but I cant remember how many signatures it has to be now either.
Now we just need to get some consistency in sentencing, for example Brain Hampton, correct me if I'm wrong here 4 years for perverting the cause of justice and 2 years for killing Jade, then look at a recent case in Gosport in Hampshire(where my ex wife and kids live) 2 teenage girls run down and killed and driver gets 9 years.

On another Not MAG does now have 22 MP's signed to our course which gives us alot of questions at question time.
Theres alot of e petition floating about at the moment, one that keeps coming up is tax and bringing bike taxation inline with cars, please before signing anything do a little research, I have a document on the Tax one and it make interesting ready, you may be surprised and shocked at the findings
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Re: I just signed this petition

Post by VTRDark »

Now we just need to get some consistency in sentencing
That will never happen because we don't have consistency in politics, law or justice of the peace. They change their mind on things all the time and it seems whatever gets the most media attention earns higher sentencing.

Not heard about the bike Tax thing mate. Have you got a link for some reading on that. I know they are changing the law with regards to displaying a tax disc as everything is computerised now anyhow which is a good move IMO. Not the computerised but the diplaying, but I can't have it both ways :lol: IIRC displaying a tax disc was mainly for traffic wardens in the old days to dish out a ticket and reports you for no tax. I dont think traffic wardens do much of that now, check tax!

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