Beware of the Red stuff

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Beware of the Red stuff

Post by tattie »

A mate was heading home last week from Inverness on his Hornet 600
whilst passing a junction he came up behind a car, the car moved over to the left to let him pass. He was carrying out the manoeuvre which meant he had to cross the broken white lines at the Northern end of the junction (not in the filter lane) opon entering the area within the broken white line the bike started a massive tankslapper (at less than 60mph) he was thrown from the machine and careered down the opposite carriageway (he is ok apart from a few bruises and a scraped jacket) The bike is pretty well knackered.
The cause of this was recently applied (2 days before ) red grip type stuff on the lane divider. It looked as if it had been applied with a set of harrows.
The police did not charge him with anything and the car driver vouched for his conduct.
He is unsure whether to kick up a row with the Highways maintainance mob
or to grin and bear it.

So beware of the Red Stuff.

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Stormin Ben
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Post by Stormin Ben »

Get him to get back there and get photographs IMMEDIATELY, (if not sooner!!)
He needs to get photos not only of the piles of gravel etc but also from further back to show that there were NOT warning signs.

If this IS the case, and with the car driver as additional backup he should be able to recover money from the highways department of his local council as it is their duty to ensure the road is safe for all users.

The f*ckwits who apply this stuff do indeed leave huge piles about on the road in the mistaken assumption that the excess will get dispersed and it is up to the council (who sub-contracted out to them) to recover the money from them, not you

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Post by essexbloke »

This is of course assuming you can prove, and more importantly, get them to accept that they have been negligent in applying this stuff...

Moreover, assuming that you can do the above, can they prove any negligence against him? if so..... it's a no winner....
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Stormin Ben
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Post by Stormin Ben »

As I said, he needs to get back out there with either a video camera or still camera and maybe a copy of todays paper

I know a couple of mates who were had off by this crap and did manage to get compensation back from it.
However, they don't make it easy so he needs to keep pushing for it coz they're not gonna be banging down his door and forcing money into his hand

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Post by Squiffythewombat »

i agree completly about getting phones, if your even considering a case YOU NEED PHOTOGRAPHIC evidence! its essential as ben said to get a pic (s) of the red stuff, the approach, run off and surounding areas. also its important to have a date in the photo, or a paper as ben said to that the date of filiming cannot be disputed!

Also its worth asking the opinion of the officer at the scene, they word goes far and you never know the stazi might actually be useful this time...

just my 2pence, and so sorry to hear about the bike, hope he gets back on the raod soon!

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