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Post by trebs »

Sharpe1 wrote: Wombat, I ride in Draggin's, which are jeans with kevlar in the right places(I don't know if you've got them over there) and a summer jacket which is basically mesh with body armour and kevlar panels. Even in winter in the middle of the day it's comfy, although at night or early morning it's nice to have a warm jacket on. In summer when it's 30 or 40deg it still gets hot in the summer jacket but if you can keep moving it's not too bad.
I've seen those armoured mesh jackets here, now you mention it.
They're a bit like frame sliders for bodies :)
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Post by Max »

Sharpe1 said
Wombat, I ride in Draggin's, which are jeans with kevlar in the right places(I don't know if you've got them over there) and a summer jacket which is basically mesh with body armour and kevlar panels. Even in winter in the middle of the day it's comfy, although at night or early morning it's nice to have a warm jacket on. In summer when it's 30 or 40deg it still gets hot in the summer jacket but if you can keep moving it's not too bad.
I got a pair couple of weeks ago and they are great for the warm weather. My mates in their leather or other stuff have beaty swollocks but these allow the air through abit and also the kevlar pad on your butt is really comfy on long distance rides. Though they are not trendily cut though, they do resemble chainsaw trousers but not as thick
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weather watch

Post by philm »

Hi all
weather here in Western Australia at the present is pretty good,although its going to be down to 2 degrees o/nite,which is def electric blanket weather.For us anyway.Much prefer winter riding over here as we dont get
days and days of pouring rain.In between rain periods it can be really pleasant.sunny and crisp mornings etc.I've given up riding the vtr here in summer during the day as sitting in any sort of traffic when its 38-40 degress celcius is no fun.The bike runs like sh**t,engine gets noisy due to thinning out of oil and it gets bloody hot twixt the legs.
Also during winter the surrounding countryside is nice and green although basically flat,but much better looking that the parched brown paddocks,flies that never go away and there is always that infernal thirst, that seems to plague you in the summertime.It's obviously the same the world over,you still see the dills in summer riding around in thongs.shorts and t shirts.some of them really do have find out the hard way.
You just never know when your number is up do you?
On the way home from work this afternoon, I had an appointment at an acupuncturist at 3Pm.He is sorting out a long term neck problem I have.
I made the appointment last Friday for today.His name is William Wu and he said to me on Friday when I made the appointment "see you on Monday Phil"Bugger me I get to the clinic at 2.50.walk up to the front door and its closed.I see a handwritten note on the wall."Due to William Wu's accidental passing away this clinic is closed"I was stunned!Just goes to show you,we have to make every day count.Not sure how he was killed.can only presume it was in a car accident.
Regards PhilM
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Post by eddvtr1000 »

went down craven arms yesterday, nice day out with the lads.
then on the way back guess what, youve guessed it, four little pilchards on 125's no t'shirts shorts and trainers, and to add to the idiocy they were overtaking on double lines. ok it was slow speed 10 to 15 mph but come on :x
4 cyl = 2ltr , 2 cyl = 1ltr it's all relative.
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