cyclist nobheads

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Wicky »

youd think most cyclists would take utmost care to preserve their life, but most dont...
What percentage of cyclists have this perceived deathwish? 50% 75% 90%?

Is this 'most' you claim, anyone and everyone you see riding a bicycle? That's the kind of daft claim made by car drivers when referring to motorcyclists.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by callam_nffc »

I suppose its a case of you only notice the bad ones
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Wicky »

So when you say "most" which I take to mean "nearly all, almost all, the greatest part/number, the majority, the bulk," what percentage of riders would you say are bad?

Check out 'attribution bias' >
callam_nffc wrote:I suppose its a case of you only notice the bad ones
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by curly »

It's a shame this thread had to appear in the first place. Nice one callam. Just sums up the modern world.
Just show some respect for other road users, there are inconsiderate people in all walks of life. You can't just tar everybody with the same brush!
If you come across some cyclists riding 2 abreast then just go round them, they are no wider than a horse being ridden on the road.
As for always bringing up the fact that they wear Lycra, why? It's what cycling clothing is made from, get over it. There's plenty of motorcyclists look wrong in leathers too!
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by VTRDark »

There's good and bad in all road users in this overpopulated/congested country (cities mainly) we are all too cramped and living in each others spaces. No wonder tensions rise.

I'm an ex cyclist, used to ride to work, for fun etc etc. I used to be a manic on my mountain bike, on and off pavements, pushing buttons at lights so they change and then I could cycle across. No helmet, light, I could Jump traffic lights, wear a walkman blasting out some fast paced house and trance, pick up the pace swerving in and out of traffic. I would ride aggressively or is that defensibly. :roll:

Wicky's explanation describes it perfectly to me.
It becomes a mad dash to keep up, get ahead, and to the front. Whenever I've been up to London you get sucked into riding like a demented despatch rider unless you can consciously override the surrounding influences. But London riding, as it is even for pedestrians , is like falling into white water river to go with the flow which is at a faster pace than compared to riding outside the city.
And I'm quite at home riding like a demented despatch rider at times if I have to.

Loved riding a pushbike, I was so fit back then....wish I could ride one now but because of motorbike injuries I can't :( . One of the best things about a pushbike is the freedom....the freedom to ride around unidentified and at only the cost of pedal power. Nothing else. It will be a sad day when tax and insurance are required to monitor cyclists. Look how hard it is for the youngsters to buy and afford and insure/run their first motorbike at 16. Why make them pay for their tricycles when they are 3 :lol: Next we will have to insure ourselves to walk down the street in case we bump into someone or run into them. I'm sick of the blame and claim culture. When are people going to take responsibility for their own actions and surroundings.

I will treat other road users the way they treat me. I will give a little bit more respect to cyclists as they are fellow 2 wheelers out fighting the elements in the same battleground. Actually who's pissing me off more recently is the Learner moped riders and pizza bikes. A month back I was getting pissed of cyclists, then it was bus drivers, then cab drivers and so on. There's always going to be a knob on the road somewhere. We all have to work hard at not getting pissed off with them as it then starts to affect oneself and the way you ride drive, cycle or whatever. I have seen so many idiots on the roads that I now just look in astonishment shaking my head and say to myself "there's another one" "knob". Well.... I try my best to. There are times when I loose it, but that's normally brought on by previous stresses brought on by other idiots earlier and letting them get to me in the first place.

And it's not Callams fault for starting this thread. It's the media's fault for making issues out of cyclists and cycling at the moment and planting it inside his brain. Yeh there are Bradley wiggins wanabe's about since the Olympics and I bet the Gov are loving that, as it's caused a huge increase in cycling bringing the behaviour we are moaning about and a hatred towards them. This then causes more incidents which will get into the media, then discussed and......wait for it.....the gov will bring out a new law for tax and insurance to be a requirement for all cyclists. It's on the cards. Lets give them more money :evil: :evil: The only winners are the gov, the insurance companies and law people.

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Wicky »

.the gov will bring out a new law for tax and insurance to be a requirement for all cyclists. It's on the cards. Lets give them more money :evil: :evil: The only winners are the gov, the insurance companies and law people.
You were doing alright till the paranoia struck


How would they enforce it esp on children and besides...
When a driver scowls at a passing cyclist and shouts: “You have no right to be on the road - you don’t pay road tax!” are they right?
No, according to advisers at HM Revenue & Customs and the Treasury.
Firstly, “road tax” does not exist, and has not existed since the 1930s. What drivers do pay, however, is Vehicle Excise Duty, which is often known as road tax but is not strictly the same thing. Vehicle Excise Duty - what you pay for your car’s tax disc - is based on your vehicle’s emissions. Since a bike creates no emissions, it is not liable for Vehicle Excise Duty.
Secondly, the money from Vehicle Excise Duty goes into a central pot and does not go directly back into the roads. The maintenance of the highways is, in fact, funded out of general taxation. Cyclists - like everyone else - pay council tax and income tax, which pays for the provision of public services, be it hospitals, trains or roads. In terms of tax contribution, this gives cyclists the same rights as motorists - and, indeed, pedestrians - to use the roads. ... 311131.ece
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by agentpineapple »

Curly you sum up my point perfectly, you say just go around 2 cyclists who are riding next to each other, my point is that there is no need to ride side by side, it isn't any safer, it just annoye's other road users who are trying to make progress, and for what reason, so the cyclists can chat to each other.
I call that inconsiderate.
And as for picking on callam, leave it out, this is a public forum and he has every right to bring up this subject, if you don't like it that's tough.
My opinion is taken from 18yrs of driving around central London, and I can honestly say that more than half the cyclists I see will break red lights, wear iPods and very little protective/reflective clothing,
I understand London is different to elsewhere in the uk,.
The bottom line is we all have to use the same tarmac, let's be considerate of each other.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by AMCQ46 »

Everybody take a deep breath and calm.......that's better.

Bottom line is that there are many people who see us ride by....either in rush hour traffic ques, or "making progress" out in Wales on a Sunday, and they are saying. "bloody motorcycle nobheads" about us!

Live and let live, enjoy the freedom and try and respect each others world....don't let the nanny state decide how any of us should live or die there are already too many stupid rules.

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Jamoi »

I love off road cycling, even cycled to Africa in 2008 :)
Jamie :wave:
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Wicky »

AP - Please show me a rule or law which states it is prohibited for cyclists to ride in pairs. The nearest I can find is in the Highway Code Rules for Cyclists - Rule 66 "never ride more than two abreast" which doesn't disallow pairs of cyclists to do what disturbs you.

Flagrant criminals =


Rule abiding citizens =


If the average speed in London for cars is no faster than chickens (10 mph) then that's about the same average speed for an average cyclist. Cyclists could argue that all those inconsiderate car drivers stuck in jams impede their progress...
agentpineapple wrote:Curly you sum up my point perfectly, you say just go around 2 cyclists who are riding next to each other, my point is that there is no need to ride side by side, it isn't any safer, it just annoye's other road users who are trying to make progress, and for what reason, so the cyclists can chat to each other.
I call that inconsiderate.
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by agentpineapple »

[quote="Wicky"]AP - Please show me a rule or law which states it is prohibited for cyclists to ride in pairs. The nearest I can find is in the Highway Code Rules for Cyclists - Rule 66 "never ride more than two abreast" which doesn't disallow pairs of cyclists to do what disturbs you.

at what point did I say it was illegal to ride to abreast wicky?
perhaps you should take more time to read what is written, before you go searching thru the highway code, as for showing kids on bikes to prove a point is just silly.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Wicky »

Well you are calling cyclists inconsiderate who have a perfectly legitimate right to ride in pairs. Perhaps you need to chill and show them some consideration as they are doing you no harm. What's your opinion on the riding habits of motorcyclists when you are in your cab? and how do you think other road users view cab drivers in general?

Get cycling / Safety tips - For the safety of all road users, here are some useful tips for both drivers and cyclists.

Road position

Cyclists, ride central on narrow roads.
As a cyclist, you should always ride away from the gutter. If the road is too narrow for vehicles to pass you safely, it may be safer to ride towards the middle of the lane to prevent dangerous overtaking by other vehicles.

Drivers, give cyclists room to ride
Keep a safe distance from cyclists and don't attempt to overtake when there is not enough space to do so.

Car doors

Cyclists, ride a door's width from parked cars
Ride in a straight line past parked cars rather than dodge between them. Allow at least a full door's width between you and the vehicle in case a door opens suddenly.

Drivers, look out when getting out
Make sure you check to see if there is anything coming before opening your car door.
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by VTRDark »

We want to be careful not to turn this into a hate towards our fellow two wheelers, maybe we should group together and start hating all the cagers. :lol: :lol: At the end of the day it's like a battleground out there on congested roads and we can do as we please and if that means sometimes breaking the highway code or any laws then so be it. Whatever it takes to keep us safe getting from A to B, one for all and all for one just like a little sperm swimming to the egg. :lol:

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by BigVeeGrin »

cybercarl wrote:, one for all and all for one just like a little sperm swimming to the egg. :lol:

:lol: I'll bear that thought in mind next time I'm peddling to the coffee shop, or bimbling to a cafe :eek2
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by agentpineapple »

yes I do believe cyclists who ride two abreast to be in considerate to other road users, much as I would consider two motorcyclists riding two abreast to be inconsiderate, the main difference being motorcyclists travel at a much higher speed.
as for my opinion on motorcyclists while i'm driving my cab, I have no problem with couriers as they travel at a greater speed than a car and generally have a very good awareness of their surroundings, scooter riders tend to be plain stupid(in central London, they are probably the must dangerous of all road users)
the only time I ever get the hump with motorbike riders, is when in traffic at the lights or near an island in the middle of the road, just when your about to pull away, they ride past and plant a foot infront of your front bumper, but its a minor issue.
wicky you seem to be taking this discussion very personally. i'm trying to say that in London it will be cyclists who break the law more than any other road user, and as we live in a society governed by laws its a shame that the most vunerable road users feel the need to take risks to keep there momentum up.
wicky your more than welcome to come down to London and travel in the cab with me. then we can discuss it further, of course I will put the meter on and go the long way around.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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