Complaint to BBC News

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Complaint to BBC News

Post by VTRDark »

I just made an official complaint online to the BBC over the style of reporting/interviewing of the London, Vauhall helicopter crash incident.

I first heard about the incident while watching BBC Breakfast at 8.00am. I could see the plumes of smoke, like a Black cloud from my window. I live over the river from the Westland heliport in Battersea.

Here's my complaint.
I would like to complain about the style of Interviewing to witnesses on the scene and the way the incident was being portrayed. The one bit that really stood out to me was the form of questioning used by Susanne Reid to an eye witness on the phone. It felt like she was eager to turn the incident into a possible terrorist attack. At one stage the witness mentioned it was next to the MI5 building. Rather than correcting him and saying that it's the MI6 building, she also mentioned the MI5 building and directed the questioning as if it could have been a terrorist attack. This was dramatisation as the facts where that it's the MI6 building (not MI5) and is not literally next to the incident.

After the interview she later mentioned Parliament as if yet again this could be a possible attack on near by buildings of importance. Parliament is over a mile away. Why mention it. It just felt like it was dramatising something and the vibe I got from watching it was that the presenters where eager to turn it into something it was not, ie a bigger story. It was more like reading a tabloid paper where reporters dramatise/glorify things, than watching the BBC news which should be based on the facts. Should the BBC news be trying to push direct a story in any particular direction to dramatise it. This is not why I watch the BBC news. The BBC news is renowned for it's quality and I feel it is loosing it and becoming more like tabloid reporting. Very disappointing.
I would have liked to say more but I was limited to a certain amount of characters online.

As I said in my complaint the BBC is renowned for it's quality. The news should be based on facts and not portrayed or directed into something it's not. After all it's called news and not Drama.

How do others feel about the state of our news these days?

TBH I am not surprised there has been a helicopter crash, it was only a matter of time. I have noticed a massive increase in air traffic over London (particularly helicopters) over the last few years. As mentioned I live over the river from Londons main Heliport. They fly over my house all the time. I have also noticed that they fly a lot lower than I believe they are officially allowed to over residential areas and deviate from their official flight paths. I have looked at the flight paths on the Westland Heliports site! This I think is because of the increase in commercial traffic. It's unreliable when there are major events on like the British Grand Prix or Ascot. The helicopter transport the business men/woman and the rich and famous backwards and forwards, one after another like the carriages of a a train. One will be waiting/hovering over this side of the river while another is taking off or landing. It's that busy.

Should commercial air traffic be cut down to save further incidents like this?

Your thoughts please.

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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by Wicky »

Firstly Susanna Reid can do no wrong :wink:

Is the problem BBC Breakfast programme speculating on the possibility of terrorist attack on the basis of city aircraft crash on the basis of 9/11 precedent?

Breakfast IMHO is more of a lite 'news' show and demonstrates difficulty on strict reporting of pure facts on breaking events, when these fact are derived from potentially fallible reports human beings on a shifting situation. Live text on the BBC website is reporting unconfirmed speculative reports* from eye witnesses - should they not publicly report these?

*1148: Matt Prodger BBC News correspondent A member of the public told police three months ago that there was no warning light illuminated on the crane in Vauxhall.
James Harvard, a 36-year-old web developer who lives about 800 yards from the scene, tweeted the crew of the Metropolitan Police helicopter, @MPSinthesky on 22 October to voice his concerns.
@harvardjames wrote: "cranes have red light so aircraft can see, yes? Crane atop new tower at Vauxhall had none y'day. Problem?"
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by Jazzscot »

All news program's try and dramatise events in my opinion. If I want no nonsense facts I usually visit Reuters as they tick the boxes for me.
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by mr.john.coates »

I followed the link to the BBC - noticed there is a dead motorbike in the foreground. Wonder if his insurance covers being hit by flaming helicopter?
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by VTRDark »

Breakfast IMHO is more of a lite 'news' show and demonstrates difficulty on strict reporting of pure facts on breaking events, when these fact are derived from potentially fallible reports human beings on a shifting situation.
I agree and appreciate it's difficult to make head or tails of something that is live and happening right then. It was the way that it was being portrayed and to keep repeating things that are as of yet not confirmed. She should have corrected the fact that is an MI6 building and not MI5 and if she did not know then someone should have mentioned something in ear piece. A simple "I've just been told it's the MI6 building not MI5" would have been quite sufficient.
All news program's try and dramatise events
This what used to make the BBC stand out from rest as they would be more factual than other sources and what puts them in a different league. But these days it seems they are getting more dramatised about things. I don't know if it's because of the way modern media works now with the introduction of more live feeds from the public and less reliable sources. Or if it's the management and just a case of getting a story out and one one-upmanship over other tv news/paper sources. I think Reuters is where the BBC get a lot of their non live information from, but it's what they do with the information they get, and how they can add/remove details. Edit things and tailor it the way they want.

I did wonder about the motorcyclist. What happened to him/her.

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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by NHSH »

I think any news agency that is for profit, will always have the facts dramatized a bit more then reality, It's just part of doing business, there is also the Media BIAS depending on who is funding this business, like in FOX vs CNN. There for you will never get the true picture as it is really on the ground.
Not sure if you have in the UK true independent news agency, in the US we have this news agency you may have heard about called NPR that truly report things as they are, also the reason why the Government cut their funds to NPR some time ago, it was suppose to serve very small group of people, but it took off to a level the Government didn't expect. Too much of true to handle!
now it's all funded by donations only from listeners and you get a true bargain for the money!
If you noticed it is not a .com entity, because it's not for making profit.
Is there anything similar in the UK???
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by sirch345 »

Well done Carl for taking the time to email the BBC on how you felt about this incident :clap:
I agree with what you say.

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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by VTRDark »

NHSH I have not heard of anything like that here in the UK, but the BBC is funded by the License payers ie us. Basically anyone that owns a TV is supposed, forced into with no choice accept break the law :roll: to purchase a yearly TV license. This is why the BBC have no advertisements. All other channels are subsidised via advertisements. There is obviously the political influence/control for all channels with £££'s going in the back pockets but that's another matter.

Chris it was something that niggled me. and as a so called license payer :roll: I thought it was wrong. The quality of the BBC news has been going downhill for a while now which saddens me to a degree. I felt passionate about it to make an official complaint. Maybe if they have had or get more of these sort complaints, then maybe things will change and the BBC's quality will improve to what it used to be. Or at the very least someone could have a quite word in the ear of the producers "did you know a complaint has been made against you bla blah blah". They may then even make a subconscious effort to improve their interview/presenting techniques.

They did not directly say it, but they where pushing in that direction, insinuating the possibility that it could be a terrorist attack. Could you imagine the panic that would possibly cause if viewers where led to believe it. Then yet again it can be used as an excuse to increase security and put more cameras up. :thumbdown:

It's been very quite here all day. No planes or helicopters. Strange, a little eerie. Seems they may have closed the flight paths down.

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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by NHSH »

I wish more people did what you did Carl.... someone have to tel them when they do really wrong!!!
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by Wicky »

They did not directly say it, but they where pushing in that direction, insinuating the possibility that it could be a terrorist attack.
Well when it was happening in the raw, and after 9/11 then it was a possibility, a small possibility but nothing anyone could rule out upon witnessing it. What did you think had happened from what you saw out the window? I wasn't up in time to see it breaking live on TV like you but I'm sure she wasn't behind a desk formally reading prepared news of an autocue. And was just trying to make sense from sketchy ambiguous reports.


What would you say is in the picture?

Start worrying if the BBC report 'burst gas mains' as this was the coverup for 2 months when V2 rockets first began landing in London, henceforth V2s were known as "flying gas mains"
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by Wicky »

Drew Lovell was in his van on the way to picking up waste bins in St George Wharf when he heard the helicopter hit the crane.

"I heard the helicopter and it was absolutely deafening. It sounded like it was above the van so I reversed it up and got out," he said.

"I heard a massive big bang. I could hear the rotas going then suddenly nothing. I looked again - it was like slow motion - and there was a massive plume of black smoke, so I jumped out of the van and ran across.

"It was carnage, absolute carnage.

"There was a guy walking towards me, he'd just made it through bridge and he was smouldering. He must have been thrown off the motorcycle. He was worried about his motorcycle as it was leaking oil on the floor.

"I tried to help him, his back was on fire, the back of his coat was melted."
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by darkember »

Missing the point. What about the poor souls that are lost with that incident.
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by Wicky »

No point - Just remembered the news showing the bike on the ground in the foreground. And dug around for any reference to what happened to the rider, and it seems thankfully they survived. RIP for those that died in the crash.
darkember wrote:Missing the point. What about the poor souls that are lost with that incident.
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by MacV2 »

Well done for getting up off your butt & complaining Carl...Er shouldn't that be sitting down & complaining :confused

Anyhow we shall have to start calling you Carl Whitehouse Aggrived of Fulham, from now on... :lol:


Carl White house showing smug grin after rattling off yet another complaining e-mail to the Man...

In all seriousness, a terrible accident with thankfully just a few causalities. RIP.

Apparently the crane driver was late for work this morning...PHEW!
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Re: Complaint to BBC News

Post by mr.john.coates »

Wicky wrote: Image

What would you say is in the picture?
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