cyclist nobheads

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Salty Dog
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Salty Dog »

callam_nffc wrote:What is it about these lycra clad morons that think they are king of the road?
The ones that go gallavanting through red lights, weaving through traffic or riding 3/4 wide in a lane, you know the sort that instantly blame anyone but themselves when they get ploughed off
now I like cycling, but im into mountain biking not impersonating bradley wiggins
is anyone surprised that so many of them get knocked off when half of them ride like total arrogant cocks?

I know exactly what you mean.
I get up and ride at 6am, home before 7am.... So i get the road to myself.
But guess what else is out at that hour.... The MAMIL's (Middle Aged Man In Lycra)

When i come across one or 2 together, they arn't too bad, they move over.
But when i come up behind a peloton of them (whole lane wide, 3 car lengths deep), they have a different attitude!
They think road rules no longer exist...

Last time this happened, instead of waiting for clear space to pass them, i just filtered through them.... You should have seen them move then!
Sound of the Storm under back-pressure as you are mere feet from their back wheel, seems to reset the logic switch in their heads.
Next moment, you have a nice opening to ride on passed.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by callam_nffc »

Haha good on you mate
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by agentpineapple »

curly wrote:I haven't been on here for a while but I've been a cyclist longer than I've been a motorcyclist.
There's good and bad in all walks of life so don't knock all cyclists.
Too much negativity towards them on here for my liking, and before anyone tells me I don't know what I'm on about I drive a car as well as a motorcycle and class 2 lgv in my job.
What amazes me is the way people slow down for horses, do about 2 mph and then give them a wide berth. Then when they see a cyclist they speed up and miss them by about an inch, pathetic.
perhaps that's because the horse hasn't got an ipod on and doesn't swerve out of the way of tiny puddles straight into a someone approaching them from behind....... :roll:
the bottom line is people wouldn't have such a negative view of cyclists if they followed the rules more often, just my 2 pence worth fella.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Wicky »

agentpineapple wrote:
perhaps that's because the horse hasn't got an ipod on and doesn't swerve out of the way of tiny puddles straight into a someone approaching them from behind....... :roll:
the bottom line is people wouldn't have such a negative view of cyclists if they followed the rules more often, just my 2 pence worth fella.
AP - when did you last ride a push bike in London?
Indeed, Professor Stephen Glaister, director of motorists' advocacy group the RAC Foundation, suggests much of the hostility on the roads stems from a lack of understanding and suggests levelling out the legislation would reassure drivers that the rules were being applied fairly.

"In some ways, road users are tribal in their nature; loyal to their fellow drivers or cyclists, and dismissive of - or antagonistic towards - those who choose to travel by another method," he says.

"Subjecting everyone who uses the public highway to the same laws might actually forge better relationships between us all and erode the idea held by many that those who travel by an alternative mode routinely make up rules of the road to suit themselves."

But some bike-users reject the idea that anecdote and mutual suspicion should drive policy.

In particular, Guardian columnist and cycling advocate Zoe Williams says she is exasperated by the references to red light-jumping whenever bikes are discussed.

She insists the practice largely stems from fear, not arrogance, due to the high number of cyclists killed each year by heavy goods vehicles turning left at junctions, and says ministers should concentrate on tackling such deaths if they really want to make the roads safer.

She adds: "Can you imagine if every time we talked about cars people complained about drivers doing 80mph on the motorway?

"Most cyclists are actually pretty timid. You're constantly living on your wits because you're vulnerable. Instead of drawing up laws like this we should be encouraging cycling and making it easier."
In 2008, there were 13,272 recorded collisions between cars and bicycles, resulting in the deaths of 52 cyclists and no car drivers or passengers

A study of collisions between cyclists and other vehicles from 2005-07 found police allocated blame to drivers in 60% of cases, to the cyclist in 30% and to both parties in the remainder
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by agentpineapple »

and how much damaged was caused by cyclists who just rode off never to be seen again?
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by BigVeeGrin »

on the 'sticking to the rules' bit. This is tricky as by nature we all cheat, it's part of being human. So it happens in terms of transport & we see others actions from the view of whatever we are at the time - a biker, pedestrian, car driver, cabbie, bus driver etc. On our bikes what we see as perfectly reasonable because of our knowledge of the bike's capabilities etc appears as downright dangerous to a car driver and so on. So car drivers jump lights, enter box junctions with no clear exit, speed, dodge m-way lanes, use the wrong lanes at roundabouts, wont let someone in in a queue etc just to gain a minor advantage. All road users do it, we all do it in life.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by curly »

agentpineapple wrote:
curly wrote:I haven't been on here for a while but I've been a cyclist longer than I've been a motorcyclist.
There's good and bad in all walks of life so don't knock all cyclists.
Too much negativity towards them on here for my liking, and before anyone tells me I don't know what I'm on about I drive a car as well as a motorcycle and class 2 lgv in my job.
What amazes me is the way people slow down for horses, do about 2 mph and then give them a wide berth. Then when they see a cyclist they speed up and miss them by about an inch, pathetic.
perhaps that's because the horse hasn't got an ipod on and doesn't swerve out of the way of tiny puddles straight into a someone approaching them from behind....... :roll:
the bottom line is people wouldn't have such a negative view of cyclists if they followed the rules more often, just my 2 pence worth fella.
I never wear an iPod when cycling and I don't swerve for puddles! Bit of water never hurt anyone. I always play by the rules. I'm very surprised by the attitude to cyclists on here. I always thought 2 wheels good!
And to be honest there are plenty of Richard on motorbikes too, just my 2 pence worth fella.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by callam_nffc »

Im really into cycling, to the point where my bike cost almost as much as my storm,
but i genuinely think that as soon as they start donning the lycra they enter a mental state where they think theyre invincible
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by Salty Dog »

Laws are one thing... And there are Richard in EVERY mode of transport.
I just find its more a common sense pecking order type thing.

We take our risks on the roads with those bigger than us (Cars, Vans, Trucks, Tractors) I know when a truck is coming at me, i'm not thinking about laws, i just make sure i'm no where near it.

Cyclists, being at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to personal injury, you'd think they might engage a more "Self Protecting" mind set.
Because the accident might not be their fault. Most do the right thing, all feel pain when stuff goes wrong :)

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by callam_nffc »

I was asked on my bike safe course this question
"at a cross roads a lorry is clearly not going to stop and give way to you like he should, who has right of way?"
clearly most people say themself, so if you carried on, youd be dead
"So youve proceeded as you were the one with right of way, but your killed, now who has right of way?" He carried on...

the officer teaching my course was using this as an example to state that on a bike, just forget "right of way" in most situations as there is no point being correct if it ends up getting you killed

youd think most cyclists would take utmost care to preserve their life, but most dont...
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by BigVeeGrin »

callam_nffc wrote:
youd think most cyclists would take utmost care to preserve their life, but most dont...
i don't think that's true. It's like anything else, there are always a minority who wombles it up for the rest unfortunately.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by StormingHonda »

curly wrote:I haven't been on here for a while but I've been a cyclist longer than I've been a motorcyclist.
There's good and bad in all walks of life so don't knock all cyclists.
Too much negativity towards them on here for my liking, and before anyone tells me I don't know what I'm on about I drive a car as well as a motorcycle and class 2 lgv in my job.
What amazes me is the way people slow down for horses, do about 2 mph and then give them a wide berth. Then when they see a cyclist they speed up and miss them by about an inch, pathetic.
The way I see it, is that the people on the cycle could be your mother, father, brother, sister......well you get the point, so I take care to give them a wide birth the same with Horses where I shut down the throttle and slowly ride past them given them a wide birth that doesnt put my life in danger by moving over to far in the lane.

doens't mean I like it.

I just wished cyclists had some kind of road safety course, which I think should begin in school like the old days, a registration plate and some kind of liability insurance so bad cyclists are identified in the same way as bad drivers and motorcyclists are, we also need to make the cyclist pay an insurance policy to pay for any damage THEY do, I have seen a cyclist come off his bike go head firsts into a stationairy van dent it then ride off, so it does happen.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by seb421 »

Really pisses me off the wombles Muppet that ride on the road and run red lights, if your going to ride on the road stop at the wombles lights nearly hit one of the other day that had run a red light

plus why do they have to ride two an three abreast, narks me does that when they slow the flow of traffic

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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by StormingHonda »

seb421 wrote:Really pisses me off the ferking Muppet that ride on the road and run red lights, if your going to ride on the road stop at the ferking lights nearly hit one of the other day that had run a red light

plus why do they have to ride two an three abreast, narks me does that when they slow the flow of traffic
Yeah I agree, also the ones that mount the pavement and carry on riding, I've also seen them going onto the pavement and then pressing the crossing light so they could go across.
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Re: cyclist nobheads

Post by geodude »

Those pesky motorcyclists that do 80 on the motorway really wind me up. Do they not know it's illegal. pfft.

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