Ex's and dumb women

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Ex's and dumb women

Post by TonyW650 »

Hey all.
Ok I expect you have read my previous post about the ex's and leeds and all that lot.

Heres one for you, went out today, got my kids for half term, and thought I would go see my mum over in margate, well my back decided to kick off so I though I#ll turn round and go back home, decided to try to take a short cut and got lost.
So pulled sat nav out glove compartment, hit the home button on the screen and it took me to folkestone down this road and you can guess whos car was parked up!
But the Ex's, the cow must have used my sat nave to find her new house and she done that 2 months ago, we think the money she kept borrowing off me was to get the deposit together!
Well as some of you are aware she was given a e-mail on the 20th as a 14 day notice of intent, she replied saying that she couldnt get her stuff until 3 week of Nov, well sorry, you have lied and deceived me so much baldrocks you got until sunday this week end, going to send her a letter recored mail and wait for the shock lol
monday of next week its going to be on the drive and I will give everything to charity!
Dont mess me around and try to deceive me, she has even been phoning my ex wife up trying to find out what I'm like when I do get angry as it happens so rearly, well the ex wife and I get on so well now she fed the ex girlfriend that I can be a complete arese hole, mess with him and he loses his temper he will go out of his way to make your life a living hell and I wouldnt put it past him to throw your stuff out.
lets see what happens, tell you something I was gob smacked when the satnav took me to folkestone, even more when I drove past her car I was laughing so much I stalled the car at end of road!
She must have programmed it into the satnav, as Ive not used it for months since my back kicked right off! Silly women!
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Re: Ex's and dumb women

Post by agentpineapple »

she don't sound like the sharpest tool in the box....... :lol:
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Re: Ex's and dumb women

Post by VTRDark »

she don't sound like the sharpest tool in the box....... :lol:
I was thinking the same thing. What stupid cow. :lol: :lol:

Hey Tony she's given you her new address now :D Don't take any crap from her you have all the ace cards mate. :thumbup:

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Re: Ex's and dumb women

Post by TonyW650 »

Guys Ive had a sh1t day for news, that was the only good bit of the day!

Spoken to my HR department they are now trying to say I'm medically unfit to do my job, which I am really and are looking at that route to get ride of me and have arrange a medical for tomorrow(friday) to assess the situation.
they have also informed me that I have had all my full pay sick pay and now am only entitled to either half pay or SSP.
Have spoken to my landlord to advise of the situation and have been basically told that he don't want any one in the property I'm in on benefits and is going to serve me with a notice to quit( checked my tenancy agreement and it states I months notice required from either party.
So got to look at getting all my stuff sorted out and in storage, have spoken to CAB for a appointment to find out more information of where I stand in all this.
Got the forms to go on the housing list but have been informed that basically if I do get evicted I'll end up in a bed sit.
Now feeling rather stressed, all this right before Christmas, back has kicked of again and up a notch or 3 and I'm struggling to keep it all in check, to many balls in the air as the saying goes.

feel crap and cant sleep!
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Re: Ex's and dumb women

Post by lloydie »

persevere things will get better lets be honest they have to 8O .
a bedsit is still a roof above your head mate , i lived in one for two years after i split from the ex and just used it as a start point to rebuild my life its also helped as it was cheap to rent as i was out of work ,
a ground floor one would be best for you me thinks . :idea:
and moving into a bedsit will help you get rid of all the crap you think you will need/use one day but never will .
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Re: Ex's and dumb women

Post by seb421 »

Fook that bint off mate, don't give her the time of day, throw the c*nts stuff out and call it a day,

she's still gone to be a head fuk for you until your six feet under if you continue to contact her or show any interest or willingness to be nice,

just sever all ties,

best thing i did was never speaking to an ex again,

fair sure she still lives locally but i've not seen even seen her for over four years, i would like to keep it that way, i just avoid the local sh1t holes where the Horwich town fiddler drink thinking there hard men and that, infact i don't go out boozing any more just cant stand fiddler or pissed up random idiots prefer low key stuff with mates any way gone off topic now...

I have seen her in her car a few times, its been great being on the bike pulling past it about 4 and half thousand rev's when it comes on full song up to the red line as you pass scares the sh1t out of them :) and best off all she don't know i have a bike so must think i'm just some sadistic noisy b8stard! hahahahaha :twisted:

You always think a bird is good, but the next one is always better! :plainsmile

Shitter on the Job front tho,

Chin up buddy :thumbup:

Fingers crossed something works out soon you're due a winning streak

when you get some free cash book some tickets to watch somthing, watched Katie Melua last month that was simply amazing live, James Toseland (her husband) was there with his family too.
Next month i'm watching Seal and in January i'm watching Paloma Faith looking forward to both should keep me entertained with no MotoGP to look forward to for a good while

have a mooch on ticketmaster see if there is anything you fancy that's not over priced go along with a mate you might meet the next Woman in your life that shares a genuine similar interest

:Beer Popcorn:

Remember Tony your amazing don't let them get you down!


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Re: Ex's and dumb women

Post by pariah »

Tony seek legal avice regarding your land lord kicking you out. He could be breaking the law if he,s using not wanting people on benefits . This might come under a discrimination act maybe. Get a free half hour with a solicitor that deals in housing problems ?

Re , your work problem. Also again seek legal advice. Search for medical severance pay in google. If you except this pay off, you can no longer go back on them should your back worsen and cause peoplems for the rest of your life, People forget that any pay off will subject to the usual tax deductions. Plus if they do lay you off under medical grounds, they should pay your solicitors costs in making your decision before excepting , plus the solicitor may find out if they have broken the law in your case and may beable to take them to a Employment Tribunal ?
I Know it,s not easy with what you having to put up with right now, but please dont sit back and let them get away with this Tony. To many people just walk away in this age.
PS: I forgot to mention, there is the equality act 2010 that protects you. There Doctors report should indicate if you meet this requirement. ? My medical reports all indicate this to my employer who at present is possibley looking at doing the same to me. Hope all goes well , Let us know how things develop , i,m sure i,m right by saying that were all here for you mate.

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Re: Ex's and dumb women

Post by lumpyv »

pariah wrote:Tony seek legal avice regarding your land lord kicking you out. He could be breaking the law if he,s using not wanting people on benefits . This might come under a discrimination act maybe. Get a free half hour with a solicitor that deals in housing problems ?

Re , your work problem. Also again seek legal advice. Search for medical severance pay in google. If you except this pay off, you can no longer go back on them should your back worsen and cause peoplems for the rest of your life, People forget that any pay off will subject to the usual tax deductions. Plus if they do lay you off under medical grounds, they should pay your solicitors costs in making your decision before excepting , plus the solicitor may find out if they have broken the law in your case and may beable to take them to a Employment Tribunal ?
I Know it,s not easy with what you having to put up with right now, but please dont sit back and let them get away with this Tony. To many people just walk away in this age.
PS: I forgot to mention, there is the equality act 2010 that protects you. There Doctors report should indicate if you meet this requirement. ? My medical reports all indicate this to my employer who at present is possibley looking at doing the same to me. Hope all goes well , Let us know how things develop , i,m sure i,m right by saying that were all here for you mate.

+ 1 on all that. i dont think he can boot you out just for being on benefits? . i was once in a position to rent a house out and in the end i actively sought out a tenent on benefits (single mum) cos the council paid her rent by D/Debit on the same day every month. no chasing :thumbup:
hope your luck turns mate
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